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伴随网络使用人数的持续增长及网络可信度的提高,电子商务成交额持续攀升。由于电子商务对"恰当时间"的要求苛刻,特别是在供应链"最后一公里"方面,电子商务的终端配送体系不足严重制约其发展。文章通过描述现阶段配送体系的现状,分析了电子商务配送体系的特点及其在配送环节的问题,结合电子商务发展和整体经济运营趋势及国外发展经验,提出构建依托配送点组建配送网络的新思维。  相似文献   
专利信息是现代社会重要的信息资源,随着网络技术的发展和完善,广大科技工作者和爱好者可以方便地通过Internet获得专利信息。本文通过对基本检索方法的讲解和国内外相关专利网站的介绍,帮助科技人员迅速掌握通过网络查找专利信息的方法和实践技巧。最后提供了关键的文献查询注意事项。  相似文献   

Re search into Arab man age ment and or ga ni za tion is recent and en tails a con tra dic tory vi sion about what type of man age ment is found in Arab busi ness or ga ni za tions. This pa per sug gests that at this in-cip i ent stage of re search into Arab man age ment and or ga ni za tion, the pri mary ob jec tive of re search should be to ex plore the main fea tures of Arab man age ment in an at tempt to de velop Arab man age ment and ad -vance its or ga ni za tion. The pa per, based on the out come of a com par ative em pir i cal re search, takes into con sid er ation ma jor the o ret i cal and meth od olog i cal short com ings of re lated re search and at tempts to build a ‘bal anced’ pic ture of Arab man age ment and or ga ni za tion. Evidence in di cates that Arab man age ment and or ga ni za tion in Jor dan are, largely, tra di tional and man i fested in spe cific fea tures (lim ited future ori en ta tion and ex ces sive lack of del e ga tion of au thor ity) re flect ing on their sys tems and prac tices.  相似文献   

Many Mid dle East ern and North Af ri can (MENA) coun -tries are mak ing val iant ef forts to re form their eco nomic sys tems to boost growth and liv ing stan dards. Mul ti na tional Com panies (MNCs) are generally thought to have a ma jor part to play in help ing these coun tries to de velop. The prob lems caused by gov ern men tal sys tems that placed legal and bu reau cratic ob sta cles and pro hi bi tions in the way of For eign Direct In vest ment (FDI) ac tiv i ties are un der at tack in many coun tries. The World Bank (WB) and the In ter na tional Mon e tary Fund (IMF) in sist on the adop tion of busi ness-friendly pol i cies for those coun tries that seek their aid. More over, mem ber ship of the World Trade Or ga ni za tion (WTO) also re quires coun tries to re form their gov ern men tal sys tems. The prize at the end of the pain ful re form pro cess is higher growth of ten driven by FDI ac tiv i ties. In re cent years, FDI to de vel op ing and for mer com mu nist coun tries has con sid er ably in creased. How ever, some de vel -op ing coun tries (no ta bly, Af rica and large parts of the Mid dle East) have not bene fited to the same ex tent as many Asian and Cen tral and East Euro pean coun tries. More over, MNCs have fo cused on In ter na tional Joint Ven tures (IJVs) as the main means of en ter ing these coun tries. This form of en try may not be the best method to trans fer tech nol ogy and to ob tain the best re sults of the in ter ac tion be tween MNCs and host coun tries. This pa per seeks to ex plore this is sue by use of a qual i ta tive study of IJVs in Jor dan. The pa per uses a new in stitutional eco nomic framework that high lights the im por tance of in for mal in sti tu tional sys tems for the de cision on mode of en try. The re sults of the study in di cate that MNCs in Jordan would pre fer to use fully-owned sub sid iar ies, but the char ac ter is tics of the in for mal in sti tu tional sys tem in Jor dan re sults in high trans ac tion costs that can best be re duced by the use of IJVs. Thus al though Jor dan has un der gone sig nif i cant re form to her eco nomic sys tem, the prob lems caused by the na ture of in for mal in sti tu tional sys tems have lim ited the growth of what might have been more ben e fi cial FDI. [Ar ti cle cop ie s available for a fee from The Haworth Doc u ment De liv ery Ser vice  相似文献   
民族院校经管类人才产学研合作教育,以提高学生综合素质和职业能力为内容,以培养技术应用型人才为目标。大连民族学院经济管理学院在课程体系和教学内容、人才培养模式、师资队伍培养、校外实践教学基地等多方面进行探索与实践,全面提高少数民族应用型经济管理人才培养质量。  相似文献   
建设占用耕地规模的不断扩大和后备土地资源的匮乏导致了浙江耕地特别是新增耕地质量的下降,补充耕地的"上山下海"加大了生态退化的压力,浙江的土地利用体制客观上加速了农地非农化的进程,建设用地保障矛盾突出,违法用地现象增加。需要从改革土地利用体制、增加市场调节机制、转变土地利用方式等入手,提高土地集约使用程度,以解决浙江土地持续利用面临的困境。  相似文献   
本文以组织内知识共享意愿的影响因素研究为出发点,构建了中国文化情境因素的考察视角。在对知识共享研究及中国情境因素关系取向、面子需求的研究进行整体回顾的基础上,提出了关系取向、面子需求影响知识共享意愿的机制、方式的初步理论框架,并探讨了其理论价值和管理启迪。  相似文献   
张爱菊 《特区经济》2008,235(8):239-241
随着合伙企业的发展,关于合伙的法律地位问题越来越受到民商法学界的广泛关注。探求法人制度和有限责任制度的产生与功能,发现法人制度和有限责任制度之间并没有必然的联系,分析世界各主要国家关于合伙企业的法律地位的界定,作者提出:在我国民法典制定时应该赋予合伙企业法人地位。  相似文献   
从法经济学理论分析,"违法成本低"问题在立法上的体现,是法律责任的设定不合理,大大降低了违法者应当承担的"预期成本"。本文界定了气象违法成本,对气象法律责任立法缺失问题进行了分析,指出目前我国对气象违法责任主体的处罚偏轻。法律规范过于依赖行政处罚或民事赔偿,对刑事手段重视不够。刑事责任和行政责任主要体现了惩罚,而民事责任主要体现了补偿,不同的法律责任体现出不同的法律意图,对气象违法主体行为也会产生不同的威慑效果。只有将这三者有机结合,才能降低政府的监管成本,同时提高公众保护气象环境、遵守气象法的意识。而刑事责任的空缺使气象违法成本大大降低,不利于气候状况的监测和保护,这种局面必须改变。  相似文献   
我国公司法人格否认制度及其完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从公司独立人格制度产生的历史和现状来看,公司法人人格否认制度在当今市场经济中仍然具有非常重要的意义,但现实生活中出现了滥用公司独立人格损害债权人利益和社会公共利益的情况,改善这一局面比较可行的办法是由最高人民法院在总结司法实践经验的基础上,尽快出台相关的司法解释,明确界定公司股东滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任,逃避债务,严重损害债权人利益的情形,以确立司法统一性,树立法律的权威性.  相似文献   
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