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随着人民币国际化进程的不断推进,离岸与在岸的人民币即期汇率市场之间开始有均值(或波动)的相互影响。该价格信息传导机制具体表现为:两个市场之间存在均值和波动溢出效应,并且均值溢出效应不太稳定,波动溢出效应相对稳定;内部因素的变化往往会改变价格信息传导的方向和作用,而外生冲击的影响则相对有限;当期升值较快的市场往往会主导均值溢出效应,但波动溢出效应是由受政策预期影响的在岸市场所主导;利好消息会减少离岸市场的波动,但会加大在岸市场的波动。 相似文献
量子算法和量子计算机对装备保障信息网络的认证方案已构成严重的潜在威胁。针对当前装备保障信息网络身份认证方案无法抵抗量子计算机攻击、认证效率相对较低的问题,引入格理论的本原格抽样算法和双峰高斯抽样技术,提出了装备保障信息网络在量子环境下安全且快速的身份认证方案,给出了方案的正确性、安全性的理论证明以及方案运行效率的比较分析。结果表明,基于随机预言机证明模型,该方案在小整数解问题困难性假设下达到了适应性选择身份和选择消息攻击的存在性不可伪造性;在保证安全的前提下,新方案在私钥提取阶段和身份认证阶段的运行效率均高于已有的几个同类格基身份认证方案。这为提高我国装备保障信息网络安全认证能力提供了新的思路和方法。 相似文献
董诗连 《中国农业资源与区划》2008,29(4):49-52
该文对管前镇\"一村一品\"发展现状及特点进行全面分析,总结出值得借鉴的成功经验与做法,得出发展\"一村一品\"经济是解决\"三农\"问题的突破口,拉动农村经济结构调整等5项启示,为大力推进农业和农村经济,促进农业增效和农民增收服务。 相似文献
本文基于川、湘两省农户调查数据,从市场意识和科技意识两个维度将被调查农户分为市场型、创新型、技术型、传统型和服务型5类,构建了5种类型农户与基层农业技术推广体系信息服务方式、内容、态度、效果及能力间关系的概念模型,并运用结构方程模型进行检验。结果表明:高市场意识和高科技意识的创新型农户及低市场意识和低科技意识的传统型农户占有效样本的比例都较少,且二者经检验都与本文所构建模型不适配;高市场意识和低科技意识的市场型农户在有效样本中所占比例最高,低市场意识和高科技意识的科技型农户在有效样本中所占比例次之,这两种类型农户的模型检验结果基本一致,都表现出对基层农技推广体系信息服务方式、内容及效果的不满意,这与市场意识和科技意识都居中的服务型农户的检验结果截然不同。 相似文献
社会需求是上市公司环境会计信息披露的根本动因。我国上市公司环境会计信息披露现状不能满足利益相关方经济决策的客观需要。剖析上市公司环境会计信息披露的制约因素及其作用机理,可为完善我国环境会计信息披露制度和促进上市公司环境会计披露指明方向。扩大上市公司环境会计信息的社会需求,加强环境会计理论研究与信息披露实践探索,完善环境会计信息披露制度,是促进我国上市公司环境会计信息披露,实现披露目标的有效路径。 相似文献
《Journal of Education for Business》2012,87(2):119-125
The authors examined the extent to which information systems (IS) security and computer crime are covered in information systems programs. Results suggest that IS faculty believe security coverage should be increased in required, elective, and non-IS courses. However, respondent faculty members are concerned that existing curricula leave little time for additional topics. 相似文献
Boris Jukic David A. Kravitz Nenad Jukic Amanuel Tekleab Laurie Meamber Anthony Dashnaw 《Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce》2013,23(3):173-195
This study investigates the use of polyinstantiated information in management of customer relationships. Polyinstantiation can be used to present different information to different customers who are segmented according to some criterion, such as prior purchase behavior. An empirical study shows that presentation of multilevel benefits information affects customer satisfaction with the offer and information quality which, in turn, affect the overall Web satisfaction. This effect is independent of and comparable in size to the effect of customer prior attitude toward the Web and the Internet. Although the present study employs a Web-based retail setting, the relationships between this information presentation approach and measures of user/consumer satisfaction need not be limited to retail scenarios or to online interactions. We discuss the applicability of this technique of information control to different types of interactions between organizations and their constituents. 相似文献
Chunsik Lee Junga Kim Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted 《Journal of Marketing Communications》2013,19(5):355-374
Drawing upon the cost–benefit framework and trust mechanism as a risk reducer, this study examines the influence of brand factors and source credibility on branded product information Web searches. The online survey was conducted within the pre-purchase context of digital camera brands. The results revealed that brand factors did not influence overall branded information search efforts. However, brand trust and source credibility appeared to influence the different types of online information sources sought. 相似文献