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The “human appropriation of net primary production” (HANPP) has been suggested as a comprehensive indicator to measure impacts of human land use on ecosystems. It accounts for (a) human-induced changes in biological productivity and (b) biomass harvest. This study presents an analysis of aboveground HANPP in the Philippines between 1910 and 2003, a period characterized by massive deforestation and increases in land use intensity and biomass extraction. Results show a steep increase of aboveground HANPP from just below 35% of potential productivity in 1910 to slightly above 60% in 1970 and constant values since then. Large-scale changes in land cover and agricultural practices were the main direct determinants of this trajectory in HANPP. Remarkably, HANPP grew at much slower pace than population did: While the amount of NPP appropriated by humans doubled throughout the period, population increased by a factor ten. Increasing efficiency in terms of biomass extraction per unit of area, relying on ever-increasing inputs, and changes in the nation's physical biomass trade balance were of major importance for this difference in growth rates. In the coming decades, the Philippines will have to face the challenge to meet increases in biomass demand without putting even higher strains on the ecosystems.  相似文献   
随着经济全球化的快速发展,国家之间的竞争日益体现为以自主创新能力为核心的综合国力的竞争,越来越多的国家将创新人才培养提升为一项国家战略,作为国家竞争力的主要内容。我国在人才发展总体水平上与世界先进水平相比还有较大差距,主要表现在高层次创新人才匮乏、人才创新能力不强、人才资源开发投入不足等方面。因此,应根据创新人才培养的不同阶段,通过优化课程设置、提高国际化程度、加大科研经费投入、加强培养团队建设、合理设置科研支撑计划项目等途径提升创新人才培养质量。  相似文献   
颗粒物空气污染是世界各国在快速城镇化过程中共同面临的严峻挑战。借助CNKI和Web of science,通过文献查阅整理城市空间在颗粒物污染方面的研究,系统性地总结该研究领域的整体特征与调节颗粒物污染的城市空间规划设计策略。结果显示:1)该研究属于一个新兴而前沿的学术领域,近年来呈持续上升趋势,相关文献主要来自中国、美国、英国与德国;2)绿色空间通过城市尺度的风道网络、绿地系统规划,街区尺度的公园绿地、湖泊湿地、道路绿带、城市森林对颗粒物污染产生消减作用;3)灰色空间通过城市尺度的城市形态优化、土地利用布局、街区尺度的街谷空间改造降低颗粒物污染;4)遥感反演与数值模拟技术(WRF、CFD)为规划设计策略提供技术支撑。最后对已有研究成果进行总结,并提出研究展望。  相似文献   
我国休闲农业产业化发展研究:述评与启示    总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲农业为农业的发展注入了活力,成为农业转型升级、实现农业现代化的重要途径。休闲农业的巨大潜力就在于其多功能性,通过对农业生产活动、农村田园风光、农家生活、农耕文化的资源整合、科学规划及创新开发,能够满足城市居民观光娱乐、休闲度假、农事体验、学习教育、康体怡情等多重需求。休闲农业的未来之路将走向何处、如何走的问题自然而然地成为国内文献研究的一个热点,但研究水平参差不齐。一方面,目前对休闲农业的概念、产业属性、发展原则等具有决定性作用的基础性问题的认知上仍存有诸多分歧;另一方面,有些学者却已高瞻远瞩发现了休闲农业的未来趋势将走向产业化发展道路,并对休闲农业产业化发展的路径与组织方式进行了探讨。文章在总结反思国内文献研究成果的基础上,对休闲农业的概念、产业属性、发展原则及产业集群式的产业化发展路径与多元化的组织形式进行了述评,并得出几点启示,以期促进相关学术研究的深化。  相似文献   
本文对2009年中国证券市场证券投资基金的创新产品进行了综合评述,特别对分级基金进行了投资分析,指出目前市场上数量化投资产品的不足之处,同时指出了2010年基金产品的几个创新方向。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村是应对全球化的必然选择。全球化既给社会主义新农村建设提供了有利条件,也给其带来了不利影响。在全球化不断加深的趋势下,必须按照“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的总体要求,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   
一方面,象征主义诗歌对德彪西思想及音乐创作产生了重要影响,象征主义诗歌是德彪西音乐题材和创作灵感的重要来源,其追求的艺术风格和象征主义诗歌的艺术风格是一致的,其音乐创作手法直接和象征主义诗歌的表现手法相关。另一方面,德彪西的音乐作品以旋律线条朦胧飘忽、和声色彩丰富、变幻莫测、节奏与力度变化细腻、织体处理精妙、配器独特等手法表现出象征主义诗歌所追求的扑朔迷离、充满诗意的境界,呈现出诗化音乐的特征。德彪西的音乐中包含文学性,两者相互渗透、相互结合、不可分割。  相似文献   
利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA程序,采用Lagrange方法,对紫铜脉冲整形器的设计进行研究,结果表明:只要合理的控制脉冲整形器直径,撞击杆的撞击速率,就可以使反射脉冲平台处应变等于入射脉冲上升段的第一拐点处应变,此时混凝土就会以近恒应变率发生形变;对于同一尺寸的混凝土试件,混凝土试件能够达到近恒应变率值与紫铜脉冲整形器的直径之间呈线性增长关系。  相似文献   
Objectives: Complexities in the neuropathic-pain care pathway make the condition difficult to manage and difficult to capture in cost-effectiveness models. The aim of this study is to understand, through a systematic review of previous cost-effectiveness studies, some of the key strengths and limitations in data and modeling practices in neuropathic pain. Thus, the aim is to guide future research and practice to improve resource allocation decisions and encourage continued investment to find novel and effective treatments for patients with neuropathic pain.

Methods: The search strategy was designed to identify peer-reviewed cost-effectiveness evaluations of non-surgical, pharmaceutical therapies for neuropathic pain published since January 2000, accessing five key databases. All identified publications were reviewed and screened according to pre-defined eligibility criteria. Data extraction was designed to reflect key data challenges and approaches to modeling in neuropathic pain and based on published guidelines.

Results: The search strategy identified 20 cost-effectiveness analyses meeting the inclusion criteria, of which 14 had original model structures. Cost-effectiveness modeling in neuropathic pain is established and increasing across multiple jurisdictions; however, amongst these studies, there is substantial variation in modeling approach, and there are common limitations. Capturing the effect of treatments upon health outcomes, particularly health-related quality-of-life, is challenging, and the health effects of multiple lines of ineffective treatment, common for patients with neuropathic pain, have not been consistently or robustly modeled.

Conclusions: To improve future economic modeling in neuropathic pain, further research is suggested into the effect of multiple lines of treatment and treatment failure upon patient outcomes and subsequent treatment effectiveness; the impact of treatment-emergent adverse events upon patient outcomes; and consistent and appropriate pain measures to inform models. The authors further encourage transparent reporting of inputs used to inform cost-effectiveness models, with robust, comprehensive and clear uncertainty analysis and, where feasible, open-source modeling is encouraged.  相似文献   

We elaborate some complex stylized facts related to the Mexican economy. The analyzed period runs from 1960 to 2013 with selected subperiods. Our main findings are: 1) there are involuntary idle capacities in the manufacturing industries; 2) the growth of the Mexican economy is not balanced but unbalanced; 3) there is an inflation-free environment. This fact is consistent with the previous ones; 4) there is a mixed of efficient and inefficient sequences of investment; 5) the stimulus of manufacturing exports on macroeconomic performance has been offset by its imports; 6) the deficits in manufacturing balance and in the current account have been financed without difficulty. Of course, this financing capacity constitutes a second best condition; 7) according to a backward linkages analysis, the towing capacity of manufacturing sector over the Mexican economy would be a larger one if the manufacturing imports penetration had not been so intense since the trade liberalization; and 8) the size of the positive effect of the manufacturing sector on the economy and on the non-manufacturing sectors diminished since the early eighties. Our complex stylized facts highlight the need for an upgrading of the current economic policies.  相似文献   
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