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民俗节庆活动作为文化旅游的一种类型,对于旅游深具加值的作用。民俗节庆活动已成为旅游目的地形象塑造的重要载体,也是重要的民俗文化旅游产品。本文从文化旅游的视角出发,结合民俗节庆活动本身所具备的旅游功能,探讨了如何增强和创造民俗节庆活动旅游吸引力。  相似文献   
Local festivals are usually the highlights on the small island, Tobago, West Indies. The street vendors capitalized on the Carnival season where they provide a variety of foods and beverages on‐demand for masqueraders and spectators. Therefore, this study examined food safety and hygienic practices by vendors and consumer perception of such practices at the Carnival festivals in Tobago. Standard structured questionnaires and observational checklists were compiled and administered to 50 vendors and 150 consumers at five Carnival events. Each vendor was observed for frequency of practices for 15–20 min. Consumers were sampled systematically (every fifth person encountered) at each event. The vendors examined were generally female (70.0%), 41–50 years old (34.0%), possessed less than primary education (36.0%), acquired more than 5 years of experience (44.0%) and were stationary (78.0%). The most common food prepared and sold was hot dog (36.0% of all sold foods). Educated vendors practised good personal hygiene and on‐site food handling, whereas the others performed improper practices such as absence of aprons and hair covering, wearing of jewellery and handling money while serving. Also, vendors displaying valid food badges generally practised more proper personal hygiene and food handling than those without badges. The majority of the consumers examined were residents of Tobago (80.0%), female (74.7%), 21–30 years old (39.3%) and possessed secondary education (53.3%). More than half of the consumers purchased foods at Carnival events (57.3%). Most (82.7%) who did not purchase stored foods in coolers. More than half (58.0%) had seen or read Carnival food safety articles in the local newspapers and most (96.0%) were aware that illnesses can be transmitted via consumption of food. Additionally, 42 out of 74 respondents (56.8%), who indicated that they were affected by foodborne illness, sought medical help when foodborne illness was suspected. However, a mere 13 out of 74 consumers (17.6%), who indicated that they were affected by foodborne illness, lodged reports of suspected foodborne illness with the local health authority. Younger consumers (21–30 years old) mostly read food safety articles and were conscious of illness being transmitted via consumption of food. In addition, the more educated consumers (tertiary education) indicated awareness as well as formal reporting of foodborne illness. Some gaps in vendor practices included handling of money while serving (78.0%), failure to clean utensils (68.0%) and access to water (48.0%). Noteworthy, only visual observation and interviews were utilized in the study.  相似文献   
The present study aims at analyzing revisit intention of traditional folk events based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and a Consumer‐based Model of Authenticity. The survey data were collected by a questionnaire survey in Nanjing Qinhuai Lantern Festival 2012, China. Structural equation modeling was employed to test the proposed research model. The result shows that perceived behavioral control, motivation and perceived food authenticity of the event, but not attitude and perceived overall authenticity of the event, are valid predictor constructs for visitors' intention to revisit Qinhuai Lantern Festival. The findings have implications for the promotion of traditional events and festival tourism. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄泥鼓乐舞是瑶族传统祭祀仪式“跳盘皇”的主要乐舞。通过实地调查,不仅揭示该乐舞在当代“信仰”与“消费”的互动和妥协中分化成“仪式”与“展演”两种性质的音乐事项,亦阐释经过“再生产”成为舞台艺术时,瑶族如何处理仪式乐舞的信仰禁忌。  相似文献   
在文献综述、相关成熟量表测项借鉴、专家访谈基础上开发了体育节会创新量表,以上海市民科技体育运动节为例,采用EFA和CFA方法,验证了体育节会创新的结构和关联维度.研究发现:体育节会创新量表整体结构良好;体育节会创新是由供给、过程、场景和关系四大基本标准视域下的表演表现、进出便利、自助技术、审美环境、粉丝忠诚和粉丝社区等六个维度构成;六大维度中,表演表现、进出便利、审美环境和自助技术对体育节会创新的影响和关联度最高.  相似文献   
广西壮族自治区东兰县当地壮族居民直接用数字来称呼传统的民间节日,形成了当地节日称谓语言"数字化"的现象。这种节日称谓语言"数字化"的现象也是壮民族较为普遍的语言民俗现象。文章以广西壮族自治区东兰县壮族居民对节日称谓的"数字化"语言民俗现象为个案,将其放入文化生态学视野中进行审视,分析其存在的生态基础,反思其在当下时代的生存现状,对保护民族语言民俗的传承与发展、保护民族语言文化多样性等具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
佛教法事音乐是佛教弘扬佛法的舟楫,与佛教的一系列法事仪轨紧密结合,是中国传统文化的有机组成部分。文章考察了九华山佛教及法事音乐的渊源与流变,并对法事仪式和音乐的结合、音乐的特征以及仪式过程中音乐的功能与意义等进行初步考证,寻求其文化机制。  相似文献   
"以人为本"的真善美的哲学旨趣,是在科学、技术、生产发展为"一体化"的今天,反思对"真善美"的根据、标准和尺度的寻求,也是对"真、善、美"哲学三维度的追求和发展;反过来,"真善美"对以人为本的诠释和解析,更加清晰透视了科学技术视界下的以人为本的哲学蕴涵。  相似文献   
Human crowding at a festival can affect visitor satisfaction differently to spatial crowding. Festival visitors perceive human crowding as a situation in which the festival is full of people. Spatial crowding, on the other hand, is perceived as restricting movement. We hypothesized that human crowding affects visitor satisfaction in a positive way (by increasing positive affect and decreasing negative affect), whereas spatial crowding affects visitor satisfaction in a negative way (by decreasing positive affect and increasing negative affect). We tested these hypotheses using data collected through an on-site survey at the 2012 Seoul Lantern Festival in South Korea: 423 visitors attending the festival completed the survey. The survey results supported the hypotheses. Managerial implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   
This article content analyzes music in tourism TV commercials from 95 regions and countries to identify their general acoustic characteristics. The objective is to offer a general guideline in the postproduction of tourism TV commercials. It is found that tourism TV commercials tend to be produced in a faster tempo with beats per minute close to 120, which is rare to be found in general TV commercials. To compensate for the faster tempo (increased aural information load), less scenes (longer duration per scene) were edited into the footage. Production recommendations and future research are presented.  相似文献   
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