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农作物秸秆综合利用和禁烧管理国家法规综述与立法建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的]梳理秸秆综合利用和禁烧管理方面的法律、行政法规和规章,提出秸秆综合利用和禁烧管理的立法建议,为完善相关法规,从法律上保障秸秆综合利用水平的持续提高和秸秆禁烧管理工作的顺利开展提供相关建议。[方法]在系统梳理相关资料、文献的基础上,就国家现行法律和行政规章对秸秆综合利用的明文规定、对秸秆利用相关产业发展的规定进行综述,并就相关法律、规章对农作物秸秆禁烧的明文规定、秸秆禁烧治安管理和秸秆故意焚烧犯罪量刑的法律依据等进行归纳分析。最后,通过分析中国现行法规和行政指导文件在秸秆综合利用与秸秆禁烧管理方面存在的欠缺,提出必要的修订建议。[结果]随着时间的推移,我国法律对秸秆综合利用的规定日渐具体和完善。但直到目前,这些法律对秸秆综合利用的规定仍然缺失。有必要加快立法进程,完善相关法律、法规。[结论]建议对涉及秸秆利用方面的某些法规进行必要的修订;制定《耕地质量保护条例》,并将秸秆还田作为耕地质量保护的必要技术手段;对秸秆禁烧区外的秸秆限制焚烧从国家层面作出明确规定;借鉴国外经验,制定《生物质能条例》。  相似文献   
基于资源视角的农业供给侧结构性改革的路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]粮食安全是世界各国政府普遍关注的问题,都将其列为重中之重.粮食主产区是我国粮食生产的核心地带和关键区域,为保障国家粮食安全、协调区域发展,必须从国家战略角度出发,实施粮食主产区利益补偿理念,充分体现社会公平与正义的价值取向和主旨,为粮食安全提供坚实的区域基础.[方法]运用实证分析方法,借助统计年鉴,通过粮食产量、人均粮食产量、粮食播种面积、人均粮食播种面积、人均地区总产值、地区财政收入、人均地区财政收入、城镇化率、居民人均可支配收入等数据分析,比较13个粮食主产区和7个粮食主销区在10年间粮食生产和经济社会发展的客观现实差距.[结果]粮食主产区在粮食产量、粮食播种面积等方面的生产规模优势和生产能力显著,对我国经济社会贡献巨大;粮食具有准公共产品的属性,粮食主产区需要支付高额的生产费用,承担运输成本与储存成本,无法通过市场获得补偿;粮食产销区之间囿于主体功能与发展责任的迥异而导致经济差距较大,主要体现在人均地区总产值、地区财政收入、人均地区财政收入、城镇化率、居民人均可支配收入等差别.[结论]据此提出,必须实施粮食主产区利益补偿,需要完善粮食主产区利益补偿的价值选择与国家政策导向:应在中央政府、区域政府层面完善相应的政策:一是国家层面制定粮食主产区区域政策;二是完善产粮大县奖励政策;三提高财政转移支付力度与精准度;四是建立产销区利益联动机制;五是加强农业基础设施和公共事业建设等.  相似文献   
[目的]粮食安全战略是国家安全战略的重要组成部分,粮食浪费是危害我国粮食安全的重要因素,为保障粮食安全,减少粮食浪费尤为重要。[方法]文章从法律法规、政策措施、运行机制三方面系统梳理了美国和法国减少食物浪费的经验做法。[结果]在法律法规方面,美国的法律法规强调引导激励作用;法国的法律法规双管齐下,兼顾引导激励和处罚遏制。在政策措施方面,美国构建了差异化食物回收等级体系、通过投资教育等方式助力反食物浪费;法国更注重发挥社会各界的力量,引导社会力量进行自我管理和反食物浪费。在运行机制方面,美国和法国均通过多部门协作、多领域减少食物浪费,但在非政府组织的参与程度上,美国非政府组织的参与程度明显高于法国。[结论]参考他国经验,基于本国国情,建议:制定法律政策的实施细则,兼顾引导激励和处罚遏制;建立多层次的食物回收等级体系,提升食物回收再利用的效率;加强各部门间的协作,在全过程形成反食物浪费的合力;号召社会各界踊跃参与,将反食物浪费化为全社会的自觉行动。  相似文献   
目的 系统研究云南省国家森林乡村空间分布格局及其成因,对丰富和深化乡村地理学及推动乡村振兴具有重要意义。方法 文章综合运用最邻近指数、核密度、空间自相关和量化统计等方法,构建“天蓝、地绿、水清、人和”相统一的“美丽森林乡村”评价指标体系,对云南省国家森林乡村空间分布格局及其成因进行分析。结果 (1)整体上,云南省国家森林乡村呈现“中部局部集聚,四周小分散”的棋盘式空间分布格局,表现为凝聚态势,显著性较强。(2)区域上,国家森林乡村在六大流域和八大区域上呈现典型的不均衡性状态,西侧澜沧江流域与北侧长江流域分布最较多但密度小,滇西、滇西南数量多于滇西北、滇东北和滇东南。(3)空间密度上,大致形成东西、东北—西南走向的两个高密度带绵延区和四个高密度集聚中心。(4)空间相关上,空间正相关显著,由西侧热点区向东侧冷点区过渡,呈现东西相反的对称格局。(5)影响因素上,“山—水—坝”相间的国家森林乡村空间分布格局是社会、经济、文化和自然等因素共同作用的结果,随着生态价值地位的提升,地形地貌、河湖水系和气候等自然因素基础性地位更加牢固。结论 国家森林乡村空间分布反映了当地自然与人文地理环境特征,是区域文化在地表的凝结与表达。  相似文献   
This study explores the key determinants of intermediary performance in promoting corporate sustainability in small and medium‐sized enterprises in Africa. Despite being a critical link in the delivery of sustainability support services to small and medium‐sized enterprises, intermediaries have only received limited research attention. Research exploring intermediaries of corporate sustainability in small and medium‐sized enterprises have focused broadly on their roles but narrowly on performance. Those exploring intermediary performance have often focused on larger companies, sometimes, neglecting the specifics of small and medium‐sized enterprises, especially in African countries. Improving intermediary performance in promoting corporate sustainability requires an in‐depth understanding of the factors that determine their performance. As a qualitative study, interview responses from 32 experts working in National Cleaner Production Centres in four African countries were analysed using inductive thematic approach. The findings suggest that programme constraints, external profile, small and medium‐sized enterprises context, impact strategy, and service networks are the key determinants of intermediary performance in promoting corporate sustainability in small and medium‐sized enterprises. These determinants facilitate and inhibit intermediaries’ ability to promote corporate sustainability in small and medium‐sized enterprises. The implications concern the need for intermediaries and small and medium‐sized enterprises to manage these determinants in promoting corporate sustainability.  相似文献   
To investigate whether rent-seeking discourages productivity, we consider a third-market model, in which a domestic firm and a foreign firm engage in both Research and Development (R&D) and output competition. We show that the relationship between rent-seeking and productivity depends on two forces. On the one hand, rent-seeking increases the marginal benefit of R&D and encourages productivity. On the other hand, a lower production cost due to R&D enables the government to extract the rent from the firm to a greater extent and discourages the productivity. Which force is dominant depends on the level of corruption or, as an alternative interpretation, the weight the government attaches to political contributions. Unlike the monotonic relationship proposed by the literature, we find a non-monotonic relationship between rent-seeking and productivity.  相似文献   
To analyze monetary policy implementation in a negative rate environment, we add the option to exchange central bank reserves for cash to the standard workhorse model of monetary policy implementation (Poole 1968). Importantly, we show that monetary policy can be constrained when the target overnight rate is below the yield on cash. At this point, the overnight rate equals the yield on cash instead of the target rate. Modifications to the implementation framework, such as a reserve requirement that varies with cash withdrawals, can help restore the implementation of monetary policy such that the overnight rate equals the target rate.  相似文献   
We derive recursive formulas for the moments of compound trend renewal sums with discounted claims. An integral expression for the moment generating function of this risk process is then obtained, from which particular distribution functions are found. We extend the compound (deterministic) trend renewal process by assuming a stochastic trend, a stochastic force of net interest and a stochastic dependence between the inter-occurrence times and the severities of the claims. Finally, stochastic dominance ordering is also observed between the compound trend renewal process and an associated non-homogeneous Poisson process.  相似文献   
Are sell-side analysts reluctant to go against the investment views of their hedge funds when these hedge funds are their prime brokerage clients? We show that prime broker analysts tend to upgrade stocks recently bought by their clients. For stocks with upgraded recommendations, post-announcement cumulative abnormal returns are significantly lower for those purchased by the prime brokerage clients. Our results are stronger with high-dollar-turnover clients who generate more trading commissions. We also find that a hedge fund with a large bet on a stock has a stronger incentive to pressure the fund’s prime brokers to issue a favorable recommendation on the stock. Results are not driven by stocks of firms with low analyst coverage or small size.  相似文献   

This paper integrates Indigenous research and heritage interpretation scholarship by addressing how interpretation should be underpinned by research congruent with Indigenous expectations for research ethics and methods. Program research and delivery is a profound exercise of power, for interpreters mold public opinion. In a settler-colonial or Indigenous context, critically analyzing sources for one’s interpretative programs and media is particularly imperative, as Western researchers have historically been on colonialism’s front lines. The interpretation of Indigenous themes is fraught with difficulties, but existing interpretation literature myopically focuses on program delivery and evaluation methods. More attention must be paid by interpreters to the problems of relying on Western, positivist research in Indigenous contexts. This paper considers Indigenous research methods and ethics, provides an overview of the connection between Western knowledge and colonialism, and demonstrates the problems this poses for interpreters working with Indigenous content. I offer concrete suggestions for staff to improve their engagement with Indigenous peoples. Ultimately, I argue, interpreters must become more critical of themselves and their sources to successfully address Indigeneity.  相似文献   
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