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This paper presents a brief, critical review and a comparative study of some design aspects of automated storage/retrieval systems with special emphasis on travel time models. These aspects include improving throughput rate, changing retrieval sequencing rules, using order batching algorithms, applying various dwell point strategies and increasing the storage/retrieval machine capacity. Some of the results and discussions used in this paper have been adopted from available sources and the rest have been compiled and/or calculated from the recent literature as mentioned therein. A conclusion is made on the salient issues prevailing in the design of automated storage/retrieval systems.  相似文献   
外资进入对我国旅游业发展的影响和相应对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从我国旅游业的发展现状和未来发展前景出发,通过相关数据的引用,论述了外资对我国旅游业发展所起的重要作用。最后,本文针对旅游业内各行业的发展特点,论述了外资对我国旅游业发展所带来的积极影响和消极影响及相应的对策。  相似文献   
There is literature detailing the effects of travel motivation, risks perceptions, and travel constraints on the destination image and travel behaviour of individuals. However, literature explaining these factors in the context of prospective young women travellers is scarce. This study empirically tests a comprehensive model of prospective young women’s travel behaviour, based on cognitive and affective perceptions about destination, travel motivations, perceived risks, and travel constraints. A quantitative study was performed on 370 young university women in Malaysia. The results revealed that the travel motivation of young women has positive effects on the cognitive and affective image, whereas the dimensions of perceived travel risks and travel constraints have negative effects on cognitive and affective destination images. The results also found that cognitive and affective images positively influence the visit intention of prospective young women travellers.  相似文献   
Two large tourism industries, travel and hospitality, are strongly affected by changes in household demand for vacations. In recent years, rising income and declining prices per unit of quality have led to changes in patterns of household vacation consumption. To understand the impact of these changes on the travel and hospitality industries, we develop a theoretical model distinguishing between travel and on-site expenditures and apply it to Israeli data. We find that under certain circumstances, the changes in income and prices are responsible for a shift toward multiple, short vacations. This trend can be a boon to the travel industry but a disadvantage for the hospitality industry. Both industries are expected to face a rise in the demand for high-quality products.  相似文献   
Travel style has been shown to be a useful concept for understanding travelers. In this study it is argued that the portfolio of trips (specifically, the portfolio of various trip styles) one takes can be used to describe his/her overall travel persona. Network analysis was used to examine the structural relationships between types of trips based upon the assumption that each travel style may be considered as a “node,” and its association with other travel styles may be represented by the links within the network. Analyses indicate that American travelers take on a wide range of different travel personae which, in turn, are related to their choices of places visited and their response to advertising materials. It was concluded that the framework provided by these findings along with new tools on the Internet offer the potential to develop highly personalized communications with existing and potential visitors.  相似文献   
文章选择了中国等24个经济体,采用国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和显性比较优势指数等竞争力指标,对中国旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力进行了比较分析,研究发现:与其他经济体相比,中国是旅游服务贸易大国,但距离世界旅游服务贸易强国还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   
We propose an evaluation approach for a novel travel demand management strategy known as the downtown space reservation system (DSRS). This approach takes into account three perspectives, i.e., transportation service provider’s, the user’s, and the community’s and is based on network-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) where the perspectives are inter-related through intermediate inputs/outputs. Two types of network-DEA models (radial and slacks-based models) are considered. An example is provided using data propagated from a microscopic traffic simulation model of the DSRS. The results show that individual node performance can drive network DEA performance and that this information can inform future designs of the DSRS.  相似文献   
This study reports the results of aggregate air-travel itinerary share models estimated at the city-pair level for all city-pairs in the US. These models determine the factors that influence airline ridership at the itinerary level and support carrier decision-making. The models are estimated using aggregate multinomial logit methodology and use comprehensive data. Independent variables for the models measure various itinerary service characteristics: level-of-service, connection quality, carrier, carrier market presence, fares, aircraft size and type, and time of day. The results are intuitive, and validation tests indicate that the models outperform existing methods. Finally, the impacts of changing various itinerary service attributes on carrier market share are discussed.  相似文献   
In the space of only a few years the Internet has emerged as a mainstream communications medium providing a growing proportion of the population with virtual access to goods, people, opportunities and services. Against a backdrop of highlighting how teleshopping and teleworking alongside traveller information services are advancing as a consequence of the Internet, this paper suggests that the Internet and the virtual mobility it affords must in due course be explicitly addressed within an integrated transport policy. The paper explores the relationships between use of information and communications technology and personal travel highlighting the importance of social issues in gauging whether or not a net positive effect in terms of travel demand and tripmaking can arise from increasing use of the Internet. Suggestions for a policy approach are also made.  相似文献   
Restauranteurs in Australian cities often resist local government car parking management regimes and advocate for increased parking provision in local planning. But are restauranteurs’ views of the importance of car parking to their trade in line with reality? To explore this question this study surveyed restaurant businesses and customers in parallel at three restaurant precincts in inner-city Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The survey results indicate that restauranteurs and restaurant patrons have asymmetric views about the role of parking and the way it affects restaurant spend. This paper identifies two very different market segments when exploring the customer’s travel mode preferences to access restaurants. These two segments are influenced by the built environment in their choice of restaurant location which in turn, gives implications for planning practice. The results show the way in which customers access a restaurant is influenced by the built environment of the location of restaurant. The analysis has also highlighted that an investigation of trip chaining behaviour as part of the access decision for dining would be a future avenue for research. This paper provides evidentiary support for planning policy in relation to parking. On the one hand, this paper shows how planning authorities can make better decisions about transport infrastructure supply and parking control in conjunction with the restaurant sector. On the other hand planners can use the outcome of this paper as a way to help businesses to understand that sustainable transport options may, contrary to their view, be beneficial to their bottom line.  相似文献   
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