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云南省经济空间结构正处于核心—外围二元结构的空间演化阶段,集聚尤其是中心城市集聚占主导地位,但有向外扩散的趋势。要注意协调好核心地带与其他地区的关系,发展相互间的经济技术合作,在重点发展核心地带的同时,充分发挥核心地带的扩散作用,带动全省经济社会的全面进步。  相似文献   
为探究城镇化发展与居民消费之间的内在作用机制,本文基于工业生产率地区差异视角展开深入研究。结果表明:城镇化率与居民消费率之间不存在自发产生的“U”型演变关系,但工业生产率水平对两者的影响具有明显的地区异质性。因此,必须立足于中国经济发展实际,提高工业生产率水平。同时,加快推进城乡“二元”经济结构向城乡融合发展的转变,实现城镇化发展对居民消费的拉动作用。  相似文献   
目的 基于2017年在广东、河南、湖北、山西、云南5省所做的农户调查数据, 从迁移异质性角度, 考察了劳动力转移就业稳定性对农户土地流转的影响差异。方法 文章使用IV-Probit和IV-Tobit模型, 解决劳动力转移就业行为内生性的问题, 实现模型参数结果的无偏估计。结果 在广延边际上, 劳动力季节性非稳定转移就业对农户转入、转出土地均没有显著影响, 而常年稳定转移就业仅对农户转出土地有显著正影响, 家庭每新增1个常年在外务工者, 会使农户土地转出倾向增加9.5%;在集约边际上, 虽然稳定和非稳定的转移就业方式都降低了农地需求, 但只有常年稳定转移就业显著促进了农地供给的增加, 家庭每新增1个常年在外务工者, 会使农户土地转出数量增加8.1%。结论 促进农村转移劳动力向城市的稳定迁移和就业, 尤其是让非稳定转移就业者实现在城市的长期、稳定就业, 是解决现阶段农村土地流转市场供给不足的有效出路。  相似文献   
This study examines the role of tourism development in reducing regional income inequality in China. First, the theoretical foundation for how tourism affects regional income inequality is discussed. Second, based on the conditional convergence framework, this study proposes a spatiotemporal autoregressive model to capture spatial and temporal dependence as well as spatial heterogeneity. Tourism development is introduced as a conditional convergence factor in an attempt to examine whether the convergence speed is accelerated by regional tourism development. Third, the effects of international and domestic tourism in narrowing regional inequality are compared both globally and locally. The empirical results indicate that tourism development contributes significantly to the reduction of regional inequality, with domestic tourism making a greater contribution than international tourism.  相似文献   
城市群经济系统发展过程中,核心城市的增长极化与扩散作用是推动城市群协同发展的关键机制。创新能力、要素集聚与扩散形成的区际空间外部性使得城市群增长核心不断演化,并形成系统协同发展的内在动力。长三角城市群核心城市的极化效应呈现出下降趋势,对其主要影响因素的实证分析结果表明:创新分工过程中创新要素集聚与创新溢出、空间依赖都对城市极化效应具有显著影响。因此,政策导向应从强化城市间创新分工、充分利用创新过程的空间外部性、推进城市群协同发展的制度创新等方面着手。  相似文献   
In recent years, what has become known as collaborative consumption has undergone rapid expansion through peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. In the field of tourism, a particularly notable example is that of Airbnb. This article analyses the spatial patterns of Airbnb in Barcelona and compares them with hotels and sightseeing spots. New sources of data, such as Airbnb listings and geolocated photographs are used. Analysis of bivariate spatial autocorrelation reveals a close spatial relationship between Airbnb and hotels, with a marked centre-periphery pattern, although Airbnb predominates around the city's main hotel axis and hotels predominate in some peripheral areas of the city. Another interesting finding is that Airbnb capitalises more on the advantages of proximity to the city's main tourist attractions than does the hotel sector. Multiple regression analysis shows that the factors explaining location are also different for hotels and Airbnb. Finally, it was possible to detect those parts of the city that have seen the greatest increase in pressure from tourism related to Airbnb's recent expansion.  相似文献   
This article aims to study the effect of human capital on the financial performance of the most admired American firms. Human capital is measured in terms of the demographic attributes and the diversity of top managers. The use of panel linear multiple regressions reveals that the most successful firms are characterized by coherent and homogeneous top management teams with moderate tenure and excellent wages. Moreover, the heterogeneity of managers is recommended for fairly young top management teams and for larger firms operating in a turbulent environment. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
团队成员异质性对团队效能的影响这一问题受到了许多学者的关注。本文以I-P-O模型为基础,以问卷调查的方法实证研究了团队异质性通过团队过程对团队效能产生影响的作用机制,同时引入了领导行为作为调节这种影响的变量。本文认为,团队成员异质性通过作用于团队过程而对团队效能产生了显著的负面影响,而关系型的领导行为则会有效地调节成员异质性对团队效能的负面作用。  相似文献   
We discuss an approach to modeling the slack season provision of guided tours to tourists that accounts for the twin phenomena of stochastic demand and tourist heterogeneity but is different from the way in which this problem has been modeled in the extant tourism literature. Our discussion uses the theory of discrete-time Markov chains and it models the slack season from a tourist demand perspective. Specifically, we first study a case in which the wait plus tour or the excursion time of an arriving tourist is exponentially distributed with a fixed mean. Next, we focus on a scenario in which the excursion time is exponentially distributed with one of two possible fixed means and these two means arise with specific probabilities.  相似文献   
People’s strategies and choices to utilize tourism information have shifted dramatically over the years following ubiquitous access to the Internet. Despite the fact that many tourism information searches on the Internet involve geo-spatial information through WebGIS, little is known about tourists’ behavioral patterns with this media. The purpose of this study was to examine tourists’ trip situations, tasks, and perceptions toward WebGIS. An electronic survey method and multiple regression technique were used to collect and analyze data. Findings indicate that ‘usefulness’ and ‘playfulness’ were the key factors that determined the level of usage and interaction. Users showed distinct behavioral tendencies under different trip situations and task performances when searching tourism information using WebGIS.  相似文献   
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