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The financial markets in London and Amsterdam were some of the first to develop. Using threshold autoregressive models, we use data on two commonly traded stocks in these cities to show that the joint behaviour of the prices is consistent with the theory of arbitrage in the presence of transportation costs. The results suggest that prices converged more quickly as the price difference between the two markets increased. We also show that the threshold estimates are consistent between assets and across time. These results provide some of the earliest evidence of nonlinear mean reversion in asset prices in geographically separate financial markets. 相似文献
Karim Barkat;Mouyad Alsamara;Karim Mimouni;Shaif Jarallah; 《Agricultural Economics》2024,55(5):795-822
The relationship between food prices and life expectancy in emerging countries has significant implications for public health and socioeconomic development in these regions. This study examines this relationship using a dataset of 120 emerging economies over the period 2000–2021, employing the dynamic panel threshold and system generalized method of moments (GMM) models. Our findings reveal a nonlinear inverted U-shaped relationship where beyond a specific threshold, higher food prices tend to shorten life expectancy. We also reveal the disproportionate burden placed on low-income countries when food prices rise, in comparison to middle-income countries and highlight the profound impact of economic disparities on public health. Moreover, we identify several channels through which food prices affect life expectancy. Specifically, we reveal that income, undernutrition, and mental health disorders represent potential mediating factors affecting food prices–life expectancy nexus. We also shed light on the severe implications of economic crises on public health, emphasizing the close connection between economic events and indicators of human health. These insights have direct implications for policymakers, offering valuable guidance in the context of fluctuating food prices. 相似文献
岩溶区公路路基稳定性研究的方法很多,本文采用区间模糊评判方法结合路基稳定性的特征对岩溶区公路的路基进行全面的分析,通过隶属度和权向量等方法的评判分析出适合岩溶区公路路基稳定性发展的方法,找出最终的测试结果和最终的使用方法。该方法使得岩溶区公路路基稳定性的评判更合理,更具有操作性。 相似文献
Efthymios G. Pavlidis David A. Peel Costas Siriopoulos 《European Journal of Finance》2013,19(6):572-588
The recent financial crisis exposed the inability of traditional theoretical and empirical models to parsimoniously capture the rich dynamics of the economic environment. This has stimulated the interest of both academics and practitioners in the development and application of more sophisticated models. By allowing for the presence of nonlinearities, complex dynamics, multiple equilibria, structural breaks and spurious trends, these latter models resemble more closely the properties of economic and financial time series. In this article, we illustrate the flexibility of a family of econometric models, namely the exponential smooth transition autoregressive (ESTAR), to encompass several of the above characteristics. We then re-assess the power of the ESTAR unit root test developed by Kapetanios, Shin and Snell ((2003)) in the presence of nuisance parameters typically encountered in the literature and compare its performance with that of the augmented Dickey-Fuller and the Enders and Granger ((1998)) tests. Our results show the lack of dominance of any particular test and that the power is not independent to priors about the nuisance parameters. Finally, we examine several asset price deviations from fundamentals and one hyper-inflation series and find contradictory results between the nonlinear fitted models and unit root tests. The findings highlight that new testing procedures with higher power are desirable in order to shed light on the behavior of financial and economic series. 相似文献
This paper uses semidefinite programming (SDP) to construct Bayesian optimal design for nonlinear regression models. The setup here extends the formulation of the optimal designs problem as an SDP problem from linear to nonlinear models. Gaussian quadrature formulas (GQF) are used to compute the expectation in the Bayesian design criterion, such as D‐, A‐ or E‐optimality. As an illustrative example, we demonstrate the approach using the power‐logistic model and compare results in the literature. Additionally, we investigate how the optimal design is impacted by different discretising schemes for the design space, different amounts of uncertainty in the parameter values, different choices of GQF and different prior distributions for the vector of model parameters, including normal priors with and without correlated components. Further applications to find Bayesian D‐optimal designs with two regressors for a logistic model and a two‐variable generalised linear model with a gamma distributed response are discussed, and some limitations of our approach are noted. 相似文献
在某条高速Superpave13混合料施工过程中现场随机抽取试样,通过抽提试验确定混合料的级配。在混合料铺筑完成后次日现场取芯分析路面压实度,同时采用铺砂法确定路面构造深度(TD),采用多元非线性回归法分析构造深度与级配关系,并在路面通车半年、一年后对路面构造深度进行测试,分析构造深度随时间衰变规律。通过分析得知在施工过程中路面压实度满足要求的情况下,级配与构造深度有着很好的相关性。同一公路不同路段,由于交通量的差异,导致构造深衰变规律有一定的差异,在排除交通轴载对构造深度的影响因素后,构造深度随时间有着很好的相关性。 相似文献
Jungho Baek Monday Jerry Ikponmwosa Yoon Jung Choi 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2019,28(5):533-547
The contribution of this article is to assess whether the effects of crude oil price fluctuations on the trade balance are symmetric or asymmetric in the context of an individual oil-exporting country, specifically four OPEC member countries – Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. To examine this subject thoroughly, we use three different measures of trade balances such as oil trade balance, non-oil trade balance, and total trade balance, and examine whether oil prices are asymmetrically passed on to the trade balances for those OPEC countries in the long- and short-run. After implementation of the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, we find that changes in oil prices indeed have asymmetric effects on the oil trade balance for all four OPEC countries in the long-run, though not in the short-run. In the case of the non-oil and total trade balance, however, the asymmetry of oil price changes is not detected in both the long- and short-run. 相似文献
Tommaso Proietti 《Revue internationale de statistique》2011,79(3):455-476
The paper estimates a large‐scale mixed‐frequency dynamic factor model for the euro area, using monthly series along with gross domestic product (GDP) and its main components, obtained from the quarterly national accounts (NA). The latter define broad measures of real economic activity (such as GDP and its decomposition by expenditure type and by branch of activity) that we are willing to include in the factor model, in order to improve its coverage of the economy and thus the representativeness of the factors. The main problem with their inclusion is not one of model consistency, but rather of data availability and timeliness, as the NA series are quarterly and are available with a large publication lag. Our model is a traditional dynamic factor model formulated at the monthly frequency in terms of the stationary representation of the variables, which however becomes nonlinear when the observational constraints are taken into account. These are of two kinds: nonlinear temporal aggregation constraints, due to the fact that the model is formulated in terms of the unobserved monthly logarithmic changes, but we observe only the sum of the monthly levels within a quarter, and nonlinear cross‐sectional constraints, since GDP and its main components are linked by the NA identities, but the series are expressed in chained volumes. The paper provides an exact treatment of the observational constraints and proposes iterative algorithms for estimating the parameters of the factor model and for signal extraction, thereby producing nowcasts of monthly GDP and its main components, as well as measures of their reliability. 相似文献
We study the effect that installing sidewalks and crosswalks, as traffic calming facilities, has on the safety and usability of a transportation network with automobile, public transit and walking as modes of transportation. A mathematical programming model is proposed for this problem whose objective is to minimize the safety hazard for pedestrians and the total transportation cost of the network. We utilize a customized greedy heuristic and a simulated annealing algorithm for solving the problem. The computational results indicate that installing sidewalks and crosswalks at proper locations can reduce the overall transportation cost and improve pedestrians’ safety. 相似文献