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本实验为寻找高水分玉米安全储存新方法,采取对326t新收购高水分玉米,临时垛通风干燥后倒仓储存的方法,降低了收购期间粮食发热霉变的风险,且可以辅助解决就仓干燥的水分分层问题。 相似文献
To examine the pricing behavior of suppliers of holiday goods and services, a margin approach, originally developed to explain price formation in service industries, has been applied to different sectors of the tourism industry, using Dutch data. The fundamental idea of the margin approach is that both cost and demand factors influence price formation. The specific market situation is supposed to determine the extent to which changes in cost factors can be passed on to consumers. Despite difficulties with the quality of data, the results can be characterized as promising. 相似文献
Validating the international tourist role scale 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study was designed to validate the international tourist role scale and the three dimensions it revealed. The purpose of this attitudinal scale was to measure the tourist role typology. United States adult outbound tourists flying with 11 major airlines returned useful questionnaires. This study validated the role scale as a reliable one that properly identified three conceptual dimensions of international tourist typology and successfully provided measures of tourists’ novelty-seeking preferences on the three dimensions. The study demonstrated, however, that the scale would measure the novelty-seeking preferences of international tourists more effectively if it were supplemented by other measures. 相似文献
This article emphasizes the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to revitalization of old urban areas through tourism. Historical urban values require special multidisciplinary care when transformed to suit the needs of both tourists and local population. The case study of the old urban area in Pore
illustrates how this can be done. The study was aimed at identifying reasons for which tourists and local population visit Pore
's old urban core. It also intended to analyze the visitors' reactions to and expectations of old urban areas. The findings were to help make revitalization decisions and introduce new measures into the revitalization process itself, which in turn aimed at contributing to both future tourism developments and preservation of the area's historical and cultural heritage. 相似文献
Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce Census of Business in 1963, 1972, and 1977 were compared on a state by state basis and by standard metropolitan statistical areas in order to analyze the spatial growth points of the U.S. lodging industry. The results point to major lodging growth areas in the Sunbelt states with central Florida, Las Vegas, Nevada and Hawaii as outstanding nodes of development. Metropolitan lodging growth has taken place in the Sunbelt cities with populations of 100,000 to one million, with above average growth in those cities located in the coastal zone. 相似文献
This paper summarizes the approach and main findings of a research study undertaken by the Tourism Society into occupations, career profiles and knowledge requirements of professionals engaged in tourism. It outlines the main stages in the research program, including the identification of a body of knowledge about tourism, the development of an occupational classification, and a survey of professionals employed in tourism. It then presents and comments on findings covering occupational classifications, career profiles and knowledge requirements, making particular reference to the implications for tourism education. The study is very much a pioneering work in this field and it is confined to the experiences of the United Kingdom. 相似文献
Theo G.W. Bodewes 《Annals of Tourism Research》1981,8(1):35-51
Bodewes, Theo, Development of Advanced Tourism Studies in Holland. Annals of Tourism Research 1981, VIII(1):35–51. The entry of tourism studies into the field of advanced education is often a difficult process. Theory and practice sometimes serve conflicting interests. In the Netherlands an option has been taken for a theoretical, multi-disciplinary approach with links to the field of practice. Within this framework, tourism is indissolubly connected with leisure and recreation, leisure being the core of studies. This implies that the universities should educate leisure economists, leisure sociologists, etc., and that advanced professional educational institutions should educate leisure experts. This paper discusses whether the problems and solutions in the Netherlands are recognizable and/or useful abroad, and whether one institution can learn from the experiences of others. 相似文献
2011年9月,在美国纽约发生了约两万人次的大规模游行示威活动,旨在对高失业率、社会不公平等现状表达不满并向美国政府施压要求进行相关的社会改革。本文写在“占领华尔街”事件三周年之际,以期二次分析“占领华尔街事件”背后的深层次发展规律并对资本主义发展规律的趋势得以初步把握。 相似文献
Neil Leiper 《Annals of Tourism Research》1981,8(1):69-84
This paper addresses a controversial topic in tourism scholarship which is simultaneously a problem and an opportunity in tourism education: the philosophical issue of academic disciplines and specifically, the question of a distinct discipline in tourism studies. It is argued that the orthodox approach to tourism education, multi-disciplinary studies, has become an impediment. It is suggested that a new discipline can be created by organizing the existing body of knowledge and that such a discipline can become the core of an inter-disciplinary approach. Certain characteristics of an embryonic discipline are outlined and innovations in this area at Sydney Technical College are discussed. 相似文献