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中东多战事,自二战以后似乎战争一直没有消停过。为了自身安全,中东各国不分贫富,纷纷加强自己的武装力量,购买了大量先进武器,使这里成为世界上著名的火药库。近年来,中东各国逐渐转变了单纯购买武器的做法,开始注重立足本国实际自研武器,目的是节省资金,防止受制于人和提高本国科技水平。由约旦和南非共同开发研射的“鳄鱼”AB-14覆带式重型步兵战车(拟装备约旦军队),就是基于以上原因的产品。 相似文献
Although banks are investing more into online banking innovation to be at par with the world information technology advances, the internet banking services adoption (IBSA) in Jordan is still lagging behind. This paper is concerned with an empirical investigation of factors that could predict successful IBSA in Jordan through the applications of planned behavior theory (TPB). This theory suggests that three independent variables (exogenous): attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control could have a direct impact on intention and indirect impact on IBSA. This study uses a questionnaire survey data of 517 Jordanian public university employees as customers of internet banking services. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the composite reliability and convergent validity of the measurements, and the structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate the causal model. Results of the study demonstrate significant and positive direct relationships between attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control and behavior intention. Similarly, direct significant and positive linkages between attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, behavior intention and IBSA were observed. However, behavior intention does not have a mediating effect on the three linkages (attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control) with IBSA. This study concludes that the original TPB has a strong predictive power to explain IBSA in Jordan. 相似文献
约旦,对于绝大多数人来说是个遥远的陌生国家。别说投资,即便是再平常不过的旅游,也会考虑到如安全问题等诸多因素而裹足不前。但是现在,很多嗅觉敏锐的商人已经闻到了约旦的,或者说是中东市场的,巨大商机。而Maen Nsour先生的到来,无疑是一个利好消息。作为约旦王国投资促进署的署长,他为中国的企业家们带来了投资约旦第一手的鲜活资料。[编者按] 相似文献