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健康物联网(H-IoT)技术进步带来医疗健康等领域的革命性变化,并为医疗、保健、护理和科学研究带来新机遇。由于互联网设备的固有风险、健康数据的敏感性以及医疗保健服务形式的转变,H-IoT技术应用将带来一系列伦理难题,具体包括:加剧个人信息泄露风险、H-IoT数据所有权与有效性的冲突、数据主体自主权与数据共享的冲突,以及由H-IoT介导护理产生的用户社会孤立化、医疗去情景化以及护理非专业化等。以国际代表性研究成果的理论框架为参考,从设备、数据协议、实践等层面分析未来需重点解决的H-IoT技术进步与应用伦理难题。  相似文献   
公允价值在会计准则中赋予了重要地位而且其应用范围较为广泛,但同时应用的比较慎重。公允价值在应用中需要关注其取得、并注意可靠性和相关性的协调、提高职业判断能力和专业水平以及建立科学的方法和规范的程序。  相似文献   
Holmström’s [Holmström, B., 1982/1999. Managerial incentive problems: a dynamic perspective. Review of Economic Studies 66, 169–182. Originally published in: Essays in Economics and Management in Honour of Lars Wahlbeck, Helsinki] career concerns model has become a workhorse for analyzing agency issues in many fields. The underlying signal jamming argument requires players to use information in a Bayesian way, which is difficult to directly test with field data: typically little is known about the information that individuals base their decisions on. Our laboratory experiment provides prima facie evidence: (i) the signal jamming mechanism successfully creates incentives on the labor supply side; (ii) decision errors take time to decrease; (iii) while subjects’ average beliefs are remarkably consistent with play, a mild winner’s curse arises on the labor demand side.  相似文献   
韵江  宁鑫 《经济管理》2020,42(6):135-152
企业的战略变革是宏观经济转型和产业升级的重要微观基础,然而,变革活动的引领者CEO对自身职业生涯的认知会给战略变革带来怎样的影响是一个重要但仍具争议性的问题。本文整合高阶梯队理论和特质激活理论,以2007—2014年A股上市公司为样本,研究CEO职业生涯关注对战略变革的影响;采用CEO年龄和职业余期来代理CEO职业生涯关注,选择企业关键战略维度来构建战略变革的指标,对相关理论假设进行实证检验。研究发现,CEO职业生涯关注对战略变革有显著的正向影响;同时,在环境不确定性较低、经营期望落差较小、组织冗余较少以及CEO持股比例较高等组织内外部情境下,CEO职业生涯关注所能发挥的影响作用更大,对战略变革的促进效应也更为明显;进一步研究表明,在非国有企业中,CEO职业生涯关注对战略变革的影响更为显著;区分战略变革的类型,与战略变异相比,CEO职业生涯关注对战略背离的影响更为显著。本文不仅从新的视角拓展了战略变革动因的研究,而且对企业如何有效从内部驱动变革、推动企业转型发展有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
Comparisons between different randomized response strategies have already been performed by several workers but all have concentrated solely on comparing the variances of the appropriate estimators. A very little attention has been paid by these workers to the degree of privacy protection offered to the interviewees. In the present paper, an attempt has been made in this direction and some important randomized response strategies have been compared with the Warner's model, taking into account the aspect of privacy protection. Received February 2000  相似文献   
人文关怀视野下的大学生思想政治教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强人文关怀是提高大学生思想政治工作水平和成效的重要手段。高校思想政治教育应解决人文关怀缺失的问题,将人文关怀的理念贯穿其中,坚持学生主体性与教师主导性的统一,德育共性与学生个性的统一,理论灌输与实践养成的统一,传道解惑与情感关怀的统一。  相似文献   
赵艳红 《当代金融研究》2020,2020(4):132-148
大数据监控措施即通过大规模、系统化地收集、存储、处理和控制数据而对社会进行的监控,目前已经在侦查中被运用。因此有必要在研究大数据监控对公民权利的影响的基础上,研究如何规制大数据监控的运用。大数据监控可能会侵害公民的隐私权、个人数据权、通信自由权、表达自由权、财产权等权利,其中最有可能被侵害的是隐私权,所以也是我国刑事诉讼中最需要关注的一项权利。大数据监控虽然针对不特定对象,且通常仅监控非内容性信息,但由于对不特定公民的个人信息数据构成现实的威胁,所以仍可能会侵害隐私权。在现代社会,公民将个人信息数据提交给第三方不意味着就放弃了对个人信息数据的权利,要根据侦查机关获取公民个人信息数据的不同情形而判断是否构成对隐私权的侵害。即便公民身处公共场所,或在网络公共领域进行表达、交流,也仍对其中部分信息享有隐私权;而且对于公民在公共场所或网络公共领域所从事的那些不具有合理隐私期待的活动,如果进行长期、密集的监控,也可能会侵害公民隐私权。大数据监控具有侵权的长期性、秘密性、技术性、面广但度轻等特征。对大数据监控进行规制应以《刑事诉讼法》为主体,并辅以其他法律的规制;应当对目前《刑事诉讼法》中的技术侦查制度和立案制度进行改革;对各类大数据监控的法律规制应遵循比例原则,根据其在侦查中的具体作用、监控的对象、内容而进行宽严有别的规制。  相似文献   
Using data on European Central Bank's (ECB's) reserve currency portfolios, we find that money managers react to relative rankings (i.e., own vs. peers’ performance) by adjusting portfolio active risk levels measured ex ante by actual deviations from their benchmark. This occurs in the absence of explicit incentives as no monetary reward is promised for winning this “tournament” among portfolio managers. We collect information on managers’ characteristics, including age, education, tenure, salary, and career path, and investigate the role played by implicit incentives. We provide evidence that both individual career concerns and institutional peer pressure contribute to the documented relationship between ranking and risk taking.  相似文献   

Digital assistants (e.g., Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Google Assistant) are highly complex and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) based technologies. Individuals can use digital assistants to perform basic personal tasks as well as for more advanced capabilities. Yet, the functional and topical use of a digital assistant tends to vary by individual. This study reflects the contextual experiences of the respondents. At present, there is little empirical evidence of customer satisfaction with digital assistants. PLS-SEM was used to analyse 244 survey responses to examine this research gap. The results confirmed that expectations and confirmation of expectations have a positive and significant relationship on customer satisfaction with digital assistants. This study provides evidence that customer expectations are being satisfied through the digital assistant interaction experience. As firms integrate digital assistants into their operations, they must help customers properly define what to expect from the firm’s interactive experience.  相似文献   
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