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左希迎 《世界经济与政治》2020,(3):78-101,158,159
进入21世纪以来,非常规战争成为国际社会关注的焦点。在理论谱系上,学术界已经对非常规战争的内在本质、基本特征和行为模式进行了深入研究,提出了一些富有创见的理论。在这些研究的基础上,作者认为非常规战争所呈现出的形态及其战略战术与以往相比有了重要变化,凸显了克劳塞维茨式战争逻辑之外的一面,即战争中的弱者通过非常规方式增强自我力量、通过非常规方式向国家行为体施加成本来战胜强者的隐性逻辑。基于这种隐性逻辑,从非国家行为体的视角重新审视战争,可以发现非常规战争中的作战方式已经使得战争形态发生了四点巨大变化:战争的形态越来越不清晰、战争的胜负之分变得模糊、战争正变得越来越扁平化以及战争伦理受到侵蚀。当前的大国竞争并不会削弱非常规战争的地位,在某种程度上甚至会凸显其独特战略意义。因此,探究非常规战争的隐性逻辑,既有助于我们理解战争形态的变化,也有利于国家行为体据此调整相关战略战术。  相似文献   
政府在国有资产营运机构治理中有着重要的作用。本文基于政府在经济活动中的地位与作用,明确提出政府是国资营运机构治理中的重要相关利益者,并强调在国资营运机构的治理中应建立有效且有限的政府。  相似文献   
Loan commitments represent more than 82 percent of all commercial and industrial loans by domestic banks. This paper develops a valuation model for loan commitments incorporating early exercise, multiple fees, partial exercise and credit risk. The model is analytically tractable and easy to implement. Using a sample of commercial paper backup credit lines from the Dealscan database, we show that our model prices closely match loan commitment market prices.  相似文献   
认知世界经济的巨大变化需要新的观念,人类经济总体发展模型又称“四方式二形态”假说,可以作为研究经济和管理问题的基本框架和准则。由此得出当前世界经济按功能经济形态运行。列出了一些与物质经济运行形态不同的主要的新特征。总结出六条关于功能价值的基本原理,以供处理有关问题之用。给出了“价值运筹”的定义,指出价值运筹的实质是“智能经营”,因此“全员价值运筹”是必然的选择。它将推动企业管理创新  相似文献   
This paper addresses the issue of the low level of private investment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with special emphasis on the role of governance. Based on the existing published reports, we categorize what types of governance institutions are more detrimental to entrepreneurial investments. We then estimate a simultaneous model of private investment and governance quality where economic policies concurrently explain both variables. Our empirical results show that governance plays a significant role in private investment decisions. This result is particularly true in the case of “administrative quality” in the form of control of corruption, bureaucratic quality, investment‐friendly profile of administration, law and order, as well as for “political stability.” Evidence in favor of “public accountability” is also found. Our estimations also stress that structural reforms like financial development, trade openness, and human development affect private‐investment decisions directly, and/or through their positive effect on governance.  相似文献   
走向共同富裕的解决相对贫困思路研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对国内外相对贫困研究文献和国外相对贫困治理实践的梳理,以及对中共十九大和十九届四中全会精神的研读,本文论述了中国中长期进程中解决相对贫困的四个方面的问题:中国可以与其他发达国家不同,在共同富裕的现代化框架下建立解决相对贫困的目标;为了充分满足贫困和社会进步监测以及减贫政策需要,中国现阶段可以制定多元的相对贫困标准体系;中国解决相对贫困应坚持国际上普遍采纳的经济增长、人力资本投资、社会保障"三支柱"战略,但需要结合中国国情进行必要的调适,尤其是应继续坚持发展支持战略与政策导向;相对贫困治理需转向常规化,对大扶贫格局进行优化,实行制度化、法制化的贫困治理。  相似文献   
Improvements to forest and land governance are key to addressing deforestation and degradation of peatlands in Indonesia. While this is a priority area, the steps to achieving good forest and land governance have been under-researched. There is a need for better links between theoretically informed academic analysis and work in the field. This study drew together a panel of experts on forest and land governance using a Delphi method to discuss the underlying drivers of deforestation and peatland degradation, and correspondingly, to identify interventions to improve land and forest governance in Indonesia. Seventeen panelists with an average of more than 12 years’ experience reached agreement over four governance interventions: increasing the capacity of local communities to manage and monitor forests and natural resources (65% of panelist’s votes); identify strengths and weaknesses of community organisations and institutions, and develop strategies to improve their performance (65% of panelist’s votes); gazetting forests to clarify land boundaries and determine which areas should be village, community and state forest zone (59% of panelist’s votes); and, integrating participatory community maps into spatial plans to protect local communities and indigenous peoples’ development needs (53% of panelist’s votes). They also supported action research involving the government, private sector and communities, and political economy approaches to researching forest and land governance issues. Panelists indicated that community level approaches such as securing community forest tenure through clarifying land claims and integrating local land tenure into spatial planning had an important role in sustainable forest management.  相似文献   
The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) is a virtual certainty. Much less certain is the timing of their introduction and how rapid the transition to full automation will be. Various governments are already working to facilitate this shift by, for example, amending and elaborating regulations to support the introduction of AVs, or supporting tests in different urban environments. Meanwhile, urban and regional planners and decision-makers are still grappling with the uncertainties and differing opinions about the possible impacts of AVs on land-use changes and location choices, particularly in relation to the space available for vehicles, both moving (i.e. roadspace) and stationary (i.e. parking space). This paper uses a backcasting approach to identify critical policy decisions and measures to be taken before the implementation of AVs, so as to achieve a more desirable, attractive and high-quality city. These policy measures primarily relate to the reuse and reallocation of parking and roadspace. Two strategic decisions are found to be essential to meet the major goals of sustainable and liveable cities: a clear commitment to a shared mobility and the delimitation of Core Attractive Mixed-use Spaces (CAMS). In order to deliver these desired urbanisation patterns, a set of three policy paths, involving eight policy packages, is proposed for the next 20–30 years. This article provides urban and regional decision-makers with examples of interventions that can be implemented beyond and during the implementation of AVs.  相似文献   
Peri-urban landscapes (PULs) are specific transitional forms of urban landscapes undergoing dynamic land-use changes. PULs’ transformations are driven by close and significant influence of an urban core, cross-administrative boundary character, and diversity of governance actors. PULs have significant potential to provide ES and respond to the urban and peri-urban demand for ES, but they are also particular contexts where significant and different ES trade-offs can occur. Majority of existing forms of governance are not able to deal and address such trade-offs, which thus call for more innovative and effective governance approaches and mechanisms, aimed at achieving ES synergies and reducing ES conflicts.This paper discusses the characteristics of PULs in the context of governance questions related to the management of ES trade-offs in the urban peripheries. The drivers of ES trade-offs are presented and different trade-off relationships between and within the main ES types are analyzed. The paper drafts a way forward from the current state-of-the-art related to governance of peri-urban ES trade-offs by providing recommendations for more effective governance that would address these trade-offs. Due to the very dynamic character of PULs, it is difficult to manage land-use changes and ES trade-offs. Hence, the governance approaches need to be adaptive and integrative at multiple levels, while engaging diverse actors to balance ES trade-offs that have mixed urban and rural character.  相似文献   
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