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"经济人"分析范式在理性概念的使用上存在明显的逻辑悖论:基于行为功利主义的定义以及由此展开的行为分析,实质上使用的是有限理性,而在理性模型的构建和宏观经济的分析上实际使用的却是完全理性。正是由于在不同场合所使用理性内涵存在如此的不一致,现代主流经济学对短期的行为评价和长期的现象预测之间就出现了断裂。而且,现代主流经济学试图用"无形的手"将两者沟通起来,却一直无法说明"无形的手"是如何运作的。相反,基于长期利益的实现程度和"为己利他"行为机理的实施程度这一视域,可以更好地区别有限理性和完全理性这两个概念,可以更好地认识现实生活中各种行为的理性程度,从而理解社会中不同程度的合作现象。  相似文献   
Personalisation refers to individualizing products, services, and contents according to customer interests and preferences. In order to deliver appropriate personalised offerings, firms inevitably need to collect rich customer data profiles. Prior research suggests that personalised services lead to positive customer responses such as increased willingness to disclose personal information and make purchases. However, another stream of research emphasizes negative outcomes of personalisation – namely, privacy concerns surrounding the use of personal information and associated negative effects on behaviour. The objectives of this study are twofold: (1) to examine how privacy assurance affects proximal outcomes of personalisation, such as perceived usefulness and privacy concerns; and (2) to identify the role such outcomes play in predicting customer behavioural responses, such as willingness to disclose personal information and make purchases. Our findings show that enhancing privacy assurance increases the perceived usefulness of services and decreases customer privacy concerns. Moreover, customer behavioural responses are positively related to the perceived usefulness of services and negatively associated with privacy concerns. However, despite the positive effects on perceived usefulness and purchase intentions, personalisation has no effect on privacy concerns and intentions to disclose personal information.  相似文献   
基于中国经验重构新新贸易理论的分析框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
异质性企业贸易模型是新新贸易理论的基本分析框架,该模型从企业生产率异质性角度分析企业出口的决定因素,得到企业拥有高生产率是保证其出口的重要条件,从而出口企业的生产率要高于内销企业的结论。不过,对中国企业的经验研究却发现,出口企业的生产率未必高于内销企业,甚至低于内销企业,即中国出口企业存在"生产率悖论"。目前,对于"生产率悖论"的研究主要集中于经验分析,并没有提出一个合理解释该现象的理论模型。文章从扩展异质性企业贸易模型的角度,建立了一个旨在解释"生产率悖论"的数理模型。尽管该模型对"生产率悖论"具有解释作用,但是并没有否定生产率对企业出口的作用。文章进一步使用较新的LP方法计算了中国制造业企业的生产率并运用统计法检验了出口企业"生产率悖论"的存在性,检验结果表明中国制造业大部分行业不存在"生产率悖论"。总之,文章研究认为生产率只是企业出口的一个必要条件而不是充分条件,这也重新构建了新新贸易理论的分析框架。  相似文献   
We consider a climate coalition that seeks to reduce global emissions in the presence of carbon leakage and resource exhaustibility. We show that a credible announcement of future unilateral supply‐side policies delays foreign emissions, and we derive the optimal combination of consumer taxes and producer taxes when we consider leakages from free riders, both within periods and across periods. The tax shares generally differ over time. A decline in the present value of the social cost of carbon over time supports a time path where the consumers’ tax share of the total carbon tax also declines over time. We illustrate our findings with a numerical model.  相似文献   
本文在一个三阶段动态博弈框架下,对政府随机审计过程中的政府审计机关与政府审计对象以及国家与政府审计对象之间的动态博弈特征进行了分析。分析结果显示:政府审计机关与政府审计对象之间存在一个纯策略纳什均衡,而国家和政府审计对象之间存在一个混合策略纳什均衡。政府审计对象接受国家实质性审计的概率是政府审计对象被政府机关审计发现违规或不作为后的惩罚倍数的单调递减函数,而政府审计对象的违规或不作为的概率分别是政府审计对象被政府机关审计发现违规或不作为后的惩罚倍数和政府审计对象的应尽义务或责任的单调递减函数,却是政府审计机关审计行为成本的单调递增函数。同时,结合研究结论和中国政府审计全覆盖的现实,给出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   
Consider a game whose strategies are "contributions". A strategy profile is a Kantian equilibrium if  no  player would like  all  players to alter their contributions by the  same multiplicative factor.  Kantian equilibria are Pareto efficient. We characterize the allocation rules on several domains of environments that can be implemented as Kantian equilibria. The concept unifies the  proportional solution  on production economies and the  linear cost-share equilibrium  on public-good economies. We study Kantian equilibrium in the prisoner's dilemma, in a voting problem, and in a political economy where redistribution is the issue. The Kantian dictum engenders considerable but not unqualified cooperation.  相似文献   
In spite of the great U‐turn that saw income inequality rise in Western countries in the 1980s, happiness inequality has fallen in countries that have experienced income growth (but not in those that did not). Modern growth has reduced the share of both the “very unhappy” and the “perfectly happy.” Lower happiness inequality is found both between and within countries, and between and within individuals. Our cross‐country regression results suggest that the extension of various public goods helps to explain this greater happiness homogeneity. This new stylized fact arguably comes as a bonus to the Easterlin paradox, offering a somewhat brighter perspective for developing countries.  相似文献   
中国历史上的6次改革、外国历史上的9次改革表明,政治体制改革在中外历史上不断上演,但可以说没有任何成功的案例---虽然政治改革成功的国家是有的,最基本的原因在于它存在无法克服的政治悖论,包括谁来改、改什么、怎么改三个方面的悖论。  相似文献   
在古德曼看来,像“反事实”、“倾向性”以及“可能性”之类的概念都无法得到显明可见的经验事实的证实和支持,因此都无法合理地把它们作为与实证科学的基本原则相容的科学概念来使用。另一方面,古德曼认为在归纳推理中出现绿蓝悖论的原因在于我们把命题之间的“证实”关系仅仅看作是证据与假设这两个方面之间的关系,而忽略了包括“过去实际进行过的预测及其结果的记录”在内的大量背景知识对证实关系的作用。实际上,导致绿蓝悖论的根本原因在于,我们迄今为止观察到的宝石都是绿的,并不能保证我们随后观察到的宝石也是绿的,我们观察到的下一块宝石也完全有可能是蓝的(或别的某种颜色)。因此,古德曼实际上没有也不可能真正消除“绿蓝悖论”,这是由归纳推理不同于演绎推理的本性所决定的。  相似文献   
论中国增长悖论的深层原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要解决中国目前存在的“增长悖论”问题,必须解决更深层次的“激励机制”问题、“有效歧视”问题和“产业升级”问题。“激励机制”问题可以看作是对“结构调整论”的回应,不重视激励机制(特别是对官员的激励)的经济增长很有可能总是徘徊在调整阶段,丧失经济结构调整的有利时机。“有效歧视”问题可以看作是对“有效劳动需求论”的回应,不破除“有效歧视”就不可能形成真正有效的劳动供给。“产业升级”问题可以看作是对“技术进步论”的回应,一方面,没有产业结构升级的技术进步不是有效的技术进步,因为不能形成“扩散效应”和“拉动效应”;另一方面,达成共识的产业升级会造成“潮涌现象”,从而形成投资过热和产能过剩。  相似文献   
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