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张晓明  刘军 《价值工程》2009,28(10):134-137
网络化产业组织作为新经济时代的新型产业组织形态,是随着现代信息技术、计算机制造技术和电子商务、供应链管理等理论的迅速发展而兴起的一种以虚拟运作为特征的社会生产组织形式和企业组织管理模式。NK布尔模型从网络视角出发,研究网络化产业组织结构的运行机理,为我国推进产业机构升级、制定产业政策提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
The main aim of this paper is to analyze the determinants of waste crime in Italy by employing a Structural Equation Approach estimated by the Partial Least Square algorithm (PLS-SEM). By treating waste crime as a latent variable that is directly related to its causes and effects, the PLS-SEM methodology allows us to derive a Waste Crime Index (WCI) at the regional level over the period from 2004 to 2016. This analysis decomposes the overall effects of each cause of WCI from the direct and indirect components. Accordingly, we provide some hints to design more effective policies to prevent waste crime.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effect of tax evasion on criminal activities in Italy. Specifically, we consider three types of crime that are related to economic determinants: property crimes (including robbery, theft and car theft), fraud and usury. We estimate different econometric models using annual data from the Italian provinces (NUTS-3 level) for the 2004–12 period. We find that tax evasion positively affects economic crimes, and our results suggest that tax evasion is an incentive to engage in criminal activities, in addition to more standard determinants that we include in the analysis, such as labour market opportunities and deterrence. Moreover, these crimes demonstrate different levels of persistence over time and reflect different adjustment costs.  相似文献   
This article argues that the unsuccessful 1981 strike of federal air traffic controllers was the most significant single event in accelerating the decline of organized labor in the United States in the late 20th century. Like the failed Homestead steel strike of 1892, the PATCO strike cast a long shadow over US labor relations for many years after the event itself. Among the effects of the strike was the role it played in legitimizing the use of permanent replacement workers during strikes. This article draws lessons from the PATCO debacle that are worth considering 25 years later.
Joseph A. McCartinEmail: Phone: +1-202-6870096
综观世界各国对专利犯罪的有关规定,关于立法模式,可分为附属刑法规定型和刑法典规定型两种类型;关于专利犯罪罪名设置,可分为立法侧重保护公共法益与国家法益、立法侧重保护个人法益、立法对两种保护并重3种基本类型;关于专利犯罪刑罚,各国立法皆重视罚金刑的运用,另有一些国家对专利犯罪规定适用资格刑;关于专利犯罪追诉方式,多数国家都实行自诉制度。我国应借鉴其它国家有关规定完善我国专利犯罪立法,立法模式应采取附属刑法规定和刑法典规定相结合;情节恶劣、危害严重的冒充专利行为和专利侵权行为应构成犯罪;扩大罚金刑的适用,适用资格刑;应在刑法或刑事诉讼法中将专利犯罪明文规定为告诉才处理之罪。  相似文献   
土地成建制流转既带来经济效益,也带来社会效益,但是土地承载的社会保障功能、农村富余劳动力就业不稳、产业带动牵引作用不强等因素影响了土地成建制流转的进程。以郴州为例,针对该市土地成建制流转中:山地多、耕地少;租赁多、转让和入股少;短期流转多、长期流转少;自然人多、法人少等现状,提出在坚守土地底线的前提下,加大政策宣传,实施产业带动、发展合作社、完善社会保障,加速推动农村土地成建制流转等一系列措施。  相似文献   
我国侵犯知识产权犯罪刑事控制应贯彻宽严相济刑事政策.在定罪中体现区别对待这一宽严相济刑事政策精神,从严打击假冒商标和版权盗版犯罪行为,对专利和商业秘密犯罪的刑事控制相对从宽.在量刑上对侵犯知识产权犯罪积极适用缓刑和罚金刑,并可适用恢复性司法,力求以宽济严.  相似文献   
杨思怡 《物流科技》2020,(1):121-123
随着我国花卉产业的不断发展,花卉物流产业逐步从传统的物流行业中分离出来,成为了一项独立的物流产业。然而花卉物流发展并没有想像中那样平坦,其在演进过程中仍然面临许多亟待解决的问题。文章以云南锦苑花卉企业为案例,分析其在花卉运输过程中各个物流环节出现的问题,从简化花卉出口报关报检手续、提高花卉冷链运输技术、提升花卉物流整体性的流程优化等方面提出建议。  相似文献   
Even among themselves, criminals are not seen as trustworthy. Consequently, a criminal organization needs to incentivize its members, either by threats of violence or by rewarding good behavior. The cost of using violence depends on the resources police allocate to investigating intraorganizational violence. This means that the police may affect the choice of an incentive scheme by the criminal organization. The design of the optimal strategy for crime control has to take this into account. We develop a model of an infinitely repeated criminal labor market where (i) a criminal organization hires and incentivizes members, and (ii) peripheral crime (crime outside the criminal organization) is a stepping stone to a career in organized crime. We establish that there are two possible optimal strategies for the police. (i) There are situations in which the optimal strategy for the police is to use all of their resources to decrease the efficiency of criminals. (ii) In other situations, the optimal strategy for the police is to spend the minimum amount of resources to ensure that the criminal organization cannot punish disloyal criminals, and spend the rest of their resources to decrease the efficiency of criminals.  相似文献   
土地问题是农民维权抗争的焦点,尤其是征地过程中的农民有组织维权抗争,成为我国当前社会和政治生态中最引人注目的现象,足以使我们对中国的土地制度、乡村治理模式进行深刻反思。本文结合实际,分析征地过程中农民有组织维权抗争的表现形式和特征,解剖征地过程中农民有组织维权抗争产生的原因和背景,并从土地制度建设、乡村治理模式等方面提出化解征地过程中农民有组织维权抗争的思路。  相似文献   
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