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Using the theory of indigenous alternatives and a benchmark of indigenous financial reporting expectations, this paper examines the challenges to accountable governance of the nine provincial governments of the Solomon Islands for the years 1998 to 2017. Every provincial government consistently received disclaimed or qualified opinions from the state auditor. The author explains why the regional development of all provinces of the Solomon Islands could be improved if rudimentary forms of financial reporting were to be addressed.  相似文献   
中国工业发展的区域差异分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张二勋  姚静 《经济地理》2000,20(3):87-90
本文采用主成分及聚类分析方法,通过对中国的29个地域单元1996年人均工业产值和所有制结构状况进行分析,把中国工业发展划分为5个类型区,在此基础上,进上步分析了所有制结构对区域工业发展水平的影响。  相似文献   
In the context of stationary point processes measurements are usually made from a time point chosen at random or from an occurrence chosen at random. That is, either the stationary distribution P or its Palm distribution P° is the ruling probability measure. In this paper an approach is presented to bridge the gap between these distributions. We consider probability measures which give exactly the same events zero probability as P°, having simple relations with P . Relations between P and P° are derived with these intermediate measures as bridges. With the resulting Radon-Nikodym densities several well-known results can be proved easily. New results are derived. As a corollary of cross ergodic theorems a conditional version of the well-known inversion formula is proved. Several approximations of P° are considered, for instance the local characterization of Po as a limit of conditional probability measures P° N The total variation distance between P° and P1 can be expressed in terms of the P-distribution function of the forward recurrence time.  相似文献   
Using newly available data, we examine the effects of the agency conflicts between ultimate controlling shareholders and minority shareholders in China's publicly listed firms between 2004 and 2009. We measure the severity of these agency problems by the excess control rights of the ultimate controlling shareholders. We show that higher excess control rights are associated with significantly lower firm value. We identify two channels through which the excess control rights affect firm value: (1) related-party loan guarantees, and (2) legal violations. We find that higher excess control rights are associated with significantly larger amounts of related-party loan guarantees (scaled by assets) for non-state and private firms, but not for state-owned firms. We find that, for non-state and private firms, the excess controls rights are associated with (1) significantly higher probability that the firm will issue value-destroying related-party loan guarantees and (2) significantly worse stock market reactions to the announcements of related-party loan guarantees. However, these results do not hold for state-owned firms. We also find that higher excess control rights are associated with significantly higher probability, frequency and severity of legal violations for non-state and private firms, but not for state-owned firms.  相似文献   
本文从三个方面对2000年基金年报信息进行了剖析。第一,从多角度对33只证券投资基金进行分类的结果表明,最能体现基金业绩与投资风格差异度的分类方法不是基金的投资目标而是基金管理公司。基金管理公司内部的资源共享是造成这一现象的原因。第二,指数型基金在2000年的表现尚不尽人意,投资理念亦不清晰。第三,保险公司选择基金的标准相当理性,注重基金的分红市价比、夏普指数、资产净值收益率几项指标,其选择的正确性亦得到2000年基金业绩的证实。  相似文献   
Price variations at speculative markets exhibit positive autocorrelationand cross correlation. Due to large parameter spaces necessaryfor joint modeling of variances and covariances, multivariateparametric volatility models become easily intractable in practice.We propose an adaptive procedure that identifies periods ofsecond-order homogeneity for each moment in time. To overcomethe high dimensionality of the problem we transform the multivariateseries into a set of univariate processes. We discuss thoroughlythe implementation of the adaptive technique. Theoretical andMonte Carlo results are given. We provide two applications ofthe new method. For a bivariate exchange rate series we comparethe multivariate GARCH approach with our method and find thelatter to be more in line with the underlying assumption ofindependently distributed innovations. Analyzing a 23-dimensionalvector of asset returns we underscore the case for adaptivemodeling in high-dimensional systems.  相似文献   
Managerial Equity Ownership and the Demand for Outside Directors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the linkage between the use of outside directors and managerial ownership. We conjecture there are two linkages: the standard incentive‐alignment demand for monitoring when managers own little stock and an entrenchment‐amelioration demand when managerial stock ownership is high. As a consequence, we predict the association between managerial ownership and board composition will be nonlinear (U‐shaped if the entrenchment effect is sufficiently pronounced). Using UK data, we find that both quadratic and logarithmic models outperform the simple linear relationship assumed in prior research and that the substitution between managerial ownership and board composition is stronger than hitherto supposed.  相似文献   
作为一种区域软实力,地方政府公信力是影响区域经济发展的一个重要因素。良好的政府公信力能够为区域经济发展营造公平的市场竞争秩序、促进区域内社会稳定发展以及塑造良好的区域形象。而目前我国一些地方政府公信力存在下降的趋势,在严重影响社会信用环境及地方投资环境的同时,也妨碍了政府与公众之间良好的互动关系的建构,增加了政府管理成本,制约着地方经济的发展。因此,有必要提高政府公信力,为区域经济发展营造一个良好的诚信环境  相似文献   
上市家族企业股权集中度与其风险倾向和市场价值之间究竟存在什么样的关系?家族集中控制到底是有利还是有弊?本文在总结现有研究的基础上,建设性地提出了以地区市场化程度作为分组变量,并且在对中小板上市家族企业数据的实证论证中得到支持。相比于其他国家的企业,转轨国家企业所面临的外部不确定性更高,所以,制度因素对企业行为的影响尤其明显。家族企业的发展和治理与外部环境的市场化程度是密切相关的,所以,它们会关注制度变迁过程中自身所面临的发展机遇,以及制度变迁对自身发展战略、投融资行为、经营决策、交易成本的影响。为了适应不同的市场化程度,家族企业会进行很多自适应的调试,其中包括家族对公司股权的集中控制。但是,在市场化程度不同的地区,股权集中对上市家族企业的影响是复杂的。在讨论中,本文也为相关部门的政策制定提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   
指出,应牢牢把握十八届三中全会的精神实质,坚持从宏观到微观、从直接到间接对接煤炭企业,创新发展思路。认为,要理解市场在资源配置中起"决定性"作用,创新市场战略;要理解取消国有企业行政级别,创建新型用人机制;要理解大力发展混合所有制经济,构建规范的现代企业制度;要理解逐步增加国有企业利润上缴比例,抓好企业经营;要理解实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度,认真履行企业社会责任。  相似文献   
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