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A spatially explicit model of the optimal timing and location of land development is presented that incorporates dynamic interactions between land development and water quality. Ignoring two-way interactions leads to a lower level of water quality, more development, and lower social welfare. The optimal pace and pattern of development can be achieved through the assessment of an impact fee that internalizes pollution damages and irreversibility costs. Our results demonstrate the importance of accounting for the spatial dimension of land use, the interdependence between land use and environmental quality, and development irreversibility in models of urbanization and amenity-driven growth. 相似文献
基于面板数据的河南农村文化消费地区差异研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
利用2000---2009年河南各省辖市的统计数据,根据面板数据模型对河南省各地区农村文化消费主要影响因素的差异性进行分析,结果显示:高收入地区农村文化消费对价格和收入反应更敏感,而中低收入地区则受前期消费水平的影响较深,这说明河南省不同地区的农村居民由于收入水平的差异,所处的消费阶段并不完全相同,因此我们在制定政策时,应该考虑到这种阶段性的差异,有针对性的采取对策。 相似文献
黄汀 《湖南经济管理干部学院学报》2012,(6):104-108
从古今中外学者对“文化”概念的理解和文化价值批判理论出发,分析当代中国大众文化的“非文化化”现象,认为当前大众文化丧失了精神价值的视野和人文精神的关怀,导致文化的内在性价值逐渐失落而工具性价值却El益高扬。因此,制定切合中国实际情况的大众文化发展战略、正确处理好大众文化发展中经济价值和内在价值的关系以及实现主流文化、精英文化与大众文化的健康互动是大众文化重建的基本思路。 相似文献
酒店的跨文化管理——以广东东莞喜来登酒店为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着企业的国际化发展,跨文化管理问题也应运而生。文章在分析东莞喜来登酒店文化差异(中美文化差异)现象的基础上,探讨了该酒店跨文化管理存在的问题并提出了管理的建议。 相似文献
Lachlan B. Barber 《Journal of Heritage Tourism》2019,14(4):295-307
Hong Kong's retrocession to Chinese sovereignty in 1997 initiated intense interest in cultural heritage on the part of divergently positioned actors, including activists, the state, and entrepreneurs. Heritage walking tours have proliferated, providing a wide range of examples suitable for comparison. This article develops a typology of heritage trails and tours in order to consider how they are situated in relation to the tourist economy and local context. Theoretically it builds on insights in new walking studies and debates in tourism and heritage studies on the ‘tourist-local divide.’ The article relies on qualitative research conducted in Hong Kong, including participant observation and interviews, and a review of various secondary sources. The typology distinguishes between government-generated, market-oriented, and community-based heritage walks. Three key issues are discussed: the ways that tours and trails develop, how they engage with official and unofficial heritage places, and how they reference urban issues including state-led urban renewal and redevelopment. The article argues that, while walking in general is a format that is suited to both tourist and local visitor engagement, some trails and tours reinforce dominant narratives of heritage and urban space, while others challenge them. 相似文献
Trademarks protecting the brand name and associations are crucial in a brand's strategy, but little is known about the factors that determine a trademark's prolongation. To explain the prolongation of trademarks, the research estimated a multilevel hazard model accounting for trademark characteristics, firm's characteristics, and firm's country of origin national culture. The dataset comprises a census of 2911 trademarks in the US software security industry across an eight-year period, belonging to firms originating from 11 countries. The results indicate that a firm's culture of origin has a systematic effect on the types of trademark the firm is more likely to prolong and on the length of the prolongation. The age of the trademark, the number of categories where a particular trademark is present, and the age of the firm increase the likelihood of a trademark's prolongation. Larger and more innovative firms tend to terminate their trademarks earlier. 相似文献
Drawing on a multiple case study approach and data on eight entrepreneurial teams observed over six months this article develops a dynamic model of the consequences of equity distribution among team members. Perceived justice of equity distribution emerged as a key variable influencing entrepreneurial team interactions and important entrepreneurial outcomes. High perceived justice triggered positive team interaction spirals, whereas low perceived justice triggered negative interaction spirals. Teams exposed to external threats drifted from a positive spiral to a negative spiral despite high perceived justice. We discuss the implications of our study for research on entrepreneurial imprints, justice, and exit. 相似文献
《International Business Review》2023,32(1):102028
How can international joint ventures (IJVs) enhance value co-creation? Using a resource-based view (RBV), this study examines whether partners’ cultural compatibility and parent companies’ asset complementarity foster top-level cooperation and/or operating-level cooperation in IJVs and investigates the underlying mechanisms (i.e., top-level goal alignment and operating-level goal alignment) in IJV relationships. This study also scrutinizes the differing impacts of top-level and operating-level cooperation on value co-creation in IJVs. The findings from a survey of 200 IJVs in China show that partners’ cultural compatibility positively affects top-level cooperation primarily through top-level goal alignment, while asset complementarity positively affects operating-level cooperation through operating-level goal alignment. Furthermore, operating-level cooperation has a stronger effect on value co-creation than top-level cooperation. This study offers fresh insights into IJV cooperation and value co-creation by introducing a two-level perspective and provides important managerial implications for the development of sustainable IJVs. 相似文献