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行政审批是政府对市场和社会资源进行配置的前置性管理手段。为了与社会主义市场经济体制相匹配,我国在行政审批改革中设立了减少审批项目、规范审批行为、实现制度创新和推进依法行政的改革目标。但根据力场分析理论,在行政审批制度改革过程中由于对相关主体利益的重新分配造成改革力场中存在驱动力和制约力。通过研究改革中决策者、执行者、受规制者和消费者的利益取向,可以获知驱动力和制约力的强弱,并推算出制度变迁的方向。为了使行政审批制度改革能够顺利推行,还需进一步分析制约力存在的方式并寻求相应的突破策略。  相似文献   
本文从合同法上对价的一般法理出发,论证了国有股、法人股股东向社会公众股股东支付对价的法律依据,指出了关于对价的若干认识误区;分析了股权分置改革中对价的形式,认为对价包括基础对价、从属对价(特别承诺)两部分,并对股权分置改革中确定对价及相关事宜的法律程序进行了探讨。  相似文献   
集体林权制度改革后,小农户与大市场之间的矛盾,是我国林业发展的一个突出矛盾。要解决这一矛盾,提升农户进入市场的能力,需提高分散农户在林业经营中的合作程度。从内外两方面探究了农户林业合作经营需求产生的动因,认为合作需求的产生受农户自身内在驱动因素与外部环境推动因素的共同作用,政府在制定相关扶持政策时应以农户需求为基础,尊重农户意愿。  相似文献   
现代管理学知识及其教学越来越具有非良构领域特征,基于此的管理学本科教学改革要应用随机通达教学观与认知灵活性超文本,为学习者提供管理学知识的多元表征并鼓励其自身对知识进行多元建构,使知识富有弹性,以灵活适应变化的情境,增强知识的迁移性和覆盖面.  相似文献   
市场化下住房保障体系的建立和完善探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住宅保障是与住宅市场化同轨的配套制度,是住房市场化的一部分,在中国住宅供给市场化的同时,建立和健全住房保障制度,是完善住房供给体制的重要内容。我们应该从法律、相应的配套金融政策、保障性住房供给方式等方面入手,借鉴发达国家的住房保障实践经验,来实现中国政府的居者有其屋的住房政策目标。  相似文献   
Twenty nineteen(2019)marked another year of lethargic growth in the Chinese economy amidst escalated internal and external complexities.Internally,the country's macroeconomic landscape was overcast continuously by fallen consumption growth,plunged growth in manufacturing investment,rapid accumulation of household debt,risen income inequality,and the overhang of local government debt.The nation's external conditions did not fare any better,with drastically declined growth in imports and exports,continued trade tensions with the US,and weakened external demand.Based on the IAR-CMM model,which takes account of both cyclical and secular factors,the baseline real GDP growth rate is projected to be 6.0%in 2020(5.9%using more reliable rather than the official data),with a downside risk.Alternative scenario analyses and policy simulations are conducted,in addition to the benchmark forecast,to reflect the influences of various internal and external uncertainties.The findings emanated from these analyses lead us to stress the importance and urgency of deepening reform to achieve competitive neutrality for China’s transformation into a phase with sustainable and high-quality development.  相似文献   
成丽波  蔡志丹 《价值工程》2011,30(2):258-258
本文针对目前理工科高等学校开设文科高等数学的现状,讨论了面向文科大学生开设高等数学课程的重要性,指出开设文科高等数学是培养全面发展的新世纪人才的需要。并根据文科学生对高等数学认识上的突出问题,指出应该从教和学两个方面克服师生思想上的消极态度,再辅以相应的改革措施,以真正发挥文科高等数学的作用;最后从教学大纲的制订、教材的选取以及教学方法改革等方面提出了几点建议,以利于我校文科数学课程教学的开展。  相似文献   
浅谈税法课程改革的必要性以及存在的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许淑蕙 《价值工程》2010,29(8):69-70
针对目前税法课程教学效果不佳的现象,进行了税法教学改革尝试。通过对教学改革实践的分析与总结,归纳税法教学改革元素,建立基于项目导向、任务驱动的税法教学改革模型。我们基于办税员岗位,注重实践操作,并对其在教学实践中的运用效果进行评价。通过教学改革,激发学生学习税法的兴趣,应学生所求,教学生所需,利用多种资源,为学生创造良好的税法学习条件和环境,实现教与学的良性互动。  相似文献   
We examine whether the U.S. and German state governments pursue sustainable fiscal policies taking into account fiscal transfers. Using panel data techniques we investigate whether the debt‐to‐GDP ratio had a positive influence on the primary surplus (Bohn model). We show that including/excluding fiscal transfers changes the results. If fiscal transfers are not included in the primary surplus, the test results do not indicate that the U.S. and German state governments pursued sustainable fiscal policies. Our results also suggest that fiscal transfers were positively related to debt. These findings indicate that intergovernmental transfers have implicitly subsidized debts.  相似文献   
This article examines the main determinants of divorce rates in Spain for the period 1995 to 2010. According to the results, the so-called Express Divorce Law (passed in 2005) seems to be positively associated with divorce rates in the short term. Income level and growth, female employment rate, and the proportion of foreign population are also positively related to divorce rates. However, as expected, the percentage of conservative vote seems to have a negative impact.  相似文献   
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