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在考虑了行业内不完全市场竞争条件下,竞争对手的随机进入及新技术随机出现对项目投资机会的价值影响,假设标的资产服从跳--扩散过程,获得了技术创新成果转化项目的投资机会的价值的模型.研究结果表明,若忽视行业中不完全市场竞争、竞争对手随机进入及新技术随机出现的影响,将会造成投资项目价值的不合理的估计. 相似文献
《孙子兵法》是我国也是世界上最早、最完整、最卓越的军事理论著作,是中华民族数千年灿烂文明长河中,令世界叹为观止的闪烁着真理光芒的文化瑰宝,一直为世人所推崇。《孙子兵法》为世界第一“兵学盛典”,已在世界范围内广泛传播,应用领域极为广泛,更倍受商界青睐。日本企业家将其奉为至宝,美国商人视其为“金科玉律”。军队是在战场上拼杀,企业是在市场上作战,二者有相当的相似性,《孙子兵法》是伟大的商战博弈论,故可为现代商战所用。《孙子兵法》中“上兵伐谋”的战略思想、“五事七计”的决策思想、不战而胜的“全胜”思想、“以利制权”的“权变”思想,则是现代商战的制胜法宝。 相似文献
连建辉 《广东金融学院学报》2007,22(5):15-22
从社会资金流动视点观察,银行的经济性质是社会资金流动的管道,银行的基本功能是为经济活动中的资金流动提供管道服务。商业银行制度演进的实质,是社会资金流动管道功能的发展,是对现代市场经济中资金流动新态势的真实再现。中国的商业银行改革和发展的路径,是实现从原来的国家融资工具向社会资金流动管道的转变。 相似文献
宋晓燕 《上海对外经贸大学学报》2019,(4):5-13
《中华人民共和国外商投资法》取代原有外资三法成为现今我国外商投资管理的基础性法律。本文从国民待遇原则、外资促进和保护、竞争中性、国家安全审查及配套措施五个重要问题出发,探析了《外商投资法》的实施对我国经济发展的影响。 相似文献
This paper examines the volume distribution of option trade prices that occurs when the underlying stock price remains constant. The width of these option trade price bands provides direct evidence on the law of one price and the redundancy of options assumed in many option models. We find that index option bands are narrower than equity option bands. Furthermore, for both equity and index options, puts have narrower bandwidths than calls. In general, option price bandwidth is narrow and can be explained by the minimum price movement allowed by the Chicago Board Options Exchanges (CBOE). This supports the single price law and the redundancy assumption. The existence of bid/ask quotes on the option does not materially affect the above results although it does alter the frequency of multiple option trade prices for a given underlying stock price. We note that over 53% of option trading volume occurs without bid/ask quotes on the CBOE compared to less than 15% a decade ago. Our results suggest that the effective bid/ask spread on options is probably no larger than the minimum price movements allowed by the CBOE. Furthermore, the need for the liquidity services of market makers may be declining if the decline in quoting activity stems from cross trading (i.e. trades not involving market makers). 相似文献
This paper presents a systematic comparison between the determinants of euro and US dollar yield spread dynamics. The results show that US dollar yield spreads are significantly more affected by changes in the level and the slope of the default-free term structure and the stock market return and volatility. Surprisingly, euro yield spreads are strongly affected by the US (and not the euro) level and slope. This confirms the dominance of US interest rates in the corporate bond markets. Interestingly, I find that liquidity risk is higher for US dollar corporate bonds than euro corporate bonds. For both regions, the effect of changes in the bid-ask spread is mainly significant during periods of high liquidity risk. Finally, the results indicate that the credit cycle as measured by the region-specific default probability significantly increases US yield spreads. This is not the case for euro yield spreads. 相似文献
首先阐述了企业应对反倾销会计信息证据效力保障机制的研究意义,明确了该机制研究的理论基础是由一个整合理论框架,以及严谨的概念基础和良好的创新语境等组成。然后,对国内外研究现状进行了动态分析,把国内学者相关研究的新进展和成效,国外经典的研究方法体系和关注企业策略性行为对反倾销的影响,战略性"反倾销管理"理念,作为设计我国企业应对反倾销会计信息证据效力保障机制的借鉴,从企业战略层面及相应的制度配置与协调上,构建了与我国企业应对反倾销相适应的会计信息证据效力保障机制。 相似文献
This paper investigates a consumption-real exchange rate anomaly from the open macroeconomics literature known as the Backus-Smith puzzle. We both analytically and quantitatively examine how an expansion of trade along extensive margins can contribute to the puzzle's resolution. Our argument is based on 1) a wealth effect due to changes in the number of product varieties, 2) statistical inefficiency in measuring the number of product varieties, and 3) market incompleteness. Contrary to complete asset markets which, in general, feature overly strong risk sharing properties, changes in the number of product varieties under incomplete markets may produce a wealth effect under high trade elasticity. Since statistical agencies systematically fail to capture the welfare impact arising from that changes, data-consistent terms of trade and real exchange rates tend to appreciate due to this positive wealth effect. This provides a realistic correlation between data-consistent real exchange rates and consumption. 相似文献
发达国家、新兴市场国家和转型经济国家的银行业经历了不同的改革历程,已有研究分别对这些国家的银行业自由化、私有化以及其中的引进外资等各种改革模式,调查或检验了微观层次与宏观层次的经济效果,并对相关的影响因素进行了分析。这些研究涉及单一国家的背景或多国比较,得出的结论不尽相同。在探究影响因素方面,一些研究分析了制度环境的影响,以及改革在不同利益主体间的财富分配,即效率与公平问题。针对中国银行业改革的研究则表明,国有商业银行选择的改革方式对改制效果、外资金融机构进入中国市场的方式以及中国金融业的竞争格局产生了重大影响。 相似文献
Debra L. Krolick 《The International Journal of Accounting》2005,40(2):115-132
I explore whether the type of accounting performance measure used in the CEO bonus plan provides an indication of the informativeness of the firm's financial statements for purposes of performance evaluation. Using contingency table analysis and LOGIT regressions, I find firms with high levels of unrecorded intangible assets rely significantly less often on accounting rate-of-return measures (vs. earnings alone) in executive bonus plans. 相似文献