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根据中小企业的特点,提出中小企业在选择供应链合作伙伴时,首先需要选择目标产业,然后在目标产业中选择具体企业作为供应链合作伙伴。分别采用了模糊评价法和层次分析法评价目标产业和选择合作伙伴。  相似文献   
生态空间承载着人类、动植物和自然生态多种过程,是生态系统服务功能的策源地和枢纽区。以实施生态空间管控为导引,借助多源数据和ArcGIS、C-Plan系统工具,核心应用系统保护规划(SCP)技术,建立生态服务测度下市域生态空间管控体系的构建方法。基于此,以哈尔滨为例,以不可替代性为表征实现生态空间测度指标综合与功效评价,构建生态空间关键区识别、功能区优划以及网络格局优化模型,提出“重点保护-分区指引-格局优化”的市域生态空间管控体系,为新型城镇化及绿色发展战略的实施奠定科学基础和提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
随着新经济的到来,知识越来越成为企业快速响应市场机遇和获取竞争优势的最短缺资源.而企业自身知识资源的有限性使企业越来越多地采用虚拟企业的高级形态--知识联盟型虚拟企业来弥补企业知识资源的不足以快速响应变化的市场需求.本文首先对知识联盟型虚拟企业的知识缺口类型进行研究和划分,然后分析并描述虚拟企业生命周期各阶段的知识活动;在此基础之上,探讨虚拟企业组建阶段考虑知识要素的伙伴选择过程;最后,针对不同的知识缺口,提出伙伴选择过程的评价指标体系设计中应考虑的知识性因素.  相似文献   
Achieving partner acquiescence is critical in interfirm exchanges because it allows the focal firm to achieve its desired outcomes. Using a case study on dyadic relationships between inbound tour operators in Tanzania and their overseas outbound partners, this paper investigates the effect of partner irreplaceability and distributive fairness on acquiescence, and the subsequent effect that acquiescence has on conflict. The case study uses partial least squares structural equation modeling on data collected from 129 dyadic relationships. Results show that partner irreplaceability and distributive fairness are positively associated with acquiescence, which in turn reduces conflict. The effect of distributive fairness on acquiescence was found to be larger than that of irreplaceability. In addition, the direct effect of distributive fairness on conflict, although not hypothesised, was found to be significant. This emphasises the importance of distributive fairness, and its role as a possible buffer to conflict in less acquiescent exchanges.  相似文献   
企业战略联盟及其合作伙伴评价选择模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘海波  王春明 《科技和产业》2005,5(12):21-23,27
随着经济全球化趋势的日益增强,战略联盟作为一种全新的组织形式已被众多企业选择,但也应该看到战略联盟伙伴关系多不牢靠,维持时间太短,即战略联盟伙伴之间不能有效的长期的合作。因此本文重点讲述如何用层次分析法对众多企业进行评价选择合作伙伴,只有选择了合适的合作伙伴才能使联盟更加稳定持久。  相似文献   
Today’s companies still rely heavily on expert knowledge rather than quantitative data with a systematic approach to effectively identify and choose Research and Development (R&D) partners. It is advantageous to identify and select potential R&D partners using a Problem & Solution (P&S) pattern. This paper presents a novel process for identifying R&D partners on the basis of solution similarities that assist technology managers in understanding the relationships between research targets. First, we choose a thematic dataset that contains problems and quantitative data with relative topic terms. Then, we extract Subject-Action-Object semantic structures in a P&S pattern from the dataset, and identify various solutions to a technical problem, with each as a subject. In addition, we provide correlation mapping to visualise the text characters and identify R&D partners. Finally, we validate the proposed method through a case study of the dye-sensitized solar cells sector.  相似文献   
Although studies have documented the association between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and mental health, few have been done in developing countries. In this study, the association between IPV and mental health in women from different developing countries was established.

Women, 15 to 49 years old with at least one child 18 years old or younger, were randomly selected from communities in Chile, Egypt, India, and the Philippines (N = 3974). The Self Report questionnaire (SRQ) was used to assess mental health. Women with a score on the SRQ of 8 or more, or who reported ever attempting suicide, were classified as having poor mental health. Physical IPV was defined as being slapped, hit, kicked, beaten or threatened by a male partner during the past year. Psychological violence included being insulted or belittled, threatened or abandoned.

Between 22.5% (in Egypt) to 41% (in Chile) of participating women reported a score of eight or more on the SRQ. High scores on the SRQ were significantly associated with current physical and psychological IPV in the samples from all participating countries except Chile. Twelve percent of women in Chile, 2.6%, in Egypt, 7.5% in India and 1.6% in the Philippines reported attempting suicide. Suicide attempts were also associated with current physical IPV in the Philippines, Egypt, and India, and with psychological violence in Egypt and India.

IPV is a significant risk factor for poor mental health in these developing countries. Efforts to reduce IPV should be considered as part of a mental health program.  相似文献   
东日本大地震以后,日本经济特别是产业经济出现了出人预料的迅速恢复,但是刚刚进入复苏通道的日本经济仍然面临各种难题,灾后重建资金筹措、生产设施与生活设施的恢复、国土开发整治、核事故处理、长期电力不足风险、国家长期能源战略调整、财政重建、日元急剧升值,特别是美国、欧洲主权债务危机可能引起的世界经济低迷,使日本经济的不确定性增强。在内外交困之际,新上台的野田内阁出台了若干经济政策,但却将政策重心置于参与TPP谈判、提高消费税等方面,与亟待解决的经济难题未免有些乖戾,其政策效果不容乐观。  相似文献   
针对西部地区高校科研能力水平较低、高端科研人才匮乏、经济持续增长乏力等问题,采用“外智引联型”跨区域人才“软引进”合作模式,对西部高校改革和区域经济社会快速发展具有重要推动作用,是人才资源开发和利用的明智选择。为解决外智引联型创新团队成员优选问题,首先,运用文献分析法,结合外智引联型创新团队跨区域、多主体、关系灵活等特质,从个人能力、协同能力和适配程度3个维度构建成员选取指标体系;其次,采用层次分析法(AHP)对团队成员进行优选并提出实施步骤;最后,通过案例对方法进行演示。结果表明,该方法能有效选取外智引联型创新团队需用人才,为团队成员选取问题提供思路,具有一定可行性和实际应用价值。  相似文献   
With increased regulatory focus on audits and concerns about whether audit regulation is achieving its stated aims, it is timely to investigate how regulator inspection of audit files and partner rotations may be affecting staffing decisions. This is an important issue, which affects all audits, as the calibre of staff allocated across engagements impacts the quality of audit work delivered. This study reports the results of an experiment where auditor participants allocate staff across two audits, where regulation anticipated (none, inspection, rotation) and a client request for the best staff (absent, present) are manipulated between‐subjects. We find that auditors allocate lower calibre staff when neither an inspection nor rotation is anticipated than when either is anticipated. When an inspection is anticipated, auditors allocate staff with more knowledge and compliance skills. When a rotation is anticipated, auditors allocate staff with more people skills. A client request for the best staff only has an effect when a partner is due to be rotated, where auditors allocate staff with more people skills in response to the client request. Our findings provide greater understanding of staffing decisions, which may affect audit quality if concerns around audit inspections and partner rotations are perceived by auditors as more important than the underlying risk or complexity of an engagement when allocating staff.  相似文献   
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