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战略性新兴中小企业发展面临着资金短缺、核心技术创新能力不强和资源整合能力不强等困境。在激烈的市场竞争中,战略性新兴中小企业发展必须向竞合战略转型,树立正确的以竞合联盟为基础的企业战略思想;组建战略联盟,提升竞合水平与质量;完善制度机制,维护、巩固企业间合作关系的平衡与稳定,在互利共赢中增强综合竞争力实现企业的长远发展。  相似文献   
2009年,美国政府宣布在经济复苏法案中拨款24亿美元支持电动汽车电池产业的发展,生产锂电池的A123系统公司获2.49亿美元拨款。A123虽获美国政府新兴产业政策的大力支持,但在美国能源法案关于资金用途的约束下,从辉煌走向崩塌,于2012年申请破产。A123的破产启示我们:政府培育新兴产业的政策要在尊重市场规律的前提下突出产品创新,提高产品的技术含量和成熟度;在新兴产业的发展过程中,最关键的是产品的技术含量,而对资金、人力资源起基础配置作用的是市场,若忽视产品的技术完善,背离市场规律,尽管政府扶持政策力度很大,也会出现政策失灵。  相似文献   
This paper examines the etic vs. emic nature of the new product creativity (NPC) construct often used in the strategic marketing and management literatures. The current study compares the NPC measure developed by Im and Workman (2004) in the West in an Eastern context by utilizing data from 172 Malaysian companies. The results show that NPC, which is the combination of new product (NP) novelty and NP meaningfulness, has a different connotation in Malaysia. The findings demonstrate that from the novelty perspective NPC is an emic phenomenon. After the construct validation process, the Western claim that NPC is a seed of firm performance is tested. The results verify NPC's relationship with NP performance as a source of competitive advantage for Malaysian firms and thus suggest that this relationship is etic in nature. These findings have significant implications for firms' global innovation strategies.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to understand the effects of international expansion on firms' acquisition of marketing learning. This study's focus on marketing learning complements previous research on the impact of internationalization on the development of foreign-market and technological knowledge. The research finds that the scope of a firm's international activities, perception of gaps in marketing knowledge, and external social capital positively influence firms' acquisition of marketing learning. However, firm's age at initial international market entry appears not to be a significant factor. The study adds to the very limited body of research on the marketing learning outcomes of international expansion, while also offering rare empirical insights from the Middle East on this important subject matter. The paper discusses implications for international managers, policy makers, and future researchers.  相似文献   

The transition to adulthood, often accompanied by an emptying of the family nest, has implications for family relationships, identities and consumption practices. Despite this, the voices and experiences of emerging adults are largely missing from literature on family consumption. Emerging adult families typically combine digital natives and digital immigrants, but little is known about how their interactions around digital communications technology relate to emerging adult preoccupations with affiliation and autonomy. This interpretive study explores how emerging adults’ smartphones are bound up with a complex network of family communication and consumption practices, often across household, geographic and generational boundaries. Affiliation and autonomy emerged as intertwined rather than competing dimensions of participants’ smartphone use, contributing to the distribution and development of family as the nest empties.  相似文献   
亓松松 《商》2014,(23):121-124
科学技术是第一生产力,掌握了强大的自主创新能力,就把握了未来发展的主动权。文章从湛江市经济发展和科技创新的现状入手,运用现状分析和对比分析研究方法对湛江市的科技创新进行审视和分析,发现其存在的问题,从而构建科技创新体系,助推湛江经济崛起。  相似文献   
中国跨国企业如何适应新兴市场的不确定性?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"VUCA"特征愈加凸显的新全球化时代下,企业赖以生存的海外市场环境和发展路径遭到破坏,能否更好地适应和应对海外市场的环境不确定性,成为企业生存与发展的关键。本文基于组织注意力视角,选取特变电工集团的3家海外子公司作为研究对象,通过多案例研究设计,探讨了中国跨国企业在新兴市场所面临的环境不确定性及其适应路径选择。研究发现:(1)中国跨国企业在新兴市场面临的环境不确定性来源于东道国宏观环境层面的制度因素以及组织竞争环境层面的任务因素,并且企业在不同新兴市场所面临的这两个维度的不确定性程度有差异,从而导致其面临的环境不确定性具有异质性特征;(2)在考虑嵌入环境不确定性的异质性特征的基础上,企业注意力焦点选择也有所不同,呈现出威胁倾向、机会倾向及两者并重这三种注意力配置倾向;(3)在环境不确定性的异质性与注意力配置倾向交互作用下,中国跨国企业采取嵌入型、能动型以及整合型适应策略来应对环境变化,并最终形成三种路径来实现企业在新兴市场的适应性。本文立足于新兴市场情境,解构了中国跨国企业在新兴市场所面临的环境不确定性的来源及具体表现,构建了中国企业在新兴市场实现适应性的路径选择模型,为中国企业更好地适应复杂多变的国际环境贡献新的见解和启示。  相似文献   
Relaxing restrictive rules of origin (ROO) in preferential market access can promote exports in developing economies by improving input sourcing flexibility, but actual ROO impacts remain an empirical question. This paper examines the European Union’s trade preferences, where origin requirements for knit and woven garment products were relaxed for beneficiaries in the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (IEPA) from 2008 and for those in the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme from 2011, respectively. The results show that ROO liberalization had little aggregate impact on knit and woven garment exports in IEPA beneficiaries, but increased the export values of woven garments in EBA beneficiaries by 36.3% during the post-period. Among EBA beneficiaries, duty-free imports of woven garments from Bangladesh and Cambodia into the EU increased sharply after ROO liberalization. These countries increased imported fabric from China, consistent with the theoretical prediction of ROO impacts. Thus, the impact of ROO on exports is heterogeneous across products and countries.  相似文献   
近年来,连云港市战略性海洋新兴产业虽发展较快,但海洋资源和区位优势尚未得到充分发挥,在发展中还存在着诸如政策体系不完善、高层次人才匮乏、融资渠道狭窄、产业链条较短等一些迫切需要解决的问题。为此,连云港市应把握机遇、迎接挑战,目前应重点发展海洋生物医药业、海洋装备制造业、清洁能源产业、海水综合利用业、现代海洋商务服务业、滨海旅游业等六大产业,抢占战略性海洋新兴产业发展制高点,努力建成江苏战略性海洋新兴产业发展示范区。当务之急,要在政策体系构建、高层次人才队伍培养、融资渠道拓展、龙头企业培育、产业链条完善等几个方面多下功夫。  相似文献   
陕西发展战略性新兴产业的路径选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快培育战略性新兴产业是陕西发展现代产业体系、推进工业经济转型升级的重要途径。陕西发展战略性新兴产业面临多重有利和不利条件。文章利用陕西2001-2011年时间序列数据构建了一个多元回归模型,分析发现,新兴产业发展与固定资本、人力资本、经济发展水平、科研投入和政策环境之间存在显著的正相关关系。据此提出陕西在发展战略性新兴产业过程中,要增强自主创新能力、提升投融资水平、加大市场培育力度、创造有利政策环境等具体建议。  相似文献   
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