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新乡土主义,还是城市贫民窟?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕新雨 《开放时代》2010,(4):115-135
全球化和城市化使得贫民窟正以历史上前所未有的速度在地球上蔓延。如何反思中国正在极力推行的城市化过程?欧美作为民族国家的发源地,其历史来源于地中海的城邦国家,资本主义在经历不同体系的发展过程中,其核心和动力都是城市。中国历史上的城乡关系不像西方是对立的,相反,中国的城乡关系是互相哺育的过程。近代以来,随着现代化的开启,中国的城乡开始分裂,并成为一个世纪以来中国最深刻的现代性问题。今天,需要在新的历史条件下重建新乡土主义,重新讨论中国小农经济的过去、现在与未来,重建城乡的互哺、互动的关系。只有这样,才有可能解决目前中国城市和乡村所面临的社会危机,并为改变不平等的世界格局探索可能性。  相似文献   
以浙江省科技创新平台为例,实证研究了科技创新平台的结构对平台运行绩效的影响,以及平台内部关系对该影响关系的调节作用。结果表明:成员能力和内部联结度对平台运行绩效具有显著的正向影响,规模和异质性对平台运行绩效具有显著的负向影响;相容度加强了成员能力和内部联结度对平台运行绩效的积极影响。最后提出提升科技创新平台运行绩效的政策建议。  相似文献   
"新型大国关系"理念的提出不是偶然的,它建立在新中国外交以和平共处五项原则为基础而建构的新型国家间关系的实践基础上。今后要使新型大国关系得以顺利发展,还必须深入探讨新型大国政治的、价值观的、哲学的、世界观和方法论等方面的基础。今天的中国既是政治大国,也成长为经济大国,不长的时间内将会成为一个科技大国,中国在本世纪内也必将成为一个文化大国,也就是说,中国将成长为综合实力强大的文明的、走社会主义道路的世界性大国。中国就是以这样的身份或者以这样的地位为基础,和西方世界的头子美国谈建构新型大国关系的。随着中国综合实力的越来越强,美国也将会更加愿意听取中国的新型大国观的提议,一定程度上会正面响应中国的倡议,走新型大国之路。  相似文献   
中国在国际经济贸易中的比重和作用越来越大,国际货币体系的研究和重构也越来越重要。战后国际货币体系是建立在管理货币本位基础上的,美元凭借美国霸权逐步成为国际货币体系之锚,货币本质上是国家政治权力的体现。美国霸权的合法性在于维持合理的国际秩序并提供国际公共物品为国际经贸往来搭建一个合作平台,它是以其他国家的承认为基础的。货币霸权使美国享有国际政治权力,如何处理国际公共物品与国家民族利益的公私矛盾和美元作为国际货币的特里芬难题,以及应对新兴崛起国的利益诉求等是国际货币体系管理难以回避的困境。中国应该坚持合作独立的货币国际化策略,勇于在主导新型国际金融机构方面承担大国责任,逐步建立广泛认可的国际合法性,谋求立足实体经济发展的货币国际化之路。  相似文献   
随着“一带一路”战略的实施,中国对外直接投资(OFDI)规模将会持续扩大,也面临各种各样的风险。根据2003-2014年中国对“一带一路”沿线主要43个国家直接投资的面板数据,运用面板矫正误差(PCSE)方法估计,重点研究东道国政治风险、文化距离和双边关系对我国对外直接投资的影响,并将样本分为“新海上丝绸之路”和“丝绸之路经济带”,比较两条路线上的异同。研究发现:双边政治关系与我国OFDI显著正相关;中国对“一带一路”的OFDI一般集中于政治风险高、文化距离近、自然资源丰富的国家,原因在于东道国丰富的自然资源和与东道国良好的双边关系降低了投资风险;地理距离对中国投资有负影响,中国对东道国出口对OFDI有促进作用。此外,政治风险、文化距离和地理距离对OFDI的影响在“一带一路”两条路线上表现出明显差异。  相似文献   
在中国—东盟自由贸易区下广西与东盟经贸关系发展特征是:贸易方式以边境小额贸易为主;贸易结构互补性与竞争性并存;广西对越南贸易依存度很高。中国—东盟自由贸易区的建立不仅使双边贸易和投资增长,而且还促进了广西GDP的增长和相关产业的发展。双边应充分利用中国—东盟博览会平台,发展服务贸易、调整农产品出口结构、优化与各成员国全方位合作、加强基础设施建设。  相似文献   
研究目的:从多元农业经营主体这一本源入手,运用共生理论,构建"以人为本、互利互惠"的生产空间重构路径,旨为其开展重构提供一新思路。研究方法:参与式农户调查,共生理论量化方法。研究结果:2010-2015年大柱村形成三对稳定的农业经营共生体,其共生关系均处于非对称互惠共生阶段;共生界面是影响农业经营主体共生关系变化的关键因素,其中劳动力、农业基础设施、惠农政策是大柱村主要共生界面阻尼介质。研究结论:多元农业经营主体是生产空间重构的本源,共生界面是关键,共生效益是目标,构建"强化主体共生能力—夯实共生界面—保障共生利益"的生产空间重构路径,能确保村域内"资源共享、义务共担、环境共建"的实现。  相似文献   
The capability of website quality management to drive tourism customer e-loyalty is the key factor to achieve superior performance of destination marketing organization (DMO) website operations. The quality management approaches that revolve around website design quality and online relationship quality have drawn intensive attention from e-loyalty researchers in recent years. Thorough empirical investigation, however, still lacks in incorporating the integrative impact generated by the two approaches into DMO website quality management. The current study introduces and validates a theoretical framework based on such impact. As the research result reveals, six facets predict tourism customer e-loyalty directly: informational usefulness, navigational effectiveness, aesthetic appeal, entertainment, social presence, and self-concept congruity embedded in the functional, emotional, and symbolic dimensions of website design quality. Online relationship quality, comprised of relationship satisfaction and relationship trust, plays a partial mediator role in amplifying the e-loyalty driving effect of website design quality in the DMO website context.  相似文献   
This study's main objective was to assess value co-creation and new product success among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia by incorporating cultural orientations and relationship marketing perspectives. The samples were purposely selected in two sectors: handcraft and food and drink. They were approached through a door-to-door distribution of the questionnaires. The findings indicated that relationship quality can enhance value co-creation and new product success when SMEs have a favorable combination of learning, market, and entrepreneurial orientations. However, this study suggests that SMEs do not utilize their relationships as arenas for learning and learning orientation can affect relationship quality only when it is supported by the other orientations.  相似文献   
Research Summary: A learning‐by‐hiring approach is used to scrutinize scientists' mobility in relation to the recruiting firms' subsequent innovation output. Our starting point is that among firm hires, individuals with university research experience—hired from universities or firms—can be particularly valuable. However, conflicting institutional logics between academia and industry makes working with academic scientists challenging at times for firms. We suggest two solutions to this difficulty: hiring “ambidextrous” individuals with a mix of experience of university research and working for a technologically advanced firm, and a strong organizational research culture in the recruiting firm reflected by the presence of a scientist on the top management team. We track the mobility of R&D workers empirically using patent and linked employer‐employee data. Managerial Summary: An important way to make organizations more innovative is hiring individual researchers with the right types of skills and experience. We show that individuals with university research experience beyond their final degree are particularly likely to help boost firm‐level innovation output after hiring compared to R&D workers with other types of skills and experience. However, to obtain good returns to innovation from hiring such individuals, firms need a university research–friendly organizational culture when hiring individuals with university research experience, from either firms or academia.  相似文献   
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