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作通过对数项目程中的弱电工程的监理经验总结,提出了对智能建筑实行规范化操作的具体建议。  相似文献   
This paper is motivated by automated valuation systems, which would benefit from an ability to estimate spatial variation in location value. It develops theory for the local regression model (LRM), a semiparametric approach to estimating a location value surface. There are two parts to the LRM: (1) an ordinary least square (OLS) model to hold constant for interior square footage, land area, bathrooms, and other structural characteristics; and (2) a non-parametric smoother (local polynomial regression, LPR) which calculates location value as a function of latitude and longitude. Several methods are used to consistently estimate both parts of the model. The LRM was fit to geocoded hedonic sales data for six towns in the suburbs of Boston, MA. The estimates yield substantial, significant and plausible spatial patterns in location values. Using the LRM as an exploratory tool, local peaks and valleys in location value identified by the model are close to points identified by the tax assessor, and they are shown to add to the explanatory power of an OLS model. Out-of-sample MSE shows that the LRM with a first-degree polynomial (local linear smoothing) is somewhat better than polynomials of degree zero or degree two. Future applications might use degree zero (the well-known NW estimator) because this is available in popular commercial software. The optimized LRM reduces MSE from the OLS model by between 5 percent and 11 percent while adding information on statistically significant variations in location value.  相似文献   
Properties can be bought by government agencies, land trusts, or private entities for conservation and preservation purposes, such as farmland preservation, wildlife refuges, other conservation, and cultural and historical preservation. There is variation in the dollars paid per acre across properties and across buyer type. An option value model based on future potential land uses is used to explain much of this variation. The data used in our analysis is sales transactions data for conservation and preservation purposes from throughout the United States. We find that much of the value of conservation properties is derived from future potential land uses, including housing, timber, recreation, and conservation. We confirm that public versus private buyers value options differently, which makes sense from a public good point of view, if markets are thin.  相似文献   
自然资本代际配置研究--可持续发展的产权制度设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自然资本配置不仅涉及当代人利益,也涉及后代人利益,即涉及代际利益问题。现代产权理论,对于说明市场机制配置资源产生帕累托最优效率,提供了反传统的论证,但是缺乏代际利益均衡理念,无法令人信服地说明可持续发展框架下的自然资本的最优配置问题。本文以罗尔斯的代际正义论为伦理基础,提出自然资本代际产权理论,以期对现代产权理论加以修正并对可持续发展进行产权制度设计。  相似文献   
What do we know about technology and rights? This article provides a fairly comprehensive overview of current issues regarding this topic. We explore and analyse a wide spectrum of rights that are challenged in this current era of technological convergence. We use the United States Bill of Rights as an example of the vulnerability of legal protections for rights against particular political and technological changes in this post 9-11 climate. New streams of rights acting as a safeguard against further incursions of technology into civil liberties are explored. We also address intellectual property rights and international trends in copyright, patent and trademark laws. We question whether these issues of technology and rights have a place in current technological literacy scenarios.  相似文献   
新形势下高校房产管理改革的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对高校后勤改革中存在的不足及工作偏差进行研究,分析了房产改革在高校后勤工作中的重要性和迫切性,指出了其中的纰漏和弊端,以及没有充分完善的地方。针对现有的弊端,提出了相应的一些解决办法和措施。高校房产管理改革重在提高房屋的使用效率及经济效益。  相似文献   
企业是市场经济活动的主体,应该具有其主体属性,并且正是其主体属性决定它的主体地位和作用,并形成主体性产权。但是,学术界缺乏对这个问题的研究,主要是因为受西方经济学传统的限制,要突破这种限制必须把经济学与管理学结合起来进行研究,以构建企业主体性产权理论。企业主体性产权是其相关属性产权与自主属性产权的统一。企业相关属性及其产权是基础和结果,主要说明企业主体性产权的共性;企业自主属性及其产权是原动力和境界,主要说明企业主体性产权的个性。它们的互补和统一突出地体现在企业家及其产权上。企业主体性产权的目的是在防止“蛋糕”缩小的同时把“蛋糕”做大,其核心是基于相互关系的约束而进行自主创造的激励,其模型的运行特点是协同一自主创造。企业主体性产权理论的应用,可以保证和促使中国企业循着超越自然历史发展。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国民法典》已于2021年1月1日正式实施,虽然《民法典》第1133条在涵盖《继承法》第16条的基础上,增设第四款"自然人可以依法设立遗嘱信托",使信托出现在《民法典》的条文当中,但纵观全典,其不仅对遗嘱信托与继承法的衔接未继续予以细化规定,而且未在更为基础的物权编、合同编,抑或是总则编对信托进行吸收。因此,我国目前在法律制度上可谓采取了一种将信托作为民事特别法、单行法的立法模式。无法回避的现状是,我国信托法制发展至今,信托的基础理论研究始终未能取得重大突破,尤其在信托财产归属、财产权结构、信托财产独立性的解释上仍存较大争议。如何引进信托制度是大陆法系国家共同面临的难题,我国《信托法》已实施20年,信托基础理论的争议始终与实践遭遇的各种法律障碍密切相关。如何构建起能凝聚共识的信托法财产权结构,如何衔接《信托法》与正式颁布的《民法典》,是否需要对我国《信托法》进行更新和完善,都是非常值得研究的问题。本文尝试通过对已有信托财产权学说进行分析,并运用所有权权能理论进行探究,最终得出如何在一物一权的前提下理解信托财产权及其独立性的思路,并对信托财产权与物权法定原则的冲突提出较为妥善...  相似文献   
永安市林业融资体制改革实践与完善的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
永安市林业融资模式是由省开发行向永安市国有资产投资经营有限公司提供贷款资金,再由国投公司委托永安市农村信用合作社向永安市的林业中小企业和农户发放贷款,贷款的中小企业和农户将林权作为抵押物抵押给国投公司。永安市林业融资模式的改革实现了林权作为抵押物的突破,增强了林业对社会资本的配置能力,促进了森林资源的培育,实现了林农增收和林业增效的目标。深化林业融资体制改革,必须建设社会统一的林业要素大市场,完善林权管理的服务机制,推动森林保险业和林权典当的发展,增强金融机构内在动力,探索小额贷款的扶持机制。  相似文献   
林木抵押疑难问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
胡玉浪 《林业经济问题》2007,27(3):217-220,224
在林木所有权可以抵押的前提下,从抵押权的历史发展和《担保法》的体系解释两个角度,阐述林木用益物权抵押的可行性;分析我国禁止重复抵押的不当之处以及建立林木重复抵押制度的必要性和可行性;主张林木可以与林地使用权分离单独设定抵押权,也可以与林地使用权一并设定抵押权。  相似文献   
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