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主题餐厅的活力和利润来源于忠诚的顾客,而影响忠诚顾客的关键因素在于消费意愿。该文从体验消费视角,在清楚界定主题餐厅概念的基础上。选取顾客是否愿意到主题餐厅消费的意愿作为被解释变量,主题餐厅消费主题、消费产品、消费感知物有所值和顾客生活形态特征作为解释变量,构建kgistic二元选择模型,依据对重庆市572位顾客的调查,对其到主题餐厅消费的意愿及影响因素进行分析。研究表明:顾客对主题特色、菜品特色的好奇心,对菜品质量、菜单设计、服务水平、消费成本的合理预期的认可,家庭收入与顾客到主题餐厅消费的意愿选择正相关。顾客对主题餐厅消费信息的了解程度、消费经验与到主题餐厅消费的意愿负相关。菜品品种、接待能力、年龄及受教育程度与是否愿意到主题餐厅消费意愿无显著相关。  相似文献   
准入前国民待遇和负面清单的外资管理模式已逐渐成为国际投资规则发展的新趋势。我国在外资管理体制改革的探索实践中,可借鉴欧美日外资管理经验,保护我国产业核心利益,注重配套措施与法律法规完善,实现国内经济平稳过渡及与国际投资新规则的无缝衔接。  相似文献   
在人均GDP增长速度放缓背景下,文章通过收集1997-2017年的数据进行实证分析,运用了多元回归分析,通过格兰杰因果关系检验,证明了基尼系数、社会消费零售总额、专利申请授权量及税收收入对我国跨越“中等收入陷阱”潜移默化的作用.同时,借鉴韩国跨越“中等收入陷阱”的成功经验,结合我国的实际国情,为我国走向高收入国家行列提...  相似文献   
章元  刘茜楠 《金融研究》2021,494(8):80-99
全球有27亿人口生活在地震带上,但现有经济学文献关于地震对家庭储蓄和消费行为的影响研究并不充分。本文认为,相比“未雨绸缪”,“活在当下”假说更适合刻画地震经历对家庭储蓄和消费习惯的长期影响,并提出如下经济机制:地震经历在长期内并不会影响家庭的收入水平,但它带来的死亡风险和心理冲击会使地震带居民更多地进行享受型消费,从而降低家庭储蓄率。基于国家统计局的城镇住户调查数据,本文实证发现:户主5岁以后经历的地震频率越多,其家庭储蓄率显著越低;户主经历的地震频率显著提高了家庭的享受型消费支出(如文化娱乐、养生保健、美容奢侈品支出等),但是对家庭可支配收入和非享受型消费没有显著影响。本文的研究结论有助于理解地震对城镇居民储蓄和消费习惯的长期影响,并为制定激发居民消费潜力的有关政策提供启示。  相似文献   
利用2006~ 2018年中国对“一带一路”沿线47个国家的对外直接投资数据,结合跨国公司与组织学习理论,系统考察包括地理及制度性因素在内的“新进入者劣势”对中国“一带一路”直接投资的影响作用,验证对外直接投资累积学习效应及其对“新进入者劣势”的调节作用;同时利用中国与“一带一路”沿线国家“五通指数”,系统考察互联互通...  相似文献   
We report an ethnographic study of specialist travel agents in luxury wildlife tourism. Agents consider 30 factors in 5 groups, related to client, destination, attraction, operator and agent. They consider the groups in sequence rapidly and intuitively. They are driven by a powerful regard for the high expectations of wealthy clients, and a sense of responsibility to the clients, but they assume authority over the decision. They rely on personal experience with each particular place and tourism product, and sell only what they know. One of their skills is to project themselves into the client's perspective so as to imagine a trip in great detail. This process contrasts strongly with the explicit deterministic approach used by retail travel agents in high-volume lower-priced subsectors, where earnings are driven by commission and incentive structures. For high-end agents, establishing long-term relationships of mutual trust with individual clients and tour operators is paramount.  相似文献   
This study investigates the key influences that encourage mountaineer tourists, classified as a type of adventure tourist, to participate in package mountaineering holidays. There is limited understanding of why tourists take package adventure holidays, yet the demand for such holidays has grown dramatically in recent years. The author conducted in-depth interviews with mountaineer tourists either during or at the end of their package mountaineering holiday in the Chamonix region of the French Alps. Interview findings provide an insight into package mountaineer tourists. Firstly, mountaineering was an important part of respondents’ lifestyles. Secondly, contrary to previous research on experienced mountaineers, respondents did not consider risk as an important motive and they did not view themselves as risk takers. Thirdly, skills development and experience were key motives encouraging package mountaineering holiday participation. Fourthly, a major concern for respondents was to have a safe mountaineering experience in which the mountaineering organisation and the guide played a key role.  相似文献   
This article demonstrates the changes that occur due to the maturation of a wildlife tourism industry through the application of a Wildlife Tourism Framework. Specifically, in 2005 survey data was collect from participants of whale shark tourism at Ningaloo Marine Park in Western Australia, facilitating a direct comparison with a study conducted a decade earlier. The results conformed with predictions by the Framework, in particular, a shift in the industry towards the mainstream from the periphery. In comparison with the past, whale shark tourism at Ningaloo now attracts more generalist tourists who place different preferences on the whale shark tourism experience. There is now a greater distribution of age groups; less skilled individuals; a higher tolerance to crowding; and a larger focus on the non-wildlife components of the experience. Furthermore, this article, discusses the pertinent management implications associated with this shift.  相似文献   
The food service industry has already observed that a merely good quality of products/services cannot make a business successful and has emphasized the importance of delivering unique and memorable experiences. Grocerants meet customer demand by filling the roles of grocery stores and restaurants, while offering novel and special experiences to customers. This study explores the unique experiences staged in grocerants by applying the experience economy and associates such experiences to brand prestige, customer perceived value, and loyalty. Data was collected at grocerants in Korea, using a mall-intercept survey. Our results identify the positive effects of entertainment and escapist experiences on brand prestige which significantly triggers functional, hedonic, social, and financial values. The three values (functional, hedonic, and financial) also affect loyalty. Overall, the proposed theoretical framework sufficiently accounts for customer loyalty. This study was the first attempt to investigate grocerant patrons’ behaviors and thus includes a high degree of originality.  相似文献   
This research examines how the social servicescape-directed gaze (i.e., perceptions of similarity, appearance, and behavior of other customers) influences theme park visitors’ affective states and experiences. A quantitative, survey-based research design was adopted with a total of 561 theme park patrons participating in the study. Results of structural equation modeling analyses reveal that similarity and behavior positively affect visitors’ feelings of arousal and curiosity, which in turn contribute to memorable theme park experiences. Other visitors’ appearances, however, are not a significant predictor of affect/experience. From a theory standpoint, this research represents a first attempt to study the tourist gaze at theme parks and makes a unique contribution by integrating the three dimensions of the social servicescape with the theoretical lens of the tourist gaze. Practically, this research provides suggestions for theme park management to create more memorable experiences by leveraging the social servicescape-directed gaze among visitors.  相似文献   
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