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中国企业人力资本产权变革三次浪潮评析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
人力资本股权化是现代企业产权制度变革的基本逻辑和大趋势.如何在实际操作层面解决"两权分离"悖论,不仅是现代公司制度运作和发展的主题,也是中国企业人力资本产权制度变革的逻辑起点、核心问题和主要矛盾.1992年以来,中国企业人力资本产权变革经历了三次浪潮.目前,对于中国企业来说,实现人力资本股权化、稚行股权激励计划,已经不是什么"理论"问题而是如何实际"行动"的问题.基于人力资本产权制度变革积极推行股权激励计划,是未来中国企业必然而明智的战略选择. 相似文献
The paper introduces a new way of linking microsimulation models with dynamic general equilibrium frameworks to obtain an evaluation of the impact of detailed tax and benefit measures on the aggregate economy. In the approach presented in this paper, income heterogeneity interacts with the macro-economy via aggregated individual labour supply decisions which influence, and are influenced by, the dynamic evolution of the real wage rate. The method involves a reduced-form representation of the information flow between the macroeconomic and microeconomic blocks. The practical usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by evaluating actual and hypothetical tax reforms that involve abandoning the flat tax system in Slovakia. A hypothetical move to a highly progressive tax structure is shown to generate some employment gains but is associated with a drop in aggregate income and tax revenue. 相似文献
企业在经营过程中面临技术环境和制度环境。技术环境要求企业提高生产效率,获取更多利润;制度环境要求组织采取社会认可的组织和制度,提高合法性。合法性是国有企业雇佣关系的基础。从合法性角度出发,我们不难理解国有企业雇佣目标多样化、封闭性、平均性等特征。合法性特征妨碍了国有企业雇佣关系市场化改革的进程。基于以上分析,本文提出了国有企业雇佣关系应该实现从封闭式向开放式,从合法性向效率化进行转变的建议。 相似文献
加入WTO与西部大开发的深入使西部公共资源招标拍卖监管的改革不可避免.面对维护民族经济利益与兼顾WTO规则、"超国民待遇"和"非国民待遇"并存、程序不规范、土地规划科学性不足和腐败滋生等监管中的问题,提出以政府职能转型为监管更新契机,以土地资本和地域空间为监管核心,以城市管理为监管重点,以遏制腐败行为为监管保障. 相似文献
Brett Fiebiger 《Review of Political Economy》2016,28(4):590-608
Thomas Palley, Eric Tymoigne and Randall Wray recently debated neo-Chartalism in this journal. This article argues that the mechanics of modern clearing and settlement systems is important to understanding this debate. In the neo-Chartalist framework taxes and bond issuance function as part of monetary policy; it is an alternative method for draining reserves to obtain the overnight target rate. Abba Lerner’s Chartalist framework is much clearer on public finance, noting that the federal government can use alternative financing methods to pay for expenditures. Palley’s concerns with central bank ‘money financing’ and inflation are unpersuasive. The Old Keynesian ‘budget restraint– high-powered money relation’ offers limited insight into modern clearing and settlement systems. The article concludes that policymakers should embrace Lerner’s advice and view ‘money printing’ as a normal policy instrument to support functional finance. 相似文献
农村税费改革中存在的问题及对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
农村税费改革后,农民的负担减轻了,但税费改革中新出现的一些问题严重影响了税费改革的进程和效果。我国农村税费改革存在着城乡之间、城区与非城区农民之间负担不均衡、农村义务教育投入严重不足、村级经费短缺等亟待解决的问题。为此,应采取加大农村政府机构改革的步伐和力度、加大对农村义务教育的投入、加大中央和省级两级财政转移支付力度等措施,进一步完善农村税费改革。 相似文献
This paper studies how the announcements of fiscal law changes affect the real estate market, focusing on the case of Spain. An announcement of a future fiscal law change gives the opportunity to buyers to advance or delay purchases to maximize fiscal benefits. In particular, we study announcements and their posterior effects about the mortgage tax laws in 1998, 2010, 2011, and 2013 plus the VAT law in 2012. The paper is based on contextually rich data from 2004 through 2015 for Spain, provided by a real estate agent with a strong presence across the Spanish territory. We use two dependent variables to best capture the changes: time on market of a dwelling and the price discount of the dwelling. Simultaneity bias is avoided by considering that the degree of overpricing and atypicality affects time on market but not the selling price. The identification strategy is improved by considering the type of properties most affected by the changes versus the rest of properties, using a difference-in-difference estimation. We consider two tax policy announcements: income tax credit on dwelling purchases and VAT rate change on the purchases of new dwellings. In the case of the income tax credit, this fiscal policy affects only primary accommodations. In the case of the VAT tax rate, only new houses are affected. We show that credible fiscal policy announcements distort the housing market by temporarily decreasing dwellings’ time on market and their price discounts, to immediately and long-lastingly increase them just after the tax policy expires. There is a negative causal effect of tax policy announcements on the housing market. 相似文献
菊邓昂 《经济理论与经济管理》2014,34(6):16-27
本文采用1997-2009年面板数据的变截距及变系数模型,利用控制地区经济开放程度、产业结构变迁、城市化率等因素,对中国30个省市的制度变迁、地方政府支出决策与城乡收入差距之间的关系进行实证分析。结果显示:就全国而言,制度变迁、地方政府对经济活动的干预和地方政府投资性支出均与城乡收入差距呈正相关,而地方政府保障性支出则与城乡收入差距呈负相关;就地区而言,大部分地区在市场化过程中的制度变迁、地方政府投资性支出扩大了城乡收入差距,而半数以上的地区其政府支出规模及其内部保障性支出对城乡收入差距的缩小则有一定促进作用,但不同地区其影响呈现一定的差异性。其政策含义在于,我国在推进市场化进程的同时还要兼顾公平与效率,加强地方政府对收入不平等的调节作用,完善地方财政支出结构特别是社会保障体系,以此来缩小城乡收入差距。 相似文献
在深化国有企业混合所有制改革的政策背景下,相比于采用正向逻辑来研究国有企业与其他所有制企业产能过剩的成因与化解机制异同,本文通过逆向逻辑构造反事实因果推断,即国有企业经过混合所有制改革身份属性发生变更后产能过剩能否得到化解,来探究国有企业产能过剩的制度性成因。在实证分析中,本文通过PSM—多期DID方法识别了国有企业混合所有制改革对于其产能利用率的政策影响,分析了不同市场结构下国有企业规模对产能利用率影响的非线性关系,明晰了国有企业混合所有制改革化解产能过剩的作用途径,探究了产能过剩的制度性根源与衍生因素之间的传递效应。 相似文献