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给出一种不用液压装置的可调节夹紧机构,并应用连杆分类学技术推导出一组该机构的异构体,以提供更多的选择方案,对现有的推导方式进行了简化,通过将推导重点放在局部关键技术部位,使连杆类配方案大大减少,推导结果更具针对性和实用性,并可方便的进行手工推导。文章给出了详细的推导过程。  相似文献   
陈平 《特区经济》2008,(6):142-144
中国在全球化进程中,一些深层次的问题和各种新的挑战日益显现,形成经济发展的瓶颈,例如环境问题、资源问题、国际竞争力问题、社会分配问题,等等。深究其因,很多问题可以在体制上找到根源。因此,本文认为应创建和创新中国特色的制度体系,建立社会主义的"市场经济+民主政治+法制国家",以此破解体制弊端,确保和谐社会的建立和持续发展。  相似文献   
屈海群 《特区经济》2008,(3):100-101
中国—东盟自由贸易区成立后,双边纺织品服装贸易发展非常迅速。自贸区"降税计划"的启动,为我国开辟东盟及国外市场带来了非常大的机遇。我国应充分利用自贸区内的区域性分工来加强与东盟的合作,以规避该行业的外贸风险,最终达到双赢的目的。  相似文献   
African leaders have not used processes in constitutional reforms that would result in institutions that could, in turn, reduce ethnicity (ethnic consciousness and mobilization for effective ethnic group demands on the state). Popular methods used to manage ethnicity have serious costs and weaknesses. Proposed are constitutional reforms via stable equilibrium determination processes. Focal points embedded in the cultures of the groups, relating to political institutions, distributive justice, and societal civility should facilitate the tasks. Important as enabling factors are leadership activities within civil society, inter alia to promote mutual respect, generalized trust, and pluralistic solidarity. JEL Classification: D74, O55, Z13.  相似文献   
从2005年7月21日汇改后,人民币汇率的波动远大于汇改之前,由此给企业形成的汇兑损益将会更加不稳定。在此背景下,本文通过研究上市公司重点行业近几年汇兑损益的变化,并就汇兑损益对企业财务费用和利润影响进行了实证分析,得出汇兑损益和企业利润存在正相关关系,在此基础上,提出了企业控制外汇风险、减少汇兑损失的相关措施。  相似文献   
近年煤炭行业形势较好,较多的非煤企业进入煤炭行业,因此牵涉到企业对于煤炭板块在整个公司定位,本文通过对国内部分企事业的调查研究,结合相关企业的情况及管理方式的发展趋势,提出了非煤企业煤炭板块组织框架先进的模式,该模式减少管理层级,降低管理成本,提高管理效率。  相似文献   
针对煤炭企业部分QC小组活动流于形式、成果质量不高、活动效率偏低的现象进行了分析研究,提出在开展精细化管理工作过程中,要建立起一套科学高效的QC活动流程,做好QC小组活动现场资源的精细管理,加强对QC小组活动的精细化考核。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the severity of ruin in a discrete semi-Markov risk model. It is shown that the work of Reinhard and Snoussi (Stochastic Models, 18) can be extended to cover the case where the premium is an integer value and no restriction on the annual result is imposed. In particular, it is shown that the severity of ruin without initial surplus is solution of a system of equations. It can be obtained by a monotonically converging algorithm when the claims are bounded.  相似文献   
中国的工业大国国情与工业强国战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对于一个处于工业化中期后半阶段的发展中大国而言,将工业发展问题仅仅从产业战略层面来认识是不够的,我国缺乏的是从基本国情高度和国家战略层面认识工业发展问题。本文认为,中国的现实基本经济国情是"工业大国",正处于从"工业大国"向"工业强国"转变的阶段。基于这样的国情认识,本文描述了世界工业强国的特征和指标,论述了我国经济发展战略应该是以建立工业强国为目标的工业强国战略,研究了工业强国战略的必要性、目标、重点任务和政策导向。本文判断,中国将在2020年前后初步建成世界工业强国,在2040年前后全面建成世界工业强国。  相似文献   
In this paper we analyse the indirect effects of the boom in horticultural exports in Senegal on child schooling. The export boom has caused a dramatic increase in female off-farm wage employment, which led to increased female bargaining power in the household. We investigate the causal effect of female wage income on primary school enrolment. We develop a collective household model with endogenous bargaining power to show that, if women have higher preferences for schooling than men, the impact of female wage income on school enrolment will be the result of a positive income effect, a negative labour substitution effect and a positive empowerment effect. We address the question empirically using original household survey data from Senegal. We use different econometric techniques and show that female off-farm wage income has a positive effect on primary school enrolment for both boys and girls, and that female empowerment is specifically important for the schooling of girls. Our results imply that the horticultural export boom in Senegal has indirectly contributed to the second and third Millennium Development Goals of universal primary education and elimination of gender disparities in primary education.  相似文献   
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