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王世龙 《中国广告》2014,(7):134-136
当前,品牌营销面临严峻的形势,信息的海量和媒体环境的复杂多变。特别是社会化媒体、移动互联网的出现和飞速发展,品牌的信息被碎片化,甚至彻底被粉碎,传统的营销方式面临巨大挑战。故事营销作为一种新的品牌营销方式,极具故事性、感染力与沟通力。本文提出了品牌故事营销的四种思路与方式:1.擅用故事的力量;2.让梦想照进现实;3.营造独特体验;4.激发情感认同。  相似文献   
集群化是文化创意产业快速发展的途径之一,细致研究文化创意产业集群,有利于指导我国文化创意产业的健康和可持续发展。在厘清文化创意产业集群及其特点的基础上,分析了我国文化创意产业集群化发展的现状与问题,并在深入解析国外经验的基础上,提出了我国文化创意产业集群化发展的对策。  相似文献   
服务外包:理论与经验分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
服务贸易的兴起使得生产在不同的环节上细分,服务外包也在技术创新的推动下获得了极大的发展。如何理解、认识全球化条件下这一新的经济现象,成为了国际经济领域的焦点问题。本文首先以两阶段博弈方法为基础,从理论上分析了跨国服务外包存在的合理性和可能的企业边界;其次,对近年国际市场的服务外包进行经验分析来证明所提问题的重要性。其结论是:在科技不断发展、服务贸易水平不断提高、分工不断细化的情况下,服务产业将更多地脱离传统的一体化生产模式而趋向于服务产品外包形式的一体化外生产经营方式。  相似文献   
以工作要求-资源理论为基础,探讨了员工恢复体验对其工作绩效的作用机制。对256名员工的调研数据进行多层次回归分析,结果表明:①员工恢复体验积极影响工作绩效;②专注在恢复体验与工作绩效的关系中起部分中介作用;③工作意义在恢复体验和工作绩效间起负向调节作用,表明恢复体验对工作意义感知较低的员工尤为重要。因此,管理者可以考虑推行恢复体验实践以提升绩效,从而促进员工可持续性发展。  相似文献   
Individuals respond to an experience of risk, both in attitudinal and behavioural terms as a result of how that experience is interpreted and appraised. Experience of local flooding can in theory, inform individuals’ attitudes towards climate change. This trend however, is not observed in all cases and is highly dependent on the local, situational context. This paper postulates that the variation observed in attitudinal and behavioural responses by farmers to climate change following experiences of local flooding can, in part, be explained by the Cognitive Filters of Experience Appraisal Model introduced in this paper. The model is developed firstly through a review of the existing literature concerning appraisal (cognitive and experience). Secondly, the model is framed by empirical research via fifteen face to face interviews with farmers in Gloucestershire, England, who have all directly experienced flooding in recent years. The study is exploratory in nature, and the qualitative data serve as contextualised accounts of the different patterns of experience appraisal. The paper contributes to existing literature by developing current understandings of experience appraisal as well as providing qualitative detail to an area which has generally only been researched quantitatively. The model of experience appraisal which is put forward could be applied to multiple contexts of environmental risk.  相似文献   
从业经历与农业经营方式选择:生产环节外包的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
罗明忠  唐超  邓海莹 《南方经济》2019,38(12):68-81
从业经历丰富的回流农村劳动力是乡村振兴的重要依靠力量,对促进农业经营方式转型,加快农业服务市场发育有重要作用。文章讨论的核心议题是不同从业经历是如何影响农业经营方式选择的,并尝试建立了\"从业经历—个人能力—农业经营方式选择\"的理论分析框架。为此,本文首先在一个简单理论架构下,对从业经历影响农业生产环节外包的作用机制进行归纳分析,之后分别利用probit模型和OLS模型,实证分析了务工、务农、经商经历对农户农业生产环节外包选择的影响,并运用倾向匹配得分模型(PSM)进行了稳健性检验,以期为我国农业经营方式转型提供参考。结果显示:务农经历固化了传统农业经营方式,不利于农户农业生产环节外包;务工经历有利于农户社会资本和经济资本的利用提高,促进了农户农业生产环节外包;经商经历对农户农业生产环节外包选择的影响未通过显著性检验;农地细碎化抑制了农户农业生产环节外包;采用PSM最近邻匹配进行检验,结果仍然稳健。因此,中国农业经营方式转型要考虑农户从业经历的多样性,鼓励部分有志于农业农村的农村劳动力回流,使农村劳动力在外出务工期间所获得的资本和能力在乡村更好地发挥作用,为乡村振兴提供人才支持;同时,应加快农地流转,降低农地细碎化程度,为农业社会化服务发展提供基础条件。  相似文献   
Using a unique dataset of over 1000 foreign marketre-entries by multinational enterprises, we draw on organizational learning and institutional theory perspectives to examine the antecedents of speed of foreign market re-entry into previously exited markets. Contrary to expectations, we find that the length of experience accumulated between initial entry and exit does not lead to earlier re-entries. In turn, the depth of experience accumulated through operating via joint ventures and the nature of the experience determined by the exit process have a significant impact for early re-entrants. Host country institutional quality leads to early re-entry and, under certain circumstances, moderates the relationship between learning from past experiences and re-entry speed. Our findings reveal experience-based learning to be a complex and dynamic process, one highly dependent on the quality of the institutional setting of the firm. Theoretical and practical implications of the paper are discussed, along with directions for future research on international business strategies.  相似文献   
林晚发  钟辉勇  李青原 《金融研究》2018,456(6):171-188
本文利用2008-2015年在交易所债券市场发行的公司债券数据,分别考察高管的任职经历对债券发行成功率与信用利差的影响。研究发现,相比没有高管担任过人大代表或政协委员的企业,有高管担任过人大代表或政协委员的企业债券发行成功率更高,但同时其发债成本也更大。在考虑了可能的内生性问题之后,上述结果仍然稳健。我们的进一步研究发现,对高管有着上述任职经历的企业,其在债券发行前进行了较多的盈余管理(这些企业为了更高的发债成功率,盈余管理的动力也更强),使得后续业绩发生“变脸”,所以投资者会要求更高的风险溢价。本文的研究表明虽然高管的任职经历会有助于企业成功发行债券,但债券市场同时也让企业付出了更高的成本。  相似文献   
Since Bitner’s (1992) introduction of the servicescape concept, many conceptual and empirical studies have been conducted. Even though a relatively solid theoretical base has been established, the nature of the concept has not been updated with contemporary views on theories explaining behavior of consumers, employees and other stakeholders. Hence, the current study scanned the literature on servicescape and relevant concepts in order to update servicescape. The review of literature resulted in a new term, experienscape that is enhanced with the organizational culture of hospitality and the inclusion of employees, as both internal customers and service providers, as well as other stakeholders. For a comprehensive understanding of experienscape, a multidisciplinary approach is proposed by integrating views and theories from marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, psychology, social psychology, communication, architecture, environmental design, and other related fields.  相似文献   
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