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[目的]"镰刀弯"地区玉米种植面积大幅度增加,粮食种植结构单一,为确保粮食安全稳定、多元化发展,需要明确该地区粮食生产结构中不同作物的变化特点和竞争优势.[方法]文章运用Shift-Share模型对"镰刀弯"地区的粮食作物生产结构和竞争力优势进行比较,分析了水稻、玉米、薯类、豆类以及其他作物的结构和竞争力优势差异.[结果]"镰刀弯"地区内部不同区域之间不同作物的结构优势和竞争力优势差异明显,其主要原因在于不同作物的播种面积和单位面积产量增长变动速度不同.[结论]"镰刀弯"地区粮食种植结构的调整,尤其是玉米种植面积的调减,应当充分考虑不同作物之间的优势差异,在满足可持续发展和市场需求且不形成过度供给的情况下,增加优势作物的种植,最终形成合理的种植结构和区域布局.  相似文献   
通过对经营性用地和工业用地的出让方式进行比较,认为工业用地的协议出让方式不利于我国的耕地数量保护,造成了国有土地资产大量流失.中央政府作为法定的城市国有土地所有者和管理者,要通过价格机制、竞争机制、供求机制,实现土地的最大价值,体现土地资源的稀缺性.  相似文献   
我国高新技术开发区的发展差异及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了我国高新技术开发区在布局和经济发展上存在的差异和形成原因.指出了我国高新技术开发区在发展上存在的产学联系不密切、资金不足、产品结构不合理、产品技术含量低和销路不畅等问题、提出了解决这些问题的对策。  相似文献   
Organic conversion subsidies used in Europe are less likely to be politically acceptable in the United States, where organic agriculture development is market‐driven. Persistent barriers to conversion in the United States include limited availability of and access to production and market information, training in management systems and cost of conversion‐related investments. By determining whether these factors affect the requirement of a subsidy to convert, we can suggest whether U.S. policy makers need to provide subsidies to encourage conversion and identify policy variables consistent with market‐based approaches that could stimulate conversion. A utility difference model is used with Swedish data to analyze factors that determine whether a subsidy is required to motivate organic conversion. The results show that farmers requiring subsidies manage larger less‐diversified farms and are more concerned with organic inspection, quality, and adequacy of technical advice. Access to more market outlets and information sources substitutes for payment level in the farmer's utility function, indicating that services rather than subsidies may be used to encourage organic agriculture. To the extent that conditions are similar in the U.S. organic sector, market‐based programs such as cost‐sharing for conversion and market access improvement should stimulate growth of this industry.  相似文献   
[目的]文章通过意愿需求和制度供给两个层面分析湖南省农业转移人口市民化影响的代际差异,为地方政府制定针对性的政策提供指导意见。[方法]文章基于湖南省6 091名农村流动人口样本,选取农业转移人口的后顾之忧为核心解释变量,其余个体特征、家庭特征和流动特征为控制变量,构建双变量Probit模型,实证分析农业转移人口市民化的影响因素与代际差异,通过城市和年龄的固定效应进行稳健性检验。[结果]相比于"务工经商"的流动群体,拥有"较稳定的职业""较高的收入"和"已建立健康档案"的农业转移人口更倾向于在城市落户定居;现有市民化政策更加倾向于男性,但女性的落户意愿反而更强;"受教育程度越高,落户可能性越大"仅限于第一代农民工;有赡养老人和抚养子女需求的农民工更愿意留在城市。[结论]统筹城乡医疗保险、关注进城务工子女教育、加大职业技能培训和健康教育宣传能够加快推进农业转移人口市民化进程。  相似文献   
贵州是典型的"两欠"省份,经济发展水平不仅明显落后于全国平均水平,与西部省区相比也处于劣势,与此同时,省域内部经济发展差异突出,因此,探讨其区域经济协调发展对策具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
湘南、湘北民歌是湖南民歌中的重要部分,由于两地区分别位于湖南的南北两端,因此在湖南民歌中具有突出的代表意义。两地民歌中存在着一些重要的差异,而这些差异主要是由于两地在方言、民族结构和地理环境等方面的差异而造成的。  相似文献   
The evolution of civilization appears to have primarily resulted from continuous improvement made possible by technological advances. A group of social evolutionists and economists have identified, among others, energy, transport, as well as information and communication to be the three most influential technologies. On the other hand, a number of eminent scholars have cited several forces, natural, physiological, technological, as well as environmental which can place a limit on on-going improvement.The purpose of this paper is to empirically explore the continuous improvement process as well as the limit placed on these three technologies. Using the framework of both connected and disconnected multiple technology S-curves and X-factor, historical improvement data on these three elements have been analyzed. The results of our analysis indicate that improvement in general has continued without limit mainly due to a series of emerging new technologies. These emerging technologies can be either connected or disconnected from the existing mature technologies. Our preliminary analysis shows that much of the past improvement comes from new technologies that on first serious application appear to be substantially superior from earlier technologies. In addition, enormous continuous improvement, which has accompanied both connected and disconnected new technologies appear to have played the critical role in sustaining the evolution of civilization. The paper discusses a number of policy implications and suggests topics for future research.  相似文献   
浅谈国际商务沟通中的文化差异问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界经济联系越来越密切,国际商务沟通日益频繁,但是由于参与各国有着不同的文化背景,使得国际商务沟通中经常产生误解与分析。本文将探讨文化差异对国际商务沟通的影响及促进沟通顺利进行的对策。  相似文献   
随着经济全球化的快速发展,国外学者对跨文化管理进行了大量的研究。国外相关研究经历了20世纪50~70年代的萌芽阶段,70~90年代的大发展,90年代至21世纪初的多元化交叉发展三个阶段,并将伴随经济全球化进程呈现出多学科交叉、多层次关联、多视角整合的网络化、立体化发展格局。  相似文献   
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