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人本管理是现代企业管理的新模式,其核心价值观是尊重人、关心人、实现人的价值。现代企业实施人本管理应开辟一些新的途径:通过组织结构变革来促进人本管理,做到唯才是用,使人尽其才成为人本管理的核心;塑造企业文化,凝聚团队力量;在企业中建立行之有效的人本管理机制。  相似文献   
Organic and national brand manufacturers position their offerings as nutritious meals for adults and children. Do these brands serve as reliable signals of nutritional quality? To find an answer, this study analyzed a very popular, ready-to-eat breakfast cereal food category based on all the available data from 2011 (324 offerings) from a large UK grocery comparison website, mysupermarket.co.uk. The study shows that it is possible to find store and basic brand offerings that are almost identical to national brand offerings, but much cheaper and with less sugar (the main concern in cereal). Hedonic price regression analysis further confirms that brand and size explain most of cereal’s price variability, regardless of nutritional quality. The findings also reveal that low-sugar cereals are hard to find regardless of price, and almost all cereals targeted at children have high levels of sugar. A replication study (337 offerings in 2012) revealed that, on average, cereal sugar levels and prices increased, while nutritional value decreased.  相似文献   
Stochastic volatility models of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type possess authentic capability of capturing some stylized features of financial time series. In this work we investigate this class of models from the viewpoint of derivative asset analysis. We discuss topics related to the incompleteness of this type of markets. In particular, for structure preserving martingale measures, we derive the price of simple European-style contracts in closed form. Furthermore, the range of viable prices is determined and an empirical application is presented.  相似文献   
张宝明 《商业研究》2011,(9):174-179
伴随农产品交易体系不断完善,风险控制也得到加强,但农产品"卖难"的问题并没有完全解决,价格操纵现象时有发生。基于农产品的特点和销售渠道的不畅,传统现货市场的交易方式经常造成农产品价格失真。利用网络技术、电子金融和电子商务手段打造现代农产品网络交易市场,不仅能有效提高农产品交易的效率,而且能显著改善农产品价格的时滞性、分散性、波动性和信息不对称性。为此,研究农产品网络交易市场、交易模式和风险控制机制,对现代农产品交易市场的健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We model the term-structure modeling of interest rates by considering the forward rate as the solution of a stochastic hyperbolic partial differential equation. First, we study the arbitrage-free model of the term structure and explore the completeness of the market. We then derive results for the pricing of general contingent claims. Finally we obtain an explicit formula for a forward rate cap in the Gaussian framework from the general results.  相似文献   
Limited extant experimental research on advertising appeal effectiveness in the presence of price cues in a service offer provides the motivation for this study. While past research has found support for the effectiveness of both rational and emotional appeals in services marketing, this research, in the context of hotel advertising, shows that appeal type effectiveness may vary with the price level of the service. More specifically, this study finds that rational appeals are more effective than emotional appeals for low-priced hotels, but for high-priced hotels, rational and emotional appeals show no significant difference in influencing consumer evaluations of the offer.  相似文献   
Yang Liu  Xiaolei Guo  Hai Yang 《NETNOMICS》2009,10(1):123-140
This paper studies a Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral congestion pricing scheme on a simple two-mode (highway and transit) network: this scheme aims at simultaneously improving system performance, making every individual user better off, and having zero total revenue. Different Pareto-improving situations are explored when a two-mode transportation system serves for travel groups with different value-of-time (VOT) distributions. Since the congestion pricing scheme suggested here charges transit users negative tolls and automobile users positive tolls, it can be considered as a proper way to implement congestion pricing and transit subsidy in one step, while offsetting the inequity for the poor. For a general VOT distribution of commuters, the condition of Pareto-improving is established, and the impact of the VOT distribution on solving the inequity issue is explored. For a uniform VOT distribution, we show that a Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral pricing scheme always exists for any target modal split pattern that reduces the total system travel time.  相似文献   
商业银行贷款定价问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丽华  陆云莺 《商业研究》2003,(24):121-122
随着我国利率市场化改革的推进 ,商业银行贷款定价的自主权逐步扩大 ,贷款价格确定是否合理对商业银行经营战略的实施具有重要的现实意义。因此 ,贷款定价研究是商业银行战略发展中必须重视的问题。  相似文献   

Air travel is forecasted to be a strong growth market for the 90s. An annual growth rate of over 4% is being predicted until the end of the century. Comprising 20% of the seats and 40% of the overall revenues, the business travel segment had assumed an important strategic focus within the airline industry. This study looks at the competitive issues involved in meeting the demands of the business traveler, especially in the light of the changing relationships between those who supply the product, those who distribute, and those who use it. With corporate America along with the rest of the world continuing to do more business, but with less travel, this study looks at some of the changes that the airline industry can implement to lure business travelers back. Finally, a model is proposed, which the airlines can use to adopt to the changing needs of the market.  相似文献   
An emerging source of competitive advantage for service industries is the knowledge, skills and attitudes of their employees. Indeed, achievement of a ‘service quality’ culture, considered imperative for competitive advantage in service organisations, supposedly results from the use of best practice human resource management (HRM), and from a strategic approach to their implementation. This paper empirically explores the use of these dimensions of HRM as a source of competitive advantage. It finds high-performing service organisations actively engage best practices across the areas of recruitment and selection, training and development, communication and team working. Evidence of a strategic approach to the implementation of these practices is also found.  相似文献   
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