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《马克思主义哲学原理》是高校思想政治理论课的主干课程。要求任课教师在课堂教学中必须贯彻理论联系实际的教学原则,结合不断发展变化的现实生活中产生的新的重大理论和现实问题及学生的思想实际进行教学。在针对性、实效性和吸引力、感染力上下功夫,努力做到求真务实,与时俱进。  相似文献   
精神损害赔偿的范围是指哪些民事权益受到侵害可以请求获得赔偿精神损害。在确定其范围时应从维护人身权利和人格权这两个方面出发。  相似文献   
党的十五大对非公有制经济的地位和作用进行了重新定位,这无疑为它的发展营造了更大的空间。但是由于多种原因(包括主观的, 客观的, 理论的, 实践的, 历史的, 现实的等等), 人们对非公有制经济的认识仍然存在种种误区。因此,在新的形势下, 发展非公有制经济, 必须进一步解放思想, 在对传统的所有制理论进行反思的基础上, 牢固树立用生产力来衡量所有制形式优劣的标准  相似文献   
先秦汉魏时期关于气论的代表性观点可归纳为哲学层面、审美层面与文论概念的三种形态,这正是刘勰《文心雕龙》文气论思想的来源。刘勰主要继承和发展了《周易》阴阳刚柔的气论思想与曹丕文气“清浊”说。刘勰文气论内涵多样,最大的贡献有两点,一是在文论史上首次确立了刚柔风格类型说,并以“刚柔相摩,八卦相荡”的理论支撑,推演出了《体性》篇“数穷八体”的八体风格类型,二是以文气论风骨,提倡刚健的文风。  相似文献   
学校体育随着社会经济的发展和教育目的的不断变化,与之相对应的教育内容和教育方法也应随之变化。在实施素质教育的今天,如何在体育教学中对学生进行体育欣赏教育就成了摆在学校体育教育工作者面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   
邓小平旗帜鲜明地反对"两个凡是",支持和领导真理标准大讨论,打开了解放思想的闸门。邓小平抓住当代中国解放思想的主题,领导我们开创了中国特色社会主义道路。学习邓小平关于解放思想的理论与实践具有重大的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
An innovative qualitative approach to analyze consumer narratives and biographies was applied to gain insight into consumer decision making and dynamic behavioral patterns in the purchase of organic foods. We adapted Gardner's (2004 Gardner , H. ( 2004 ). Changing minds: The art and science of changing our own and other people's minds. Cambridge , MA : Harvard Business School Press . [Google Scholar]) change-of-mind framework to organic food consumption. Regular consumers trust organic products because they believe that they are healthier and tastier than the equivalent nonorganic product. This belief is built upon day after day by their experiences and by word of mouth: a growing stock of information supports their food choice and confidence in organic food. Occasional consumers have strong beliefs about the better taste and the higher quality of organic food in general. The choice to (regularly) buy organic food is a matter of largely unnoticed inner development. The results allow us to draw some conclusions relating to the determinants of the future demand for organic food in Italy.  相似文献   
张国良  张引  黄伟 《企业经济》2012,(5):134-137
近年来,对于创业和创业管理的研究已成为全球管理领域关注的热点,创业教育已成为知识经济时代高等教育的必然发展趋势。加强大学生创业能力培养是高校适应时代发展要求的必然选择。创业教育最终目的是培养大批社会亟需的创新创业型人才。本文从战略眼光、战术方法、坚韧精神三个层面论述了提升大学生创业管理能力三大要领,给创业者以心智启迪。  相似文献   
儒家心性论思想是一个历史范畴,随着时代的变化不断深化,并成为我国传统文化史上的核心内容。在当前社会转型期,发掘儒家心性之学的价值并运用于当代伦理实践,从而强固人们内在精神生活的根据,是时代提出的迫切需要。  相似文献   
COVID-19 turned the lives of all people across the world upside down. Everyone faced the threat of catching the virus and denial of access to the physical marketplace. For many, it also brought the threat of partial or full unemployment. This trinity of upheaval produced heightened anxiety. The purpose of this article is to understand how consumers coped with anxiety during the pandemic and lockdown periods. We hypothesized that consumers coped with such anxiety by engaging in diverse creative and productive activities, which served as anxiety suppressors. In addition, we hypothesized that one's enduring mind positivity provided resilience and helped consumers mitigate their anxiety. In survey data from a random sample of 550 consumers in the United States, we found support for these hypotheses. Consumers who engaged in voluntary productive activities suffered less anxiety. And consumers with higher resilience levels also felt lower levels of anxiety. In addition, we found that enjoyment of shopping intensified the experience of COVID-19-induced anxiety. The research framework linking this specific set of antecedents to COVID-induced anxiety and its affirmation in this study are new to the literature and therefore offer a notable contribution to it. These findings show two pathways to marketers: Organize and promote voluntary productive activities and offer means for consumers to cultivate personal resilience, on for-profit and not-for-profit platforms. Also, we suggest a future consumer research agenda for when fate again brings us face-to-face with similar or even lesser catastrophes, which, according to scientific forecasters, it sadly but surely will.  相似文献   
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