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Guided by a call for research on small entities using innovative methodologies, this study is the first to analyse small municipality audit fees on a per capita basis. The research utilises a complete dataset of all 92 Connecticut municipalities that meet the study criteria and does not rely on samples or survey results. The measure of per capita was utilised to account for differences between town populations allowing for a more accurate comparison of audit fees and audit fee determinants across municipalities of differing populations. Consistent with the premise that auditee characteristics are an important consideration in audit fees, we find that when examining audit fees on a per capita basis in the subset of small municipalities: (1) smaller towns pay considerably more for audit services than larger towns, (2) towns with an ethics committee oversight function and best practices financial reporting practices have lower per capita audit fees than those that do not and (3) audit firm size, audit firm tenure and existence of audit/finance committee oversight have no significant impact on per capita audit fees. The results of this study help fill a void in the audit literature by providing insights into audit fee determinants in small municipalities by considering the added feature of a per capita analysis. The authors also sought to provide additional information for consideration in the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) efforts to streamline standards for auditing of less complex entities.  相似文献   
电子商务的跨地域性特征增加了小微企业的创新收益,但其自然垄断属性又会抑制小微企业创新。本文基于中国小微企业调查数据,实证检验电子商务对小微企业创新的影响。结果表明:(1)电子商务不仅能促进小微企业产品技术方面的创新,也能够促进营销、组织、服务等非产品技术的创新。(2)小微企业发展电子商务加速资金回流,增加现金流,更容易进行创新。小微企业通过电商平台加大对广告的投入,能够促进非产品技术创新,但对产品技术创新的作用并不显著。(3)相较于主要产品市场竞争力强的小微企业,主要产品市场竞争力弱的企业利用电子商务进行非产品技术创新的效果更好;不同地区的小微企业利用电子商务开展的创新效果并无明显差异。  相似文献   
One of the innovative alternatives to the traditional cooperative structure has been the new generation cooperatives or cooperative companies, known as producer companies (PCs) in India since the early 2000s. This paper examines the impact of PCs on the member farmer livelihoods, which is not well studied, with the help of member and non-member farmer interview survey in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is found that though the PCs were inclusive of small farmers in their membership, the PC interface with members for farm inputs was not very strong and the output linkage was poor, reaching only a small proportion of member farmers. The Sufal Bangla public supermarket franchise by some PCs was found to make a large difference to the PC performance and its impact on member farmers. The small size of membership in most case study PCs hindered the equity size, leading to working capital and market interface constraints. Therefore, it is important to encourage members to contribute more equity and to reward their output linkage.  相似文献   
Small firms may go green because of intrinsic motivation (to realise their green values) or extrinsic pressure (to satisfy the requirements of stakeholders). While the impacts of these two motivations on firms' green behaviours have been discussed in the literature, their influences on economic behaviours such as innovation remain unclear. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between going green due to intrinsic versus extrinsic motivations and their impact on firms' innovation. We examine a dataset of almost 21,000 small businesses in 39 countries, primarily less developed, from 2018 to 2020. We find that firms going green tend to be more innovative than those that do not. Also, firms going green due to extrinsic pressure are equally innovative as those that do so for intrinsic motivation. In some cases, it is even found that extrinsic pressure exerts a stronger effect on innovation than intrinsic motivation. Moreover, we examine the moderating effects of market competition on the relationship between green motivation and innovation. We find that while competition exerts no effect on the relationship between intrinsic motivation to go green and firm innovation, it strengthens the relationship between extrinsic motivation to go green and firm innovation. Our findings are robust in different empirical settings that control for endogeneity, model specifications and estimators.  相似文献   
中小企业集群在促进区域经济发展与繁荣方面有着突出的作用.但是,集群作为一种企业组织形式,同样具有生命周期.当前,我国的许多中小企业集群已经遇到一系列挑战与危机,正确地应对这些挑战与危机是实现集群可持续发展的关键.因此,企业、行业协会和政府应当共同努力,通过有效途径来培育和发展集群的可持续发展能力,使集群保持长久的生命力和竞争力.  相似文献   
从近年的财务工作实践中,对公务卡发展现状作了调查,分析研究公务卡推广应用实践中存在的诸多问题,着重提出了探讨解决这些问题的建议和对策。  相似文献   
随着物流市场的竞争日趋激烈,中小物流企业的发展并不容乐观,其发展过程中存在着企业管理制度理念滞后、资金紧张且融资困难、人才匮乏且流动大的问题,因而针对其发展困境提出相应对策。  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of tobacco display bans in four countries: Canada, Iceland, Thailand and Ireland. The empirical evidence suggests that the bans have not been effective at reducing the incidence of smoking. They have, however, succeeded in severely damaging the revenues of the independent retail sector and bolstering the illicit market in tobacco.  相似文献   
今天,物流成本的节约已成为企业"第三利润源"。文章通过案例分析说明,企业运用从至表一实验法进行多品种小批量生产时,由于各加工对象的工艺路线不同,如果物流方向不一致,就需要寻求总运费最低的生产的平面位置布置方案。  相似文献   
This paper is inspired by two papers of Riegel who proposed to consider the paid and incurred loss development of the individual claims and to use a filter in order to separate small and large claims and to construct loss development squares for the paid or incurred small or large claims and for the numbers of large claims. We show that such loss development squares can be constructed from collective models for the accident years. Moreover, under certain assumptions on these collective models, we show that a development pattern exists for each of these loss development squares, which implies that various methods of loss reserving can be used for prediction and that the chain ladder method is a natural method for the prediction of future numbers of large claims.  相似文献   
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