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Entrepreneurship contributes to business dynamics in all economies, and the individual benefits of starting a business are clear. Nonetheless, access to business start-ups may not be available to all people because of resource constraints. Using a unique new data set for the United States, we examine the relative importance of three forms of resources in pursuing start-up ventures: financial, human, and cultural capital. Our analysis of the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics shows that neither financial nor cultural capital resources are necessary conditions for entrepreneurial entry. By contrast, potential entrepreneurs gain significant advantages if they possess high levels of human capital. Specifically, advanced education and managerial experience are significantly positively associated with entrepreneurial entry. Our findings suggest that attempts at entering entrepreneurship, at least in the short-term, may be increasing, as opportunities to acquire human capital are becoming more widespread.  相似文献   
黑龙江省是物质资源大省,也是文化资源大省,欲加快发展文化产业,须在解放思想,转变观念的基础上,进一步深化文化体制改革,通过文化体制本身的改革,驱动文化产业的发展,走出一条有中国特色的文化生存、发展的新路。  相似文献   
日本政府制定实施了一系列文化措施对琵琶湖进行治理,同样,我国太湖也采取了一些文化治理措施,虽然在太湖的治理中起到了一定的作用,但与琵琶湖治理相比,还存在不足之处。通过对日本琵琶湖与太湖的文化措施进行对比分析,提出相应的对策和建议,为相关部门制定和实施有效的文化措施,发挥文化措施在太湖治理中的作用提供参考。  相似文献   
吴文化旅游景观“史诗式”主题公园开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先,根据旅游吸引力情况对吴文化景观进行筛选和谱系整理;然后,采用"旅游景观文化选择矩阵"对吴文化旅游景观谱系进行评价;进而,根据公众吴文化景观偏好提出旅游景观开发的战略步骤;最后,结合公众吴文化标志物认知状况选择旅游景观开发的战略要点。结论认为:"史诗式"主题公园开发是吴文化旅游景观开发的重要战略,主要包括主题形象、意象空间和标志符号三个方面。  相似文献   
历史文化名城旅游发展优化:以西安市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体验经济时代的到来对历史文化名城旅游提出了新的挑战,体验经济与历史文化名城旅游的不和谐体现在文物保护和旅游开发、资源禀赋和体验经济内涵、旅游产品形式和游客体验本质的不和谐三个方面。在构建历史文化名城旅游系统基础上,从开发理念、产品设计和旅游服务等角度提出历史文化名城旅游发展优化的思路,并结合典型历史文化名城西安进行案例研究。  相似文献   
Employing data on US immigrants and trade with 59 home countries for the years 1996–2001, we compare the extent to which refugee and non-refugee immigrants affect US trade with their home countries and provide the first evidence of variation in the US immigrant–trade relationship across immigrant types. We also consider the abilities of refugee and non-refugee immigrants to offset the trade-inhibiting influence of cultural distance. Our results show that while immigrants, in general, exert positive influences on US imports from – and exports to – their home countries, the influence of refugee immigrants is quite minimal when compared with that of non-refugee immigrants. For both immigrant types, however, evidence supporting the notion that immigrants act to offset cultural distance is observed. To conceptualize the economic meaning of our results, we provide estimates of the extent to which each type of immigrants offset transport costs.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that North American business-people differ from their Latin American counterparts with respect to specific behavioral traits. Our particular interest is in problem solving and in effecting changes in behavior to achieve better problem-solving capability. The purpose of the present study is to assess whether there are differences in problem-solving styles between two culturally different groups of managers registered in MBA Programs: Anglo American and Latin American. Using Kolb's (1984 2006) Learning Style Inventory, it was found that Anglo American managers tended to be relatively action-oriented, “Convergers” (they emphasize decision-making and use deductive reasoning), while Latin American managers tended to be reflection-oriented, “Assimilators” (they emphasize planning and like to create models in their analyses) in their problem-solving styles. The positive and negative aspects of each style are discussed and suggestions for improved decision-making are offered.

RESUMEN. La literatura sugiere que los empresarios norteamericanos difieren de sus contrapartes latinoamericanos, en lo que atañe a ciertos trazos comportamentales específicos. Nuestro interés particular se orienta a la solución de problemas e implementación de cambios comportamentales, con el propósito de adquirir habilidades específicas para la solución de problemas. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar si existen diferencias entre los estilos empleados para solucionar problemas entre diferentes grupos culturales de gerentes matriculados en Programas MBA angloamericanos y latinoamericanos. Usando el sistema de estilos de Kolb (1984 2006) denominado Learning Style Inventory, descubrimos que los gerentes angloamericanos tienden a orientarse con bastante frecuencia en la acción, los llamados ‘Convergentes’ (que hacen hincapié en la toma de decisiones y el uso del razonamiento deductivo), mientras que los gerentes latinoamericanos tienden a volcarse a la reflexión, los llamados ‘Asimiladores’ (que hacen hincapié enplanear y les gusta crear modelos en sus análisis), como característica de sus estilos para solucionar problemas. Discutimos los aspectos positivo y negativo de cada estilo, y hacemos sugerencias para mejorar la toma de decisión.

RESUMO. A literatura sugere que os homens de negócios norte-americanos diferem de seus colegas latino-americanos em traços comportamentais específicos. Nosso interesse particular recai sobre a resolução de problemas e a introdução de mudanças de comportamento para obter uma melhor capacidade de resolução de problemas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se existem diferenças nos estilos de resolução de problemas de dois grupos culturalmente diferentes de gerentes matriculados em cursos de MBA: anglo-americanos e latino-americanos. Utilizando o inventário LSI (learning style inventory) de Kolb (1984 2006), constatou-se que os gerentes anglo-americanos tendiam a ser relativamente orientados para a ação, “convergentes” (eles enfatizam a tomada de decisões e o raciocínio dedutivo), enquanto os gerentes latinoamericanos tendiam a ser orientados para a reflexão, “assimiladores” (eles enfatizam o planejamento e gostam de criar modelos em suas análises) em seus estilos de resolução de problemas. Os aspectos positivos e negativos de cada estilo são discutidos, e sugestões para melhorar a tomada de decisões são oferecidas.  相似文献   
前人的研究主要是从技术创新的视角来探讨产业升级,却忽视产业升级应该是多种路径的综合运用.文章认为中国制造业的升级在坚持技术创新传统路径的基础上,还可以开辟文化产业与制造业融合的新路径.通过文化产业与制造业的延伸融合、交叉融合以及关联融合,充分发挥文化产业既是消费服务业,又是生产服务业的作用,提升制造业的文化附加值,促进制造业升级.  相似文献   
保护文化财产现已成为一种普遍共识,针对历史遗留和正在产生的文化财产纠纷,许多国家、组织和个人在设想一些模式试图更好地解决这些纠纷,如诉讼模式、仲裁模式、双边模式等等,这些模式有的实行成本和难度很大、有的还处于设想当中。本文在比较几种模式利弊的基础上,分析互惠返还协议(MBRAs模式),旨在论证这种模式在中国应用的可行性。  相似文献   
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