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ABSTRACTIn this paper, we unify two popular approaches for the definition of actuarial ruin with implementation delays, also known as Parisian ruin. Our new definition of ruin includes both deterministic delays and exponentially distributed delays: ruin is declared the first time an excursion in the red zone lasts longer than an implementation delay with a deterministic and a stochastic component. For this Parisian ruin with mixed delays, we identify the joint distribution of the time of ruin and the deficit at ruin, therefore providing generalizations of many results previously obtained, such as in Baurdoux et al. (2016) and Loeffen et al. (in press) for the case of an exponential delay and that of a deterministic delay, respectively. 相似文献
我国利率市场化改革正在稳步地向前推进,利率风险在商业银行经营和管理中的重要性正在、并且将会不断凸现。目前,我国商业银行的利率敏感性资产小于利率敏感性负债,重新定价缺口为负缺口,固定利率住房抵押贷款的推出使重新定价负缺口有进一步扩大的趋势。本文从边际的角度分析了固定利率住房抵押贷款对我国商业银行利率风险的影响。由于目标间的冲突,文章的结尾指出我国商业银行有实现战略转型,由目前短期内净利息收入最大化实现向股东权益价值最大化转变,同时兼顾监管时期内资本金条件约束的现实必要性与迫切性。 相似文献
引进战略投资者是国有企业改革与发展的一种重要模式,同时引进战略投资者又是一项十分复杂的系统性工程,存在着不容忽视的风险.国有企业引进战略投资者存在的风险主要表现在国有企业价值可能被低估、战略投资者可能变为战术投资者、控制权可能旁落、无形资产归属可能产生纠纷、可能出现文化冲突、可能触动法律或国家利益等方面.充分做好引进战略投资者的准备工作、采取有效措施保证企业价值的实现、通过严格考察和有力谈判确定战略投资者、设定必要的约束条件、合理设置股权结构和治理模式是国有企业引进战略投资者风险防范应采取的有效策略. 相似文献
中国信用风险缓释工具创新试点最新进展研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
信用风险缓释工具是中国银行间市场2010年创新试点推出的信用风险管理工具,它将短期融资券、中期票据和贷款等信用产品的信用风险剥离定价,并转移给愿意承担风险的投资者,其推出从根本上改变了商业银行等金融机构信用风险管理的传统特征。通过对信用风险缓释工具试点中投资主体培育、市场定价、做市商机制、信息披露、市场外部环境建设等问题进行研究,有利于信用缓释工具功能的充分发挥,有利于完善债券市场信用风险分担机制、有利于商业银行等投资者动态、专业地管理信用风险。 相似文献
Juha Sipilä Pertti Auerkari Yngve Malmén Anna-Mari Heikkilä Iris Vela Ulrich Krause 《Journal of Risk Research》2013,16(3-4):487-500
Observed autoignition events and extinguishing the resulting smouldering fires in an underground storage system of a coal-fired power plant have provided insight into the array of contributing variables, and some experience on quantifying the risk with alternative scenarios of event initiation, progress and potential mitigation. Although the first attempts to quantify the risk suggest high sensitivity to the sequence of action taken after fire alarm, and no similar storage sites really exist, some recommended preventive, corrective and other mitigating activities can be at least partly defined and improved by using the cumulative experience and parallel efforts in other closed or underground storage sites. However, there are also so-called black (or at least grey) swans: unexpected events for which the facility may be poorly prepared for. In the case of the underground storage silos, such an event was experienced when incoming cold coal during a harsh winter season froze the sewer system that normally protects the stored coal from seepage water. With blocked normal bypass, the seepage water found its way to the coal silos and created large clumps of icy coal that blocked the coal conveyors. Although freezing weather is not unusual at high-latitude power plants, the common methods to combat freezing of coal are mainly useful for open storage sites and above-ground transport. Options for mitigation are discussed, as well as the event chain leading to an event that had never previously occurred. The case is discussed from the point of view of options to prepare for rare or unforeseen events. 相似文献
刘志东 《对外经济贸易大学学报》2006,(3):38-44
根据资产组合理论的本质,理解和掌握资产组合理论具有重要的意义。本文主要从风险度量方法比较、现实金融资产收益的实际分布与相关性、以及金融资产收益的动态变化特征等角度:对资产组合风险度量与选择的相关文献进行回顾与评述。 相似文献
新时期我国金融安全面临的挑战及对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
金融全球化、自由化、电子化三大发展趋势,一方面是金融业务高速增长的重要动力,另一方面是金融风险不断增大的主要诱因.由于国内金融体系的薄弱环节较多,国际金融规则存在严重缺陷,新时期我国金融安全面临的挑战相当严峻.为此,我国必须深化金融机构体制改革,改进金融监管体制,构建多层次的金融市场体系,适度控制金融市场开放的进程,完善金融监管法律体系. 相似文献
奇瑞汽车由单一品牌向多品牌的战略转移 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
面对国际全球金融危机对汽车产业形成致命打击、汽车产业濒临严峻挑战的形势之下,奇瑞公司逆势而上,做出如此极具风险的战略转移决策,即从2009年起实施单一品牌向多品牌的战略转移。文章试图在对品牌战略理论进行梳理的基础上,就奇瑞实施品牌战略转移的动因进行深层次分析,探讨奇瑞多品牌战略所面临的主要风险,并提出奇瑞多品牌战略的实施构想。 相似文献
文章从分析中日之间的投资状况入手,比较和分析日本福冈县的生存环境、投资环境、政策环境等方面,寻找差距和障碍。通过分析表明,中国企业到日本投资的区域选择非常重要,进入日本投资的一条可行途径是选择日本福冈作为桥头堡,进而辐射日本全国。 相似文献
论事业单位的财务风险传导机制 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
事业单位的经济活动基本上是非营利性的,因此,与企业经营活动财务风险相比,事业单位风险属非经营风险。随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,事业单位经济业务呈现出复杂化,财务管理工作由潜式风险管理变为显式风险管理。 相似文献