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在经济全球化的背景之下,作为国际税务合作的重要形式,国际税收情报交换制度越来越受到各国以及各国际组织的关注。在国际税收情报交换实施过程中的一大突出问题是对相关纳税人权利的漠视。在各相关国际法律文件中对税收情报交换中的纳税人权利保护作了一些规定。这些权利可以分为三个层次。实践中加强税收情报交换中纳税人权利的保护势在必行。  相似文献   
As recently argued by Diamond (1998), one of the key factors explaining the progressivity of an optimal non-linear income tax is the distribution of productivity among workers. Migration is one source of changes in the productivity distribution. How changes in the populations ability distribution affect optimal income tax schedules has received little attention. Changing the distribution generally affects both the objective function and the government budget constraint. We first consider the comparative statics of the fraction of highly-skilled workers with maximin and maximax welfare functions (so that only the second effect is present) and a quasi-linear utility function. We also present some results for a utilitarian social welfare function.We then study the interaction between mobility and redistributive taxation. We consider mobility by either the skilled or unskilled population under majority voting where governments take the population as fixed. If individuals choose to relocate independently, having identical ability distributions is always a stable equilibrium when the unskilled are the mobile group. However, this is not always the case when the skilled are mobile. If groups of individuals can choose where to locate, having identical ability distributions across regions is only an equilibrium when the mobile type has an overall majority.  相似文献   
税收风险管理绩效评价贯穿于税收风险管理工作的全过程,能确保税收风险管理制度得到有效执行,并能不断完善税收风险管理的工作流程。将关键绩效指标法应用于税收风险管理绩效评价工作,对税收风险管理进行全流程、全方位的评价,构建税收风险管理关键绩效指标评价体系,有助于提高税收风险管理能力和水平,全面实现以风险管理为导向的现代化税收征管体系。  相似文献   
税收公平原则富含社会伦理的思想。对个人所得税的征管,不仅要强调其经济功能,更要关注其社会公正和伦理维护的社会功能。我国的个人所得税制存在纳税人身份确定、纳税能力确定、征税范围确定三个方面的公平伦理扭曲。因此,新的个人所得税构想中应当强调全民纳税、量能负担原则,实行低累进税率和负所得税税率,同时要改进征管模式。  相似文献   
天津东疆保税港区以其独特的地理位置、区位优势和政策环境优势为建立免税自由贸易港岛提供了有利条件。积极争取国家有关部门的支持,批准天津东疆保税港岛试行免税政策对天津成为以免税购物为主题的,融娱乐、休闲、购物于一体的国际知名旅游目的地具有里程碑意义,将会大大提升天津知名度和国际竞争力。本文通过对世界上其他国家和地区的现有"离境退税"政策和"离岛免税"政策进行分析,从中发现能促进东疆港免税购物成功发展的重要因素,并给出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   
关于解决我国物业税“空转实”难点问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,我国“空转”物业税的计税依据是房产评估价的70%,而“房产评估价”与房产的房龄、朝向、装修状况、周边设施等多个因素相关,致使评估工作复杂,税收的公平与效率难以体现。基于此,文章提出了以“房产原值”为基础上浮一定比例为“空转”物业税计税依据的全新观点,并从税收公平与效率的视角对这一观点进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   
Recently, qualitative and comparatively simple positive research on tax revenue increase faster than that of GDP are mostly based upon some factors, such as economic growth, levy technology enhancement, difference between structure of GDP and that of tax, excessive increase of high-tax industries due to local governments’ land-leasing behavior, etc. We firstly develop a theoretical model and responding algorithm about this phenomenon based on industry structure and their tax burden. Our model explicitly takes into account every industry’s contribution to this phenomenon. We attempt to provide a path for explaining tax revenue increase faster than GDP increase and suggestion for forecasting the change of macro-tax burden. __________ Translated from Shuliang Jingji Jishu Jingji Yanjiu 数量经济技术经济研究 (The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics), 2008, (10): 108–118  相似文献   
当前我国国内横向税收竞争的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目前我国理论研究的不足阻碍了对现实生活中各类税收竞争问题的有效治理。为此,着眼于我国国内横向税收竞争的实践,对其进行总结和归类,剖析其背后的体制与制度原因,评价其经济效应,并由此提出促进我国国内横向税收有序发展的政策措施是必要的。  相似文献   
<个人所得税法>从实施以来,我国已经对免征额进行了三次调整,最近两次调整的时间间隔很近,似乎个人所得税的问题只是一个免征额的变动问题.对居民来说,个人所得税问题的实质是税负的轻重和公平问题.免征额是对个人工作和生活费用的扣除,是一个动态的概念.历次免征额的调整,只是解决个人所得税问题的权宜之计,而要真正实现个人所得税调节个人收入、实现量能负担的税收公平原则,就必须对个人所得税进行全面改革.  相似文献   
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