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目的探讨阿奇霉素在小儿肺炎中的药代学特征,据此拟订其用于肺炎患儿的给药方案。方法 100例肺炎患儿口服阿奇霉素(10mg/kg)后,以高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定患儿体内的血药浓度,采用AIC法结合F检验判别房室模型,DAS药动学程序计算药动学参数。结果药代学符合二室模型(Wi=1/C2,AIC=-7.0296),主要药动学参数为:α=(0.31±0.07)/h,β=(0.05±0.01)/h,Ka=(0.76±0.18)/h,t1/2β=(42.37±9.23)/h,tmax=(4.13±0.62)/h,Cmax=(318.72±36.51)μg/L,AUC0-144=(22.38±3.14)μg·h/ml,AUC0-∞=(24.66±3.27)μg·h/ml。结论肺炎患儿口服阿奇霉素后有典型的药代学特征,对指导临床给药具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
目的评价补中益气丸合麻黄颗粒治疗肺脾气虚型儿童原发性夜间遗尿症(PNE)的疗效。方法将93例患儿随机分为两组,对照组41例进行单纯的干床训练,治疗组52例在进行干床训练基础上加用补中益气丸和睡前口服麻黄颗粒治疗,疗程为8周,治疗结束时判断两组患者治疗有效率和完全反应率,并比较治疗组治疗前后的功能性膀胱容量。结果治疗组总有效率为84.6%,对照组为46.3%;治疗组完全反应率为50%,对照组为19.5%。治疗前两组PNE患儿功能性膀胱容量不存在显著差异,但治疗后两组患儿功能性膀胱容量存在较大的差异,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论补中益气丸合麻黄颗粒治疗肺脾气虚型PNE有效,但远期疗效需进一步追踪和研究验证。  相似文献   
In spite of the EU's prohibition on brand placement in children's programmes, it is argued that children may still be exposed to this advertising format in many occasions. Consequently, and as children may have even more difficulties than adults to distinguish the commercial content from the editorial media content in which it is embedded, an advertising disclosure may be necessary to enable them to cope with brand placement. Entailing two one-factorial between-subjects experiments, the current article examined how different types of brand placement warning cues influenced cognitive advertising literacy and the attitude toward the placed brand, among children between 8 and 10 years old.

In a first study, it was investigated how these outcomes were influenced by warning cues with different perceptual modalities (no vs. auditory vs. visual cue, N = 98). The results showed that a visual warning cue was more effective than an auditory warning cue (vs. no warning cue) in addressing cognitive advertising literacy. However, this higher cognitive advertising literacy could not account for the effect of the visual warning cue on brand attitude.

In a second study, it was examined whether the effectiveness of this visual warning cue was influenced by the timing of disclosure (cue prior to vs. during media containing brand placement, N = 142). Additionally, it was tested whether the effect of the cue on brand attitude could be explained by cognitive advertising literacy if children's sceptical attitude toward the brand placement format was taken into account. The results showed that cognitive advertising literacy was higher when the cue was shown prior to than during the media content. This cue-influenced cognitive advertising literacy resulted in a more positive brand attitude, but only among children who were less sceptical toward brand placement. This positive relation disappeared among moderately and highly sceptical children.

These findings have significant theoretical, practical and social implications.  相似文献   

中低增长与日本经济发展新时期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2006年及今后的景气恢复与发展,标志着日本已经进入一个以中低增长为特征的新的经济发展时期,而形成这一阶段特征的重要根源则在于日本混在的经济.产业.企业结构。为推进这一时期的持续发展,必须解决伴随"少子老龄化"的深层次经济结构问题。从认识混在结构和提高劳动生产率.工资入手,则是解决问题的关键所在。  相似文献   
人类辅助生殖技术在临床应用中改变了生育方式,提升了生育自主性和选择性,但也带来新的伦理和法律问题。不同国家的监管立场不同: 美国倾向于放任,德国强调监管,而英国采取的平衡立场在平衡现代医学发展和伦理规范方面相对更优。针对现实纠纷,本文阐明法律上解决问题的共通性规则。第一,对于体外胚胎的处置权归属,在精卵提供者或其继承人与医疗机构的对抗中,法律应给予体外胚胎特殊利益保护;在精卵提供者的内部对抗中,不宜强行将拒绝生育者拉入亲子关系。第二,对于“死后”和“服刑中”群体的生育需求,需要求死者生前的明示同意,而基于比例原则维护良好监狱秩序和增强公众对刑罚体系的信心可对抗服刑人员的生育诉求。第三,由于第三方捐精、捐卵在家庭关系中引入外部遗传因素,需由夫妻共同同意,并由国家制定规则对供精供卵来源进行严格监管;“三亲婴儿”宜区别于基因编辑胎儿。第四,对于植入前遗传学诊断技术应用,应权衡优生和治疗的价值,限制非医学目的性别选择。  相似文献   
Children come into contact with food in different places and contexts, i.e. ‘foodscapes’. The aim of the paper was to study what knowledge children construct regarding food and meals in the foodscape at school and how they do so, focusing on the school meal context. Observations, interviews and focus group interviews were used. The children appropriated ideas and understandings from the adult world and society as a whole and used it among their peers in the school meal situation. This included the adoption of institutional commensality, the telling of stories about food, and the classification of foods in dichotomies.  相似文献   
Although the Big Five Questionnaire for children (BFQ-C) (C. Barbaranelli et al., Manuale del BFQ-C. Big Five Questionnaire Children, O.S. Organizazioni, Firenze, 1998) is an ordinal scale, its dimensionality has often been studied using factor analysis with Pearson correlations. In contrast, the present study takes this ordinal metric into account and examines the dimensionality of the scale using factor analysis based on a matrix of polychoric correlations. The sample comprised 852 subjects (40.90% boys and 59.10% girls). As in previous studies the results obtained through exploratory factor analysis revealed a five-factor structure (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional instability and openness). However, the results of the confirmatory factor analysis were consistent with both a four and five-factor structure, the former showing a slightly better fit and adequate theoretical interpretation. These data confirm the need for further research as to whether the factor ‘Openness’ should be maintained as an independent factor (five-factor model), or whether it would be best to omit it and distribute its items among the factors ‘Extraversion’ and ‘Conscientiousness’ (four-factor model).  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to identify and problematise messages and value principles visible in children’s stories about team selection in sport. To achieve this, we adopted a discourse analysis approach. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with 24 children aged 10–11 years who participated in four team sports in 12 different Swedish sports clubs. Based on the children’s stories, the findings reveal two discourses of team selection: one participation/inclusion-oriented and one performance/exclusion-oriented discourse in which four different forms of team selection work. The participation/inclusion-oriented discourse constructs sport as a fun game that involves all participating children. The performance/exclusion-oriented discourse shows that coaches select the best children in the team to obtain the best chance of winning games. Some of the coaches have given conflicting messages that align with both discourses, which are revealed by both the girls’ and the boys’ voices in varying degrees. The findings also demonstrate that children’s reasons for playing sport are in harmony with the participation/inclusive-oriented discourse. This discourse represents a child’s perspective, promoting every child’s right to participate under the same conditions. However, the selection procedure in both discourses exhibits strong classification, since coaches are the ones who possess the power to select.  相似文献   
This paper is about children as subjects of social justice. It argues that economic welfare theory, utilitarianism, and other theories of justice based on utility theory assume rational individuals with stable preferences, and therefore cannot be applied to children. Libertarian justice treats children as possessions of the parents without rights of their own. A Rawlsian social contract, on the other hand, can be extended to include children. The main part of the paper consists of an attempt to sketch such an extension. It argues that justice to children is basic to Rawlsian justice, and that the Rawlsian case for equality is strengthened when children are taken into account. The principle of extensive liberty, when applied to children, must imply that children cannot properly be regarded as the possession of their parents.  相似文献   
We present experimental evidence from a bilingual city in Northern Italy on whether the affiliation to a specific language group affects behavior in a prisoner׳s dilemma game and leads to discrimination. Running a framed field experiment with 828 six- to eleven-year old primary school children in the city of Meran, we find that cooperation generally increases with age, but that the gap between cooperation among in-group members and cooperation towards children speaking another language is considerable and develops with age. This gap is due to both in-group favoritism and language group discrimination. While the former is persistent across all age groups and both language groups and accounts for most of the discrimination observed, the latter only emerges in later years of primary school among children belonging to the German language group.  相似文献   
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