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李军 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2010,9(4):32-35
在分析婺源乡村旅游发展和徽派古民居保护现状与存在问题的基础上,研究了婺源乡村旅游可持续发展与徽派古民居保护之间的关系,提出了两者协调发展的对策,包括旅游开发与古民居保护利益共享;坚持政府主导、市场化运作;拓展旅游产品;完善古民居保护立法和加强旅游可持续发展与古民居保护的宣传、教育等。 相似文献
按劳动力价值决定工资与按劳分配根本矛盾 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
关柏春 《河北经贸大学学报》2001,22(5):10-14
按劳动力价值决定工资不仅不能实现按劳分配,而且与按劳分配根本矛盾;只有认识到劳动具有价值并按个人劳动的价值分配才能真正实现按劳分配的原则。 相似文献
JASON W. MOORE 《Journal of Agrarian Change》2010,10(1):33-68
In the first of two essays in this Journal, I seek to unify the historical geography of early modern ‘European expansion’ (Iberia and Latin America) with the environmental history of the ‘transition to capitalism’ (northwestern Europe). The expansion of Europe's overseas empires and the transitions to capitalism within Europe were differentiated moments within the geographical expansion of commodity production and exchange – what I call the commodity frontier. This essay is developed in two movements. Beginning with a conceptual and methodological recasting of the historical geography of the rise of capitalism, I offer an analytical narrative that follows the early modern diaspora of silver. This account follows the political ecology of silver production and trade from the Andes to Spain in Braudel's ‘second’ sixteenth century (c. 1545–1648). In highlighting the Ibero‐American moment of this process in the present essay, I contend that the spectacular reorganization of Andean space and the progressive dilapidation of Spain's real economy not only signified the rise and demise of a trans‐Atlantic, Iberian ecological regime, but also generated the historically necessary conditions for the unprecedented concentration of accumulation and commodity production in the capitalist North Atlantic in the centuries that followed. 相似文献
This paper analyses individual preferences regarding environmental and health improvement technologies in organic food production systems. The impure public model is applied to explore the implications of organic food preferences for environmental market provision. Empirical results from a survey reveal that consumers are willing to pay for both health gains and environmental friendly technologies in organic milk production, although the valuation of the health aspects is higher. Prior information about organic production systems and shopping convenience are key variables in interpersonal comparisons of willingness to pay. The perceived overall value of organic production systems was higher among individuals with stronger environmental preferences than among those who prioritise health concerns. The conclusions of this study may have implications for the analysis of efficiency in the organic produce market. 相似文献
研究目的:研究青岛市1997—2008年间不同经济增长阶段农地非农化特征,探讨影响农地非农化因素的差异性,估算农地非农化对经济增长的贡献率以及对产业结构变动的作用。研究方法:采取实证研究,运用对比分析,建立灰色关联模型、柯布—道格拉斯生产函数和环境库兹涅茨曲线。研究结果:(1)青岛市农地非农化过程具有显著阶段性特征;(2)建设用地增加与相关经济社会数据关联度普遍不高,且极差较小;(3)建设用地增量对二三产业增加值贡献率远低于固定资产投资;(4)农地非农化趋势具有典型的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征。研究结论:强化土地利用总体规划的空间约束力,加强土地利用年度计划对农地非农化的引导,合理把握农地非农化节奏,加大农转用批后监管力度,盘活存量和批而未供土地,避免农地的过度非农化。 相似文献
增长方式转变是当前现代农业建设的重要任务,转变渔业增长方式必须加强渔业经济与政策研究。本文从准确把握现代农业建设的时代背景,明确当前渔业经济政策研究的重点领域,深刻认识政策和科技支撑渔业发展的重大作用等三个方面,阐述了加强渔业经济与政策研究的着眼点,以便为推动我国渔业增长方式转变提供具体的途径。 相似文献