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In this paper I analyze the impact of regulatory policy on prices and demand for mobile telecommunications services across the European Union. I estimate a reduced form model of the mobile industry using panel data for the EU countries from 1998 to 2002. Among others, I find the following effects: liberalization of fixed telephone lines has a negative impact on prices and a positive impact on the demand for mobile services, and the introduction of mobile number portability has a negative impact on prices.*I am grateful to Toker Doganoglu, Gerd Hansen, Eric Kodjo Ralph, Guido Friebel, participants at the 30th EARIE Conference 2003, the 2nd International Industrial Organization Conference 2004 and the 19th Annual Congress of the EEA 2004, and anonymous referees for valuable comments. I would like to acknowledge the generous financial support from the Volkswagen Stiftung and the Munich Graduate School of Economics which made this research possible. All errors are mine.1 Source: European Commission (1994).  相似文献   
Summary. The traditional model of sequential decision making, for instance, in extensive form games, is a tree. Most texts define a tree as a connected directed graph without loops and a distinguished node, called the root. But an abstract graph is not a domain for decision theory. Decision theory perceives of acts as functions from states to consequences. Sequential decisions, accordingly, get conceptualized by mappings from sets of states to sets of consequences. Thus, the question arises whether a natural definition of a tree can be given, where nodes are sets of states. We show that, indeed, trees can be defined as specific collections of sets. Without loss of generality the elements of these sets can be interpreted as representing plays. Therefore, the elements can serve as states and consequences at the same time.Received: 23 January 2003, Revised: 2 November 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: C72, D70. Correspondence to: Klaus RitzbergerWe are grateful to Larry Blume, Ariel Rubinstein, Jörgen Weibull, an anonymous referee, and seminar participants at the universities of Vienna, Salamanca, and Heidelberg for helpful comments. Financial support from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under project P15281 is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
投资与通货膨胀-紧缩的联系:来自中国的经验证据   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于Toda-Yamamoto长期因果检验程序和广义脉冲反应技术,本文首先研究了全社会实际固定资产投资与零售价格水平变动之间的长期因果及其冲击-动态反应关系,然后进一步考察了货币供给量M1和贸易依存度在促成上述关系中所扮演的角色.其研究结论为:(1)货币供给量M1是唯一的外生变量,其增长不是价格水平变动的直接因,而是通过全社会实际固定资产投资间接地成为价格水平变动的因;(2)贸易依存度和全社会实际固定资产投资之间存在双向因果联系,前者只能通过后者间接地成为价格水平变动的因;(3)中国对外开放既消化又强化了中国生产能力过剩,但消化胜于强化;(4)投资一个单位正向冲击在开始的2-4年左右导致相对温和的通货膨胀,但后五年左右将导致相对严重的通货紧缩.  相似文献   
This study tests the hypotheses that environment, diversification strategy, and union/nonunion setting affect the number and variety of employee participation programs. A survey of large U.S. manufacturing firms measured the implementation of employee participation programs. Regression results suggest that environmental pressures exert a direct effect on participation in union settings. However, in nonunion settings, environment and diversification strategy both correlated directly with participation. These results suggest that unions could potentially affect participation program implementation.  相似文献   
学分制下影响学生选课的因素分析及对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国高校正稳步推进学分制改革 ,而选课是实施学分制的重要环节 ,分析影响学生选课的主要因素 ,并采取相应的对策 ,对推进学分制改革和提高教学质量 ,具有一定的现实指导意义  相似文献   
"纳税评估"理论基础及其指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳税评估工作是税收征管体系的核心内容。在充分考察国外成熟的纳税评估理论与方法研究基础上,探讨纳税评估在税收管理理论和实务中的枢纽作用和基础地位。最后构建了纳税评估指标体系,提出纳税评估工作今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
Pricing default swaps: Empirical evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we compare market prices of credit default swaps with model prices. We show that a simple reduced form model outperforms directly comparing bonds' credit spreads to default swap premiums. We find that the model yields unbiased premium estimates for default swaps on investment grade issuers, but only if we use swap or repo rates as proxy for default-free interest rates. This indicates that the government curve is no longer seen as the reference default-free curve. We also show that the model is relatively insensitive to the value of the assumed recovery rate.  相似文献   
目的 畜禽养殖粪污是农村环境污染治理的一大难题,国家颁布了一系列相关政策促进养殖粪污资源化处理,从而实现乡村振兴与生态文明建设。方法 文章基于肉鸭养殖生产大省养殖户粪污处理行为的调查数据,建立多元无序Logit模型分析环境规制下不同组织形式养殖户进行粪污资源化处理行为的影响因素及其异质性。结果 (1)相比“随意丢弃”,养殖户通过“直接还田”方式处理肉鸭养殖废弃物比通过“沼气发酵”方式处理更能显著受到环境规制的影响,而且不同环境规制对养殖户粪污处理方式影响程度不同;(2)环境规制通过组合型规制因素对肉鸭养殖户粪污资源化处理行为发挥约束作用,命令型规制、激励型规制、引导型规制都显著影响肉鸭养殖户将粪污“直接还田”的处理方式,而只有“引导型规制”对“沼气发酵”处理方式的养殖户有显著影响;(3)“激励型”与“引导型”环境规制对“紧密型”组织形式养殖户环境友好行为的影响较大,而“松散型”组织形式养殖户环境友好行为主要受到“命令型”环境规制的影响。结论 为促进养殖户积极主动进行粪污资源化处理,提高肉鸭养殖效率,地方政府应该更加注重引导型规制的职能发挥,通过技术推广和相关宣传与培训,提升养殖户环境友好行为认知,激励养殖户积极治理污染,实现肉鸭产业绿色发展。  相似文献   
土地利用总体规划是政府调控土地资源配置的主要手段。在区域土地利用总体规划的编制及实施管理的基础上建立相应的资源环境经济核算体系,不仅可以引导政府和企业法人将优化土地利用结构、发展区域经济和改善生态环境质量有机地结合起来,而且可以建立农地流转的补偿机制,保障被征地农民的合法权益。同时对保护和科学管理耕地资源,解决人均耕地少的矛盾和粮食安全问题,实现可持续发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   
每个人都有自己的情绪,而由个人所组成的企业自然也有情绪,对企业而言,情绪也是一种资本,这种资本在很大程度上决定着企业的竞争力,促进智力资本作用的发挥、决定企业的性格和企业的人性化程度。员工情绪管理机制构建的途径:重视人的复杂性,遵循以人为本的管理理念;善于运用激励机制,激发员工工作的热情;建立员工帮助计划;培训员工个体进行情绪管理的能力和完善员工情绪管理机制。  相似文献   
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