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中国银行业监管协调与合作的成本收益和博弈分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文引入了成本收益分析和博弈分析工具,对银行监管协调与合作的成本和收益进行比较,对银行监管不同主体的协调与合作意愿进行分析。通过分析,寻求监管主体协调与合作的均衡点和中国银行监管当局政策的着力点。笔者认为,各监管主体为了争取监管协调主动权,扩大影响力,都存在加大协调力度的倾向。在银监会与国外监管当局的博弈分析中,笔者引入合作溢价概念,并就两国监管当局在完全信息下的博弈情况进行分析,得出若干不同的结论。最后,笔者根据分析结论,提出优化监管协调与合作的相关政策建议。 相似文献
Corruption includes rent‐seeking behavior by public officials (e.g., lavish in‐kind benefits and monetary kickbacks for contracts/permits/regulatory leniency, improper political contributions/support, etc.) that can negatively affect firm valuations, performances, and strategic choices. Shielding strategies are used to diminish rent‐seeking attractiveness of firms. Acquisitions provide a better channel than cash or leverage for assessing the wealth effects of shielding strategies. We find that the mean 3‐day announcement returns for acquirers for a large sample of U.S. domestic acquisitions between 1990 and 2014 is significantly lower for firms headquartered in relatively higher corruption states. Our results survive an array of robustness tests. 相似文献
工程总承包模式以设计与施工的高度融合,日益在建筑业受到青睐.但由于政府投资项目中存在有关结余资金上缴国库等规定,容易导致政府投资工程总承包项目下设计优化产生的成果是进行分成或作为结余资金上缴界定不清.鉴于此,本文通过政策文件,并结合政府投资项目特点,分析政府投资工程总承包项目设计优化的情形认定以及在不同结算依据和合同计... 相似文献
We reexamine the Unemployment Rate (UR) – government expenditure nexus in a panel of 50 State and Local Governments (SLGs) over the period 1977–2006 to provide new pre-recession empirical evidence that helps put the expectations on the effects of the federal relief to SLGs in a broader context. We found that: (1) per capita real public spending (total and capital, assistance and subsidies, wages and salaries, and social insurance categories) was part of a cointegrating relationship with UR and real per capita state personal income. (2) With the exception of social insurance, other spending variables, when statistically significant, actually had a depressing effect on UR. The magnitude of this effect, however, was generally small. UR was most sensitive to increases in wages and salaries. (3) Long-term causality analysis based on panel error-correction coefficients provided consistent evidence of a causal effect from spending to UR, but less consistent evidence of such effect in the opposite direction. Social insurance, however, drove UR. (4) The size of the error-correction coefficients suggested a slow response of UR to deviations from the cointegrating relationship. (5) The marginal effect of spending on UR increased with the amount of the federal grants received. Our results suggest that public spending may not serve as a quick fix in relation to UR. They also seem to favour allocation of the federal funds to wage and salaries and assistance and subsidies, but not to capital and social insurance expenditures to lower UR. 相似文献
政府主导之下,引入社会资本作为公立医院改革的一个重要方向,已经越来越多地成为优化我国医疗服务供给的模式选择。在具体过程中,政府需要通过分析不同级别公立医院现状以及社会资本可能参与的领域,针对性地设计合作模式,选择成熟的社会资本进行合作,加强实施过程的监管。同时公立医院引入社会资本较为复杂,涉及到社会资本方、政府、公立医院和社会公众的利益,政府要协调好公共部门和市场的关系,调动各方参与者的积极性。 相似文献
国内外的理论和实证研究表明。政府和市场各具优点,也各有缺陷。在不完善的市场与不完善的政府之间寻求最有效的结合点是世界各国持续探索的课题。科学发展观的提出为在中国实现市场机制与政府调控的有效结合提供了新的机遇。从产业政策的有效性、财政资金的投向和要素市场的培育三个视角建立陕西政府调控与市场机制结合有效性评价指标体系是本课题组的基本思路。 相似文献
中国公共财政管理改革的新视角——以财政透明度的制度构建为突破口 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
财政透明度是透明度问题在公共财政领域中的延伸,也是中国财政管理改革的新视角.近年来,国际货币基金组织一直致力于在全球范围内推动各国建立良好的财政管理体制,并且认为提高财政透明度是改善公共财政管理的关键之一.作为国际货币基金组织的成员国之一,我国需要对其制定的规则予以积极地关注.为了改变我国财政信息披露中存在的制度和技术缺陷,参照国际惯例和我国的实际,建立一套可行的财政透明度制度框架便成为我国财政管理优化的突破口. 相似文献
Lecturer in HRM Ian Cunningham Professor of Employment Relations Phil James Lecturer in HRM Pauline Dibben 《Public Management Review》2013,15(2):207-225
Abstract A wide variety of initiatives characterized under the umbrella term of new public management have been introduced over the past two decades to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the public sector. The implications of these initiatives for public sector employment relationships have been the subject of on-going debate. This article contributes to this debate through examining how employees within local authorities are managed in a time of personal crisis with a particular focus on long-term sickness absence in the context of increased management drives for efficiency under the NPM agenda. The findings reveal that for managers in two local authorities that form the focus of this study there is a tension in struggling to achieve a workable balance between the needs of employees and wider operational requirements, resulting in role ambiguity for line managers and detrimental effects for vulnerable public service workers. 相似文献
作为缓解地方经济快速发展产生的公共资金不足的有效调节工具,近年来得到较快发展的我国地方政府的融资平台,在拉动地方经济建设与满足公共基础投资需求以及推动我国城市化建设的顺利进行方面发挥了极为重要的作用。文章介绍了地方政府融资出现的背景及其基本现状,并从新的角度阐述了大幅政府融资平台的功能与双向影响,在分析我国地方政府融资平台存在的问题与风险的同时,提出了解决风险问题的针对性策略。 相似文献
“预算调整”决策权配置研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
徐曙娜 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2011,(3)
预算调整分为全面调整和局部调整,本文仅分析局部调整。预算调整决策权配置结构主要取决于立法机构的预算监督导向。文章认为,我国应以绩效导向的人大预算监督制度为长远目标,结合国内外的预算调整决策权配置经验,分阶段构建我国预算调整决策权配置制度。 相似文献