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Rural Adaptation in Russia: Who Responds and How Do We Measure It?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Utilizing survey data from 800 households in five regions of Russia, this article attempts to measure adaptation to reform stimuli according to socio-economic strata. While the orthodox literature has emphasized rural resistance to reform, in fact one of the main analytical obstacles is differentiating between adaptive and survival strategies. Time horizon is used as the primary criterion to distinguish between adaptive and survival behaviour. The article analyses adaptive responses by examining the use of rural credit, the operation of a household business, the enlargement of household land plots and a set of attitudes that taken together comprise an 'entrepreneurial spirit'.  相似文献   

Drawing on early sociological analyses of how power and intergroup conflicts can affect the development of modern economies, this paper investigates how the recent Global Crisis (GC) has affected the stratification of the US society. The paper argues that the consumerist society has reinforced the historical stratification of social identities with white men in high-paid, high-social status managerial and financial occupations at the top, and black women in low-paid, low-status service occupations at the bottom. This paper calls for a deconstruction of the neoliberal individual into a unique combination of identities in a stratified capitalist society in order to reveal how social stratification has evolved during the GC. The paper finally concludes on the importance of heterogeneous identities in reflecting the diversity of societal and economic interests in order to address the issues of financial stability and sustainability at the corporate and societal levels.  相似文献   
层次目标教学是针对学生现有的知识基础、智力水平、非智力因素和学习成绩等差异,因材施教,制定出不同的教学目标,提出不同的教学要求,授以不同的教学内容,以最大限度地调动每一位学生的学习积极性,充分促进学生智能发展的一种教学方式。它能充分调动学生学习的主动性,强化学习动机,使各类学生在各自的“最近发展区”内得到充分的发展,并充分挖掘各类学生的潜能,有效地促进学科教育向素质教育转化。文章对构建符合中职学生生源和学科特点的教学模式提出了看法,并讨论了相关的实施办法。  相似文献   
研究土地利用率的核心意义,原于其能够缓解土地资源禀赋稀缺的现状;发展厚朴林和杜仲林间作玉米与大豆系统可以提高土地利用率,促进林农集约经营,有效保护生物多样性,促进中药材产业发展,增加农民的经济收益,推动社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   
Risk is an important element in industrial adoption decisions. This paper proposes a method to investigate how different group of individuals influencing the adoption of a new industrial product differ in their assessment of the risks. Two dimensions of risk are distinguished: (1) the likelihood that adoption of the new product will have undesirable consequences, and (2) the perceived intensity of these consequences both at the organizational and at the individual level. Purchase consequences are measured in terms of product economics and product reliability. Multivariate analysis of variance is used to assess how decision participants differ in their assessment of risk components. An attempt is made to assess the relative importance of these various components in the formation of individual preferences. The implications of the analysis for the development of better industrial marketing strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
依据对天津市两个居住区进行参与观察和个案访谈所获得的田野材料,通过比较研究的方法,揭示了社区的阶层化现状,勾画出不同社区居民之间的社会分层和不平等状况。并进一步指出,缩小城市区位差异、减少城市中的居住隔离不仅牵涉自然资源和社会资源的公平分配和使用,同时也关乎个体发展的代际公平。  相似文献   
We investigate whether non–Big 4 auditors have enhanced their ability to resist client pressure over accrual reporting following the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act (SOX). Regressing abnormal accruals on proxies for economic bonding, we find that changes in the association, defined as (Post–Pre), are significantly negative, implying an improvement in auditor independence after SOX. Among non–Big 4 auditors, only Tier 3 auditors compromised reporting objectivity before SOX, but neither Tier 2 nor Tier 3 auditors yielded to client pressure after SOX. Evidence that these two groups of non–Big 4 auditors differ in the way they cope with client pressure in a loose regulatory regime highlights the importance of assessing the efficacy of SOX separately for subsets of auditors and contributes to an understanding of the underresearched, but inherently important, segment of the audit market served by non–Big 4 auditors. Further analysis indicates that the low pre‐SOX audit quality observed in the full sample is driven by non–PCAOB registrants.  相似文献   
浦东新区的极化开发形成了区际迁移和省际迁移两股人口迁入流.由于来源地不同,他们在年龄、受教育程度、行职业、收入和居住等方面形成了分异现象,与此同时,也产生了社区重构、社会极化和社会矛盾等问题.劳动力市场分层响应和城市生态位势空间响应是迁入人口分异的主要响应机理.迁入人口的分异问题会影响浦东新区的社会稳定和发展,因此,必须引起足够重视.  相似文献   
Validating the international tourist role scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to validate the international tourist role scale and the three dimensions it revealed. The purpose of this attitudinal scale was to measure the tourist role typology. United States adult outbound tourists flying with 11 major airlines returned useful questionnaires. This study validated the role scale as a reliable one that properly identified three conceptual dimensions of international tourist typology and successfully provided measures of tourists’ novelty-seeking preferences on the three dimensions. The study demonstrated, however, that the scale would measure the novelty-seeking preferences of international tourists more effectively if it were supplemented by other measures.  相似文献   
This article emphasizes the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to revitalization of old urban areas through tourism. Historical urban values require special multidisciplinary care when transformed to suit the needs of both tourists and local population. The case study of the old urban area in Pore illustrates how this can be done. The study was aimed at identifying reasons for which tourists and local population visit Pore 's old urban core. It also intended to analyze the visitors' reactions to and expectations of old urban areas. The findings were to help make revitalization decisions and introduce new measures into the revitalization process itself, which in turn aimed at contributing to both future tourism developments and preservation of the area's historical and cultural heritage.  相似文献   
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