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农村环境治理关乎乡村振兴的成效,农户的参与与否及其参与程度直接影响着农村环境治理的成效。基于农村人口流动的现状,对福建、安徽、陕西三省的529位农户进行了调查,采用双栏模型检验家庭人口流动对农户环境治理支付意愿及其支付额度的影响程度。结果表明,人口流动对农户环境治理支付意愿有显著的负向作用,而对农户环境治理支付额度有显著的正向作用。此外,不同省份区域人口流动对环境治理支付意愿的影响机制不同。  相似文献   
This study seeks to disentangle the effects of size, book‐to‐market and momentum on returns. Initial results show that each characteristic has a role in explaining returns, but that there is interaction between size and momentum, as well as between size and book‐to‐market. Three key findings emerge. First, the size premium is the strongest, particularly in the loser portfolios. Second, the value premium is generally limited to the smallest portfolios. Third, the momentum premium is evident for the large‐ and middle‐sized portfolios, but loser stocks significantly outperform winner stocks in the smallest size portfolio. When these interactions are controlled with multivariate regression, we find a significant negative average relation between size and returns, a significant positive average relation between book‐to‐market and returns, and a significant positive average relation between momentum and returns.  相似文献   
Organizations must target talented applicants, who will often be demographically diverse, to attract the most competent and competitive workforce possible. Despite the bottom‐line implications of attracting the best and brightest, surprisingly little is known about how and why diversity recruitment strategies affect recruitment outcomes (e.g., job‐pursuit intentions). To gain insight into this question, we conducted an initial experimental study (N = 194) to test the premise that other‐group orientation moderates the relationship between perceived organizational value of diversity and job‐pursuit intentions. In a follow‐up experiment (N = 255), identity affirmation was examined as the mediating mechanism for the interaction observed in the first study. Mediated moderation analyses supported the proposed model. Collectively, the studies indicate that job seekers high in other‐group orientation are more intent on pursuing employment with organizations deemed to value diversity because they feel that their salient identities are likely to be affirmed. No such indirect effect is present for those lower in other‐group orientation.  相似文献   
有限责任合伙制是西方国家大会计师事务所普遍采用的组织形式,我国政府为了加快会计师事务所的做大做强,也在采取相应措施推动大中型会计师事务所采用有限责任合伙制组织形式。而系统研究和解决有限责任合伙制会计师事务所民事责任的一些重大问题,如对故意、重大过失、过失的界定,如何把损失赔偿额在各虚假陈述行为主体之间特别是合伙人之间进行分配,以及与此相关的配套措施的建立和完善,将有助于有限责任合伙制会计师事务所的做大做强,最终实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   
在工业文明时代,所有的国家都以不同的方式,努力实现工业化。工业化是人类文明发展的方向,也是历史发展的潮流,它造成了各国社会的发展和深刻变化。但传统的工业文明已经走到了尽头,面对所有的问题与新的机遇。需要探寻新工业文明之路,以追赶并实现文明的腾飞。  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to estimate willingness to pay (WTP) for the reduction of mortality risks caused by fossil fuel (natural gas, coal and oil) versus nuclear electric power generation systems and to examine the influence of risk characteristics involved with electric power generation on WTP. A choice experiment was conducted to achieve these objectives. The attributes for nuclear risks in the experiment included the probability of disasters and the expected losses if a disaster occurs. We find evidence of (i) a baseline effect (where WTP is sensitive to hypothetical versus actual baseline expected mortality); (ii) a ‘labeling effect,’ where, surprisingly, the term ‘nuclear’ has no effect on WTP, but the term ‘fossil-fueled power generation’ results in lower WTP; and (iii) disaster aversion, meaning that people focus on the conditional loss from a nuclear disaster, not the probability. We also find that the WTP for reducing deaths from a nuclear disaster is about 60 times the WTP for routine reducing fossil-fuel generation-related deaths.  相似文献   
通过分析影响知识联盟知识转移的各种因素和联盟动态演进的过程,重新定义了知识联盟成功的含义,并根据“学习赛跑”的理论模型讨论了知识联盟演进过程中各类影响因素的作用,给出了研究知识联盟动态演进过程的因素分析模型,为研究知识联盟提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   
考虑违约距离的上市公司危机预警模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘国光  王慧敏  张兵 《财经研究》2005,31(11):59-68
在上市公司财务危机预警中,违约距离起着重要的不可替代的作用,仅考虑财务指标并不足以完全解释企业财务危机发生的原因.文章应用Merton模型对2002~2004年ST公司和相应配对公司的危机发生之前的违约距离进行了研究,发现危机公司违约距离在危机发生前第三年明显低于正常公司的相应值,违约距离比传统财务指标能更早地预警到企业财务危机的发生.结合违约距离因素的危机预警模型能更明显地提高模型的危机判断正确率.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates changes made to the internal assessment component of a third year financial accounting course at a university in New Zealand. A learning portfolio was designed to supplement existing coursework. The aim was to engender in students a deep rather than a surface approach to learning. As a record of the students' learning, the learning portfolio was an attempt to produce an innovative development in the assessment of what was a traditionally taught financial accounting course. Within their learning portfolios, students were required to complete a number of tasks, each aimed at improving critical thinking skills and creativity. Students were also required to maintain a personal or reflective section aimed at personalising and deepening the quality of their learning.  相似文献   
独立性是独立董事制度的灵魂,没有独立性,独立董事作为监督者的作用将不复存在.独立性包括形式上的独立和实质上的独立两个方面.形式上,除担任董事外,独立董事与公司不能有其他形式的联系.只有形式独立是不够的,还必须保证实质独立,独立董事应以第三者立场发表意见,不受重要股东,公司经理层及其他利益相关者的影响,客观公正的行使职责.我国上市公司引入独立董事制度虽然有十多个年头,但是独立董事独立性的缺失使得这一制度实施的实际效果并不是很理想.  相似文献   
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