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建立现代企业制度,是在生产资料公有制的前提条件下,解决公有制的生产资料在生产过程中的实现形式问题,目的是使公有制与市场经济的效率统一起来。在产权制度改革过程中,在解决所有权与经营权的关系时,应注意劳动权的保护,建立所有权、经营权、劳动权相互依存、相互促进的体制。劳动集体合同制度的建设,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
市场型银企关系是建立在平等自愿基础上的市场交换关系。只有按市场经济的要求改革银企体制,才能在制度上保障银企关系发展的协调。要构建市场型银企关系的银行机制,就要创新商业银行经营机制和服务功能。目前构建市场型银企关系的重点是培育资本市场,发展投资银行业,改革投融资体制,完善风险约束机制。  相似文献   
通过对企业如何进行关系营销组合设计的深入分析,提出了以顾客为导向的关系营销组合设计的思路和方法。进一步揭示了以顾客导向为基础、以竞争导向为补充,不断进行关系营销组合创新是企业获得可持续竞争优势的必要条件。  相似文献   
政策性债转股包括国有商业银行与金融资产管理公司之间的债权转让和金融资产管理公司与国有企业间以债权换股权这两个法律关系,现阶段实行债转股可对国有企业产生诸如促进企业产权制度改革,减轻企业财务负担,优化企业法人治理结构及促使资产变现等方面的积极影响.但在实践过程中也存在着很多障碍和问题,从而限制了债转股功能的发挥.尽管如此,只要政府能给予支持,立法上能提供有效保护,债转股必然可以给东北国有企业带来一片生机.  相似文献   
我国人口劳动力参与率影响因素的实证分析(1978~2001年)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳动力参与率的影响因素错综复杂。在中国,性别因素和工资水平对劳动力参与率水平的影响作用并不显著;经济增长和教育水平的提高与劳动力参与率水平正相关,而固定资产投资、城市化水平的提高和失业率的上升却是引起劳动力参与率水平不断下降的主要因素。  相似文献   
政治文明包括政治角色文明、政治行为文明、政治关系文明。政治关系文明是政治文明之基。国家与社会关系的文明,是政治关系文明的根本。当前中国国家与社会关系文明的建设是政治文明建设的突破口。为此要在“强国家一强社会”的视角下,通过制度供给构建适应我国国情的国家与社会良性互动的结构性基础。  相似文献   
经营者人力资本定价是目前理论研究的热点与难点问题。基于对经营者人力资本构成的多维性和调用的主动性两个关键特征的考察 ,从劳动契约的微观角度对经营者人力资本定价进行分析 ,并充分考虑劳资双方的特定状态 ,进一步探讨影响经营者人力资本价格的权变因素 ,认为经营者人力资本定价是一个复杂的系统过程 ,应该从可重新谈判的动态角度把握定价的精度  相似文献   
劳动关系和劳动法律关系区分的理论更多是法外视角研究劳动关系问题的结果。法律调整社会关系或劳动关系并非是指存在先在的供法律调整的社会关系,而是指法律通过规范人的行为在当事人之间产生法律关系,该法律关系是社会关系的特殊形式;法律关系产生的过程不是寻找社会关系的过程,而是判断法律规范规定的构成要件是否具备的过程。法律调整劳动关系因此是指出现法律规范的构成要件时在当事人之间产生以一方提供依附性劳动、另一方支付报酬为主要义务的权利义务关系,也即法律意义上的劳动关系。从上述劳动关系的逻辑出发,则事实劳动关系概念需要正本清源,集体劳动关系非法律意义的劳动关系,劳动法律关系、社会劳动关系、个别劳动关系等概念无存在必要。劳动法学研究应实现从法外视角向法教义学研究并重的转换。我国劳动法的规则体系和理论体系应围绕劳动关系展开。  相似文献   
Recent application of the switching regression model to allocate workers into the primary and secondary labor markets is considered to be the best solution to the classification problem of the empirical testing of the dual labor market theory. In such models, normality of the error terms is assumed. This paper adopts the switching regression model to test the dual labor market theory by assuming different distributions of the error terms. The test results strongly support the dual labor market theory regardless of the assumption one makes about the error terms. However, the results indicate that different distribution can lead to different percentage distributions of workers in the two segments. In particular, the normal distribution generates more workers in the primary segment than the non-normal distributions. Therefore, care must be taken not to generalize the type of industries or occupations that fall under the primary and secondary segments. First version received: October 2000/Final version received: March 2002 RID="*" ID="*"  I would like to thank Kevin Lang, Robert Marshall, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. I am grateful for comments received from the session participants of the Western Economic Association International Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 28–July 2, 1996, and the Midwest Economic Association Conference, Kansas City, 1997. I thank George Bonney, the Chief Statistician of Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia for his comments. Any remaining errors are my responsibility. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from Penn State Research and Development Grant, 1995.  相似文献   
The article explores the relevance of a particular approach of the institutionalist movement, régulation theory, to deal with the relationship between the economy and the environment. Régulation theory, which appeared in France at the end of the 1970s, is mainly interested in macroeconomic issues. In contrast, until now it has tended to neglect environmental questions. By taking several key concepts of this theory (accumulation regime, mode of régulation, institutional forms), we have sought to assess its significance vis-à-vis the environmental field. More precisely, from the perspective of establishing an environmental regulationist theory, we propose considering the economic relation to the environment as the articulation of three forms: a transhistorical form, a general capitalist form and a specific capitalist form, the latter being variable in capitalist time and space. We give several illustrations of the variability of the relation to the environment, depending on the different accumulation regimes and the different modes of régulation. Two principal avenues of research are proposed: historical analyses for given economic areas, and comparative analyses relating in particular to different capitalist areas.  相似文献   
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