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Feminists have long acknowledged that gendered divisions in access to spaces of leisure, and how women and men physically take up that space, reproduce gender inequality. This article will explore how karate practitioners participate in the space of mixed-sex karate practice and how such uses of space de/construct gendered embodiments and a gender hierarchy. Data presented are drawn from nine months of ethnographic emersion within three karate clubs and 15 photo-elicitation interviews with karate participants from the three clubs. The findings of this paper suggest that whilst women often occupied spaces of expertise within the karate hall, gendered distinctions in uses of space emerged in the more subtle ways in which women and men used their voice, responded to the tacit and smelt dilemmas of sweat, and moved their bodies across physical space. This research highlights both the potential of physical leisure practice to ‘undo’ conventional gendered embodiments that particularly restrict women’s intentionality in the world, and the power of spatially attuned research to illuminate the minute ways in which unequal gender relations are naturalised, legitimised and done.  相似文献   
对区域旅游合作研究几个基本问题的讨论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
宋子千 《旅游学刊》2008,23(6):74-79
区域旅游合作研究在很多基本问题如合作空间范畴、主体和机制等方面都没有形成共识,这种状况制约着研究的进一步发展.对上述问题的讨论得出如下结论:第一,区域旅游合作应该理解为区域之间的旅游合作;第二,政府是区域旅游合作的主要主体;第三,区域旅游合作机制包括动力机制、过程机制、保障机制、空间作用机制等方面.  相似文献   
宗晓莲 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):30-36
20世纪70年代法国学者亨利·勒菲弗尔(Henri Lefebvre)提出"空间生产理论",认为空间是在人类主体的有意识活动中被不断生产出来的.如果以勒菲弗尔(Lefebvre)空间生产概念为分析工具,旅游地空间也是在发展旅游业、刺激民众消费、获取经济效益等社会背景下被创造、生产出来的.人们以符号的制造与运用赋予地方价值,再把地方意象赋予实质可消费物品,提高商品的交换价值.旅游生产系统通过销售"地方",获取多重服务与消费之后的利润;游客则借由消费内含了丰富地方意象的物质商品和服务而消费地方.文章以社会学和旅游研究中的分析概念为工具,以丽江古城为案例,尝试分析在具有自然或文化特性的旅游地,地方符号被应用于商品消费的具体方式,以及具公共性的观光空间,如何被纳入到私人商品消费的范畴,并由此探究旅游地空间商品化的过程以及空间商品化对当地社会文化的影响,希望对今天的地方旅游规划和文化保护工作有所帮助.  相似文献   
Relational spatiality and resort restructuring   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examines the extent to which relational spatiality is captured within coastal resort restructuring visions drawing on a detailed examination of Newquay, UK. It outlines the relevance of relational spatiality for spatial planning generally and coastal resort restructuring specifically. Then, utilising Healey’s (2004) conceptualisations of space and place, and employing content analysis of selected tourism strategising documents, it explores the treatment of space and place in Newquay’s visions for restructuring. It reveals the co-existence of Essentialist and Relational approaches to spatial planning, with greater emphasis placed on the former, whilst the latter is used primarily as a tool through which to extend the resort’s reach. Some implications for coastal resort restructuring in Newquay and elsewhere are highlighted.  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the issues regarding the first employees to work in a space hotel. As space hotels initially will be vastly different to existing hotels on Earth, it is important to question what human resource challenges this will raise for hospitality workers and providers. To assist reflection on this issue, the notions of space tourism and space tourist are explored, and a definition of a space hotel is included to create product and service boundaries. Plausible futures methodology is used to create five main human resource considerations and concludes by suggesting this sector is largely unexplored.  相似文献   
城市中心舒适的步行方式会改善交通、复兴经济和提高环境质量,为使用者创造具有魅力的中心区形象,回归传统交往空间所传达出的人情味和亲切感.通过对重庆市渝中区水厂至长江滨江公园步道进行实地调研,对如何重塑山地城市步道人性化生活空间进行了研究和思考,主张在山地城市步道环境改造上要注重历史的延续、文化的保护和空间的再造等.  相似文献   
A time-varying quantile can be fitted by formulating a time series model for the corresponding population quantile and iteratively applying a suitably modified state space signal extraction algorithm. It is shown that such quantiles satisfy the defining property of fixed quantiles in having the appropriate number of observations above and below. Like quantiles, time-varying expectiles can be estimated by a state space signal extraction algorithm and they satisfy properties that generalize the moment conditions associated with fixed expectiles. Because the state space form can handle irregularly spaced observations, the proposed algorithms can be adapted to provide a viable means of computing spline-based non-parametric quantile and expectile regressions.  相似文献   
文化旅游的空间形态研究——基于文化空间的综述与启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文化空间是一个多尺度的概念,现有研究分析了文化空间的哲学意义,并将其界定为非物质文化遗产的专有属性,而地理学视角的文化区探讨为文化空间的研究提供了重要补充。基于文化空间的研究体系,文章综述了文化旅游的研究概况,从物质维度、时间维度和区域维度的三重视角,分资源利用、整合路径和评价指标三个方面,构建了文化旅游空间形态的分析框架,并据此提出了文化旅游研究存在的不足和研究趋向。  相似文献   
The new information and communication technologies have made it possible to view films in different spaces. Using the symbolic interactionist framework as a frame of analysis, we interpret the meaning of the two experiences of viewing technology-mediated films in the home and in the cinema. We conducted field research during the first half of 2009, digitally recording 16 interviews with research participants living in Barcelona (Spain). The interviews were transcribed verbatim with the help of voice-recognition software. Reports from our research participants indicate that individuals considered only the cinema experience to be a true leisure activity, while the home experience was interpreted as a routine recreational activity. Therefore, the meanings of the film-viewing activity were associated with the symbolic properties of the frames of interpretation. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for the home as a unified centre where shared meanings are co-produced by family members.  相似文献   
学界对旅游经济发展是否推进了共同富裕尚存在争议。文章运用中国1999-2019年省际面板数据,采用动态空间杜宾模型,采用地理和经济特征双重视角构造4种空间权重矩阵,考察旅游经济发展对共同富裕的影响和空间溢出效应。研究发现:(1)地理特征和经济特征均会对旅游经济发展促进共同富裕的空间效应产生影响,其中经济特征影响更大;(2)旅游经济发展显著促进了共同富裕,既提升了总体富裕水平,又具有“分好蛋糕”的共享效应,但目前“做大蛋糕”效应更强,而且旅游经济的溢出效应在缩小地区经济差异方面尚有较大提升空间。(3)旅游经济发展水平会影响产业结构合理化对共同富裕的作用系数,呈倒“U”型的双门槛特征,旅游经济发展水平较低时,要积极推进产业结构转型升级,但当旅游经济发展到一定水平后,要注重产业结构转型的合理化,避免产业空心化。  相似文献   
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