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This study uses truck GPS data to study inter-arrival duration, defined as the time between arrivals at a destination of two successive vehicles operated by the same carrier. Destinations were separated into market segments: (1) frequently-visited destinations, (2) regularly-scheduled destinations, and (3) unscheduled destinations, based on visit frequency and regularity. Inter-arrival duration was modelled using multilevel ordered probit and multilevel multinomial logit models. Market segmentation improved modelling results, and multilevel models performed better than single level models. Results showed a wide variation in shipping behavior of commercial establishments and that many firms do not follow consistent shipping schedules.  相似文献   
COVID pandemic has highlighted the importance of hedging against catastrophic events, for which the catastrophe bond market plays a critical role. Our paper develops a two-level modelling and uses a unique, hand-collected dataset, which is one of the largest and most detailed datasets to date containing: 101 different issuers, 794 different bonds, spanning 1997–2020. We identify issuer effects robustly, isolating them from bond specific pricing effects, therefore providing more credible pricing factor results. We find that bond pricing and volatility are heavily impacted by the issuer, causing 26% of total price variation. We also identify specific issuer characteristics that significantly impact bond pricing and volatility, such as the issuer’s line of business accounting for up to 36% of total price variation. We further find that issuer effects are significant over different market cycles and time periods, causing substantial price variation. The size and content of our data also enables us to identify the counter-intuitive relation between bond premiums and maturity, and bond premiums and hybrid bond triggers.  相似文献   
Three care delivery settings are compared in this study: office-based care, home-care, and mixed-care, i.e., office-based care combined with home-care, in solo, small, medium, and large primary care practices. The objective of this paper is to identify which of these settings better achieves the secondary goals of the so-called quadruple aim, i.e., reducing costs, improving the patient experience, and improving the physician experience. A multi-objective integer programming formulation is developed to capture the elements of strategic health care planning. The formulation considers the minimization of four objective functions: the total cost of care workers, the total number of care workers, the total rejected demand and unsatisfied preferred care location, and the total panel size of the providers. Instead of computing the entire Pareto frontier, we used the Nash bargaining solution to determine a single Pareto optimal solution for the problem. The approach was tested using real world instances, which can be adjusted to any specific primary care practice. The numerical results show that none of the settings provides the smallest values in all objective functions. The choice of a setting for a primary care practice depends on the secondary goals that the practice desires to emphasize, and, in most cases, it is independent of the type of practice size. For the analyzed instances, a calculated overall score for each setting determined that, on average, the settings based on home-care strengthen the achievement of the secondary goals of the quadruple aim more so than in comparison to the office-based physician settings.  相似文献   
医疗保险虽然有利于提高医疗卫生服务的可及性和公平性,但也滋生了严重的道德风险问题。文章基于医疗服务的信任品属性,利用实验方法刻画了商业保险和社会保险两种保险形式,并通过对比私人信息和公开信息探究了加强声誉建设对解决医疗保险“双刃剑”难题的作用。实验结果表明,首先,商业保险和社会保险均会导致医患双方的道德风险问题,且商业保险更严重。其次,声誉加强有利于缓解保险的道德风险,其作用机制在不同保险条件下有所不同。在商业保险条件下,声誉通过弥补患者的信息劣势,加大了对医生欺骗行为的约束;而在社会保险条件下,声誉在提振患者对市场的初始信心的同时,降低了患者因保险依赖而盲目交易的可能性。最后,综合医疗市场的经济效益和社会效益来看,公开信息商业保险和公开信息社会保险是两种相对高效的政策组合。  相似文献   
This paper reports on an empirical investigation of the effect of product usage on consumer satisfaction in the context of consumer durables. It conceptualizes three dimensions of usage-usage frequency, usage function and usage situation-and examines the impact of these usage dimensions on satisfaction. Results of a field survey using five consumer durables suggest that the usage dimensions influence satisfaction through corresponding dimensions of usage disconfirmation, independent of the effect of performance disconfirmation on satisfaction. The specific dimensions of usage disconfirmation which influence satisfaction vary by product.  相似文献   
This study examines the affect of IMF-induced structural adjustment programs on several key indicators regarding the status of women in Ecuador. In particular, we focus on the evolution of female primary and secondary school enrollment and female labor force participation in time series data from 1987 to 2003. The analysis is conducted using ordinary least squares regression with corrections for heteroscedasticity. The findings suggest that structural adjustment programs reduced female enrollment in primary and secondary schools and caused a reduction in the reported female labor force participation rate.   相似文献   
本文以军人为例分析证明 ,公共物品供给能够增加经济总产出 ,公职人员的收入水平同经济总产出正相关 ;公职人员的收入是其在私人部门收入的机会成本 ,是由市场间接决定的均衡收入。国家公职人员工资制度改革的基本取向 ,是建立公职人员的收入水平及其增长同经济增长率等宏观经济指标挂钩、同市场领域的个人收入分配保持均衡的机制。  相似文献   
在市场经济条件下 ,地方政府的主要职责是分级提供各种地方性公共品 ,满足居民生活和企业生产的共同需要。但是 ,政府提供并不等于政府生产 ,更不等于政府垄断生产。中国现行地方性公共品供给制度的主要缺陷是地方政府以及公共部门的过度垄断。按公共品生产与提供、直接生产与间接生产分开等原则 ,打破垄断 ,有序地向国内外开放公共品生产市场 ,大力推进公共品生产的市场化 ,形成“公”与“私”以及各自内部的竞争 ,将有助于提高地方性公共品供给效率 ,增进公共福利 ,并有助于推进中国的市场化进程。  相似文献   
The tontine, which is an interesting mixture of group annuity, group life insurance, and lottery, has a peculiar place in economic history. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it played a major role in raising funds to finance public goods in Europe, but today it is rarely encountered outside of a dusty footnote in actuarial course notes or as a means to thicken the plot of a murder mystery. This study provides a formal model of individual contribution decisions under a modern variant of the historical tontine mechanism that is easily implemented by private charities. Our model incorporates desirable properties of the historical tontine to develop a mechanism to fund the private provision of a public good. The tontine-like mechanism we derive is predicted to outperform not only the voluntary contribution mechanism but also another widely used mechanism: charitable lotteries. Our experimental test of the instrument provides some evidence of the beneficial effects associated with implementing tontine-like schemes. We find that the mechanism has particular power in cases where agents are risk-averse or in situations where substantial asymmetries characterize individual preferences for the public good.  相似文献   
Increasingly, physicians payment schemes are being reformed to enhance performance and to ensure an optimal allocation of scarce medical resources. The empirical evidence points towards the use of mixed payment schemes that appear better at achieving efficiency than either lump sum payments (such as capitation) or piece rates (fee for service). Yet, this alleged superiority remains to be established from a theoretical standpoint. The Principal-Agent model developed in this paper offers a contribution in this line, with a primary care physician as agent and a public regulator as principal. Alternative specifications of the principals objective function are considered in the model (efficiency versus fairness). Uncertainty is introduced by two random variables that represent the probability for an individual of being ill and his productivity parameter which determines the amount of resources (the physicians effort in particular) necessary to restore health. The relationship is characterised by information asymmetry since the physician is assumed to observe both variables after the contract has been signed, but before choosing his effort level. Both selection and moral hazard issues are addressed in the model and the results show that, under GP risk neutrality, mixed payment schemes fully correct for both types of information asymmetry.Received: June 2002, Accepted: May 2003, JEL Classification: I18, I11, D82Rosella Levaggi: Correspondence toThe authors would like to thank participants to the LEA Barcelona Workshop, November 2001, to the Second Health Economics Workshop, Lisbon, February 2002 and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   
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