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Using two large samples for 1988 and 1995 we decompose the Gini coefficient of household income according to type of income with the purpose of analyzing reasons for the rapid increase of inequality. The results show that the change in relative size of money income and its changed profile are found to be the major processes behind the rapid increase of income inequality in rural China. Changes in housing allocation and an increased number of retirees in combination with higher benefits have made inequality increase in urban China and in China as a whole. JEL classification: D31, P27.  相似文献   
This paper provides an empirical analysis of the factors accounting for inflation dynamics in Ghana using the bounds test and other econometric approaches. We find that real output, nominal exchange rate, broad money supply, nominal interest rate and fiscal deficit play a dominant role in the inflationary process in Ghana. To the extent that output growth by far has the strongest impact on inflation, targeting supply‐side constraints will help moderate price inflation. The paper concludes that inflation in Ghana is explained by a combination of structural and monetary factors consistent with prior studies.  相似文献   
我国成人教育面对知识经济的冲击,表现出创新特色不突出、教学形式与内容落后等问题。为适应知识经济创新,实现学习终身化、知识教育化的要求,必须从总体上对我国成人教育进行改革。  相似文献   
我国产业竞争力和产业发展具有一定的优势和机遇,同时也面临相当大的困境和挑战。财税政策在提升产业竞争力中具有极其重要的作用,提升我国产业竞争力,必须改革和完善有关的财税政策,促进我国产业经济的发展。  相似文献   
邓萌  梁晓伟 《特区经济》2010,(2):191-192
1949年新中国成立后,在土地改革和农业社会主义改造完成的基础上,中国共产党加强了对农村工作的领导和建设。十一届三中全会后,随着农村改革实践的深入,农业生产力得到了解放与发展,农村面貌发生了巨大变化,中国共产党适应农村发展变化了的新实际,提出了建设社会主义新农村;并结合我国农村改革发展的不断深化,把建设社会主义新农村推向新的发展阶段,进一步促进了农业发展、农村稳定和农民增收,加速了全面建设小康社会的步伐。  相似文献   
探析德国职业教育教学改革中的行动导向法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在普通教育大环境中成长起来的职业教育研究,无论是教育内容所传授的知识类型,还是教育对象所具有的智力类型,都有其特殊性。我国职业教育改革的重点,迫切需要彻底打破学科、“大专业”体系,恢复职业教育的“本来面目”,其结果必定是教学方法的改革。在德国,作为一种已经被实践证明的有效方法,行动导向法在职业能力的培养中体现出了突出的优越性。加强行动导向教学法的研究,总结出一套适合我国国情的职业教育理论,进而推进我国职教事业的发展,在我国具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
Increases in government spending trigger substitution effects—both inter- and intra-temporal—and a wealth effect. The ultimate impacts on the economy hinge on current and expected monetary and fiscal policy behavior. Studies that impose active monetary policy and passive fiscal policy typically find that government consumption crowds out private consumption: higher future taxes create a strong negative wealth effect, while the active monetary response increases the real interest rate. This paper estimates Markov-switching policy rules for the United States and finds that monetary and fiscal policies fluctuate between active and passive behavior. When the estimated joint policy process is imposed on a conventional new Keynesian model, government spending generates positive consumption multipliers in some policy regimes and in simulated data in which all policy regimes are realized. The paper reports the model's predictions of the macroeconomic impacts of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's implied path for government spending under alternative monetary–fiscal policy combinations.  相似文献   
面临复杂多变的外部环境、更为激烈的行业竞争以及内部管理经营的提升,大多数民营企业处在转型期,其发展战略必须做出相应调整,而战略决定组织结构,势必要进行企业组织结构的变革以适应其战略,而民营企业由于其创始人或者CEO的素质和特征以及民营企业固有的特性,在组织结构变革中显得更为步履维艰。笔者试图从管理咨询实践中分析民营企业在组织结构变革实施过程中所遇到的难点与症结,并总结民营企业在组织结构变革中所采用的好措施和对策,以期为民营企业更好地进行组织结构变革提供借鉴。  相似文献   
《食品质量管理学》实践教学改革研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品质量管理学是食品质量与安全专业的必修课程,为提高实践教学质量,培养学生的实践能力,从教学内容、教学方法、实践操作能力及考核方式等方面,对食品质量管理学实践教学改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   
我国金融经过近30年的改革和发展,取得了一些重要的成就,但改革的成败却尚无定论。迄今为止的金融改革一直都受政府行为的深刻主导,但已越来越受到金融思想、价值体系甚至意识形态等因素的促进或者阻碍,从而面临发展的“节点”。我国金融进一步发展的动力需要依靠包括政府在内的全社会的思维和观念更加民主、理性、务实.要依靠更广泛、更深刻的金融学术创新。  相似文献   
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