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成本的高低直接影响企业的各项经营指标,石油企业成本的高低与国家政策,资源状况,生产规模,企业的组织形式和管理水平,科技水平等有关,要从根本上降低成本,就要转换企业经营机制,摒弃“以原油生产为中心”的思想,确立“以经济效益为中心”的思想,降低成本可采取以下措施;积极转换经营机制,为降低成本创造一个良好的经营环境,深化人事制度改革,减员增效,减低人工成本,推行目标成本管理,建立完善的成本控制机制,依靠科技手段大力降低成本,强化投资管理,优化投资结构,从源头上遏制成本增长。  相似文献   
判断投标报价是否低于成本的方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对判断投标报价是否低于成本的方法做了研究,归纳出了主要的三种方法,并分别给出了这些方法的优点和缺点。  相似文献   
This paper assesses the existence of economies of scale and cost complementarities in the European air navigation services (ANS) industry to provide policymakers and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) insight into the economic viability of possible industry-led consolidation and unbundling opportunities. While previous studies using parametric methods made abstraction of the multi-product nature of the ANS industry, this paper tries to fill that gap by estimating a stochastic multi-product translog cost frontier. The existence of economies of density and scale is evaluated from the estimated cost frontier at the sample means as well as for individual ANSPs in the panel. The results suggest that during the period from 2006 to 2016 the European ANS industry faced economies of density and produced at constant economies of scale in the sample means. However, cost complementarities do not seem to be present.  相似文献   
COVID-19 pandemic has hit most sectors of the world and has led to many industries coming to a standstill. It has led to restrictions of movement and travel ban. As a result of these restrictions, transport sector especially in aviation has impacted badly.With the uncertainty of further impact of the current situation, there is a likelihood of the aviation business rebounding at a slower pace bringing V-shape and U-shape recovery as per analysis of economic impacts on civil aviation by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO (2020). Currently, airline capacity is down 70 to 80 percent in April 2020 compared to April 2019, and multiple large airlines have temporarily ceased operations. Largely, almost 60 percent of the global fleet was grounded in early April 2020 as per McKinsey report (Curley et al., 2020).In order to support the sinking capacities and revenues, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) calls on the European governments to provide relief to their airlines to sustain their operations. Furthermore, this document highlights the future of airport and air transport industry based on revenue generation sources, cost control strategies and integration of innovations with respect to variable demand and capacity during and post COVID-19.  相似文献   
教育成本尤其是不同学科的教育成本是非常有价值的决策信息。本文在总结分析教育成本计量方法的基础上,使用成本函数模型和面板数据方法首次在国内计量分析了我国高等教育的分学科成本,结果表明在本科生中,医学学生成本最高,自然学科学生成本最低;研究生中博士生成本最高,硕士生成本相对较低。本科生、硕士生和博士生的培养成本相对比例为1∶1.5∶4。  相似文献   


Palivizumab is a prophylactic therapy shown to reduce the number of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-related hospitalizations but has a high acquisition cost. The objective was to systematically examine the cost effectiveness of palivizumab in defined infant groups and identify important cost and outcome determinants.


Literature searches of MedLine, the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis registry and the UK NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) were conducted to identify economic evaluations of palivizumab compared to no prophylactic treatment for RSV prevention in any infant population. Study quality was evaluated using Quality of Health Economic Studies (QHES) criteria and results converted to 2009 CAN$ for comparison.


A total of 23 articles meeting inclusion criteria were identified, including 11 cost-utility analyses (CUAs) and 12 cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs). Quality of individual analyses was fairly high (range 60–100, median 86). Results ranged from cost dominance for prophylaxis to $3,365,769/QALY depending on population, outcome measures, and input parameters. Base-case and sensitivity-analysis mortality rates varied between studies and influenced results.


RSV prophylaxis with palivizumab is cost effective in specific groups of high-risk infants, especially those with multiple environmental risk factors. Cost-effectiveness estimates vary between populations and settings and are more positive in those at highest risk for RSV hospitalization.


Direct comparison of the published reports was limited by restriction to English language articles and the varied methodologies, input measures, and populations across the studies reviewed. Although reported currencies were converted to a common unit for comparison, this does not completely account for monetary and inflation differences.  相似文献   
搞好渔业物资的成本管理,是提高渔业经济效益的重要途径.通过对影响渔业物资供应成本的因素的深入分析,制定有效的措施降低渔业物资采购成本.  相似文献   
本文运用了2007至2009年13家上市银行季度数据,考察了紧缩性政策下银行个体特征决定贷款行为差异性的机制。本文首先从我国当前银行体系制度约束的典型事实出发提出理论假说,然后建立引入银行个体特征的贷款决定模型,并进一步扩展为动态面板模型以对理论假说展开检验。研究表明,在以资产主导型的盈利模式,较为宽松的资本金补充机制和完善的银行间同业市场制度的约束下,银行的资产规模越小,资本充足率和流动性比率越高,可能会面临较高的外部融资成本,并且贷款下降幅度较大。反之,银行的资产规模越大,资本充足率和流动性比率越低,就会面临较低的外部融资成本,而贷款下降幅度较小。  相似文献   
本从诚信的性质、诚信成本和诚信关系来对诚信进行了再认识,试图对当前的诚信问题给出一个全新的认识。  相似文献   
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