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Drawing on early sociological analyses of how power and intergroup conflicts can affect the development of modern economies, this paper investigates how the recent Global Crisis (GC) has affected the stratification of the US society. The paper argues that the consumerist society has reinforced the historical stratification of social identities with white men in high-paid, high-social status managerial and financial occupations at the top, and black women in low-paid, low-status service occupations at the bottom. This paper calls for a deconstruction of the neoliberal individual into a unique combination of identities in a stratified capitalist society in order to reveal how social stratification has evolved during the GC. The paper finally concludes on the importance of heterogeneous identities in reflecting the diversity of societal and economic interests in order to address the issues of financial stability and sustainability at the corporate and societal levels.  相似文献   
在Ginarte-Park方法的基础上,考虑到处于司法转型期的发展中国家的执法力度和立法强度,建立知识产权保护强度指标体系,将中国30个省、自治区、直辖市知识产权保护水平量化。接着运用面板数据分析方法,以人均实际GDP对数为被解释变量,以知识产权保护强度为解释变量,通过实证分析验证了我国加强知识产权保护与经济增长的关系,证明了中国的知识产权保护水平与经济增长之间的显著正相关关系。然后对东中西部地区分别进行实证分析,绘制了异常经济增长与知识产权保护强度的散点图,来作为稳健性检验的一部分。并通过对变量的相关系数矩阵图的分析,初步探讨了知识产权保护促进经济增长的具体路径。结果表明,在控制了时间效应后,知识产权保护强度能够解释省份个体效应的37.4%。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the relationship between government size and economic growth and determines the optimal level of government spending to maximize economic growth. The paper applies a dynamic panel data analysis based upon a threshold model to test the threshold effect of government spending in 26 transition economies over the period spanning 1993–2016. According to the analysis results, government expenditures have a threshold effect on economic growth, and there is a non-linear relationship depicted as an Armey curve in these transition economies. The findings indicate that a government size above the threshold government spending level adversely affects economic growth, while a government size below the threshold level has a positive effect. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant relationship between the two variables above and below that optimal level, even if we divide the sample into developed and developing countries. Our findings suggest that governments in transition economies should consider optimal government size at around the estimated threshold level to support sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   
印度小额信贷危机震惊了全球,唤醒了人们对高利率盈利模式的反思。近年来,印度小额贷款利率持续上升并维持于高位——而极高的利率并非基于成本和风险的考虑——挤出经营性贷款需求——借款人因无力偿债而引发社会危机。危机表明,高利率的小额贷款只会为其经营者带来持续的高利润,而借款人的生计则陷入不可持续的困境。中国小额信贷起步较晚,但在利率问题上存在同样盲区。高利率在中国同样难担脱贫之任,低收入者的希望是支付得起的低利模式,即信贷的互助合作。  相似文献   
This study examines the global nature of the recent crisis under bivariate Markov-switching models for pre- and post-crisis periods using the breakpoint of August 9, 2007. It quantifies international synchronization of boom-bust regime switches to investigate contagion-type dynamic comovements of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Global REIT markets display persistent bust regimes from September 2008 to May 2009, whereas the regime-switching patterns are not significant in the pre-crisis period. The results provide new evidence for global REIT contagion phenomena and suggest greater difficulties in diversifying risks across global REIT markets during the post-crisis period.  相似文献   
张凯  郝晓燕 《价值工程》2011,30(21):129-131
对财政支出结构的研究是当前我国的一个热门课题,它既可以帮助财政支出目标的实现,又可以考察财政支出结构是否促进经济增长。文章首先对财政支出的相关指标测算内蒙古财政支出的规模,其次根据财政支出职能划分内蒙古财政支出结构进行分析,然后应用回归模型分析内蒙古财政支出结构对经济增长的影响,最后根据以上分析的结论,提出优化内蒙古财政支出结构的相关建议。  相似文献   
商业银行效率是商业银行经营者追求的重要目标,也是当前银行理论研究的核心问题之一。本文按照时间顺序分别对国外和国内商业银行效率研究的进展情况进行了简要的梳理和回顾,介绍了在银行效率研究中广泛应用的前沿分析方法。特别是运用基于DEA的Malmquist指数分析商业银行效率的相关研究。  相似文献   
经济增长的变化本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去的一个世纪中,富裕国家的经济本质已经发生了巨大的变化。因此,文章提出“技术生理演变(technophysio evolution)”概念,即快速技术变化和人类生理进步的协同作用。这主要表现在以下三个方面:(1)消费结构和工作体闲时间分配的改变;(2)经济和家庭产出分配方面受高水平经济成就的影响;(3)全球市场迅速急剧转向耐用消费品和高科技服务。  相似文献   
基于人口普查和联合国的人口预测,本文分析了人口老龄化对劳动力供给、资本积累、支柱产业和技术进步等方面的不利影响。应对快速人口老龄化,必须树立科学人口发展观,分阶段放开一胎化生育政策,循序提高退休和领取养老保险年龄,同时制定与实施和人口结构变化相适应的产业规划,发展老龄产业,调整产业结构。  相似文献   
经济全球化背景下的我国税制改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革步伐的加快,尤其是我国于2001年12月11日正式成为WTO一员之后,我国经济的发展与世界经济更加紧密联系在一起,到了“你中有我,我中有你”,谁也离不开谁的地步。与此同时也对我国社会经济各个领域产生了巨大的冲击,在这种趋势下,必然要求革除原有税收体制弊端,建立一种与国际税收政策相协调的税收制度,以促进我国经济的进一步发展。  相似文献   
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