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Conflict avoidance is common in East Asia, and the Confucian notion of harmony is often invoked to explain this tendency. We review the classical Confucian doctrines and found no encouragement of conflict avoidance in Confucian teachings. Quite the contrary, the Confucian notion of harmony embodies disagreement and open debates. Thus, we argue that harmony as conflict avoidance is not a main feature of classical Confucianism, but a characteristic of the secular version that is associated with cultural collectivism. We then review several theories that are based on the notion of harmony, and show that they are compatible with a dualistic model of harmony, which posits an instrumental as well as a value motive in harmony-seeking behavior. In the instrumental perspective, harmony is viewed as a means to a typically materialistic end, whereas in the value perspective, harmony is deemed an end in its own right. Conflict avoidance is primarily driven by the instrumental motive. These two motives are then crossed to form four types of harmony-seeking behaviors. This typology is discussed in terms of its implications for future research and its applications in conflict management. 相似文献
岳天雷 《郑州经济管理干部学院学报》2013,(1):29-34,88
经权思想是儒家哲学的重要内容。自从孔子将经权提升为哲学方法论范畴之后,汉儒、宋儒和明儒分别阐发了“反经合道”说、“权便是经”说和“经是已定之权,权是未定之经”说或“经乃有定之权,权乃无定之经”说。这三种经权观恰好构成否定之否定的辩证发展过程。 相似文献
以组织创新成分理论、精神型领导理论和领导情景理论为依据,探讨精神型领导和职业召唤感等精神性因素对研发人员创新行为的动力作用以及儒家工作伦理的调节效应。通过企业调研获得268套领导-员工的有效配套问卷数据,统计分析表明:(1)精神型领导对研发人员的职业召唤感和创新行为具有显著正向影响;(2)研发人员的职业召唤感对其创新行为具有显著正向影响,并在精神型领导和研发人员创新行为之间具有部分中介作用;(3)儒家工作伦理调节了精神型领导对研发人员创新行为的正向影响,儒家工作伦理越明显,精神型领导对研发人员创新行为的正向影响也越强;(4)儒家工作伦理还调节了职业召唤感在精神型领导和研发人员创新行为之间的中介效应,儒家工作伦理较高时,精神型领导通过研发人员职业召唤感的中介进而对其创新行为的间接影响也随之增强,反之则减弱。研究结论拓展了基于精神性视角的创新行为动力机制及其边界条件研究。为管理者实践精神型领导、培育研发人员职业召唤感和加强研发工作伦理建设,从而有效激发研发人员的创新行为提供了理论借鉴和管理启示。 相似文献
中西传统绘画于现实因素的表现上存在着巨大差异,决定了二者不同的发展境遇与文化地位。本文从各自文化背景入手剖析了中西传统绘画现实因素表现的差异性形成的原因、过程与结果。 相似文献
The present study takes Confucian entrepreneurs as an entry point to portray the dynamics and problems involved in the process of putting moral precepts into practice, a central issue in business ethics. Confucian entrepreneurs are defined as the owners of manufacturing or business firms who harbor the moral values of Confucianism. Other than a brief account of their historical background, 41 subjects from various parts of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur were selected for in-depth interviews. By studying the moral choices they made in the market, it was discovered that, contrary to the prevalent mode of inquiry in economics either to reduce all social phenomena to rational calculations or to consider moral actions in terms of utilitarian values, their economic action cannot be accounted for by the postulate of utility maximization, and that the efforts to do business according to their moral principles can be very costly. The study also attempts to document how these Confucian entrepreneurs reconciled the conflict between the moral values they cherished and the instrumental goals they pursued, and will seek to uncover how they responded when faced with this dilemma. 相似文献
以人为本思想对当前企业思想政治教育的启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以人为本思想是科学发展观的本质和核心,是当前各项工作的指导思想,同时也是中国儒学人本思想的现代发展。儒学中的人伦观、教育理念以及其传授方式无不彰显着人文关怀的光芒。因此,做好当前企业思想政治教育工作,真正坚持以人为本的思想,就必须追根溯源,从研究儒学的各种理念,如何体现以人为本思想入手,寻求历史与当下的结合,批判、继承以创新,开创新时期企业思想政治教育的新局面。 相似文献
在中世纪以前,中国的科学技术远比欧洲先进,而近代以来,却远远落后于西方。为什么近代科技革命和工业革命发生在英国而不是在拥有四大发明的中国?这与两国的文化传统、政治体制和商业发展的环境有直接关系。 相似文献
儒家文化对中国企业管理实践影响力研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
众所周知,儒家文化对中国企业管理行为产生了巨大的影响,本文结合现代管理理论就这个主题进行了深入探讨, 提出了一个其影响力评价模型,并通过调研参会北京理工大学“儒家文化与现代管理思想”论坛的企业家,对儒家文化在企业 中影响力的评价进行了实证研究。 相似文献
日本的终身雇佣制伴随着日本经济的衰退被以市场导向为主的多元化的雇佣模式所代替,中国的用工制度也从计划经济转向了市场经济。表面的相似不能掩盖其实质的不同。作为儒教文化圈中的国家,日本体现了儒教文化的“忠”和其对外来文化兼收并蓄的特点;中国是为否定西方文化和传统文化而实行计划经济用工模式的,但在改革中体现了中国文化的强大再生能力。 相似文献