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在总结黑龙江大兴安岭林区能源-经济-环境(3E)系统发展现状的基础上,构建林区3E系统协调度评价指标体系,选用距离型协调度评价模型对其3E系统和任意两子系统之间的协调度进行定量分析,发现2004~2013年间林区的3E系统处于失调状态,而能源系统是制约3E系统发展的关键因素。因此,应该以提高能源系统发展水平为目标,从能源开发、消费的角度出发,构建以政府为主导、林区企业为载体、林区居民为受益者的能源系统优化体系。  相似文献   
Extending resistance theories, this article examines multi-method data spanning over seven years of events related to a holiday market. In the context of Valentine's Day, the authors present findings and develop knowledge on anti-consumption and alternative consumption. Specifically, this article introduces the recurring events of gift-resistance, retail-resistance, and market-resistance. Such consumer resistance often coexists with movements towards individualism and creation of more unique alternative consumption traditions.  相似文献   
Past research on gambling behavior has focused largely on cognitive and affective explanations, but has not explored the influence of past gambling behavior or habit. In this study, it was hypothesized that gambling behavior followed predictable patterns based on past behavior. We found that these patterns could be described by the negative binomial distribution (NBD) and NBD–Dirichlet models at game and category levels, respectively. An empirical study using the 1999 Australia Productivity Commission survey dataset provided some support for the usefulness of these models in describing gambling consumption. The paper explores the implications for identifying problem gambling and influencing gamblers’ behavior.  相似文献   
Using panel data from Illinois grain farmers, a direct test of the relationship between income risk and farm consumption behavior is conducted. The estimation results indicate that income risk significantly affects farm consumption and the results are robust using alternative risk measures. This finding casts doubt on the relevance of the conventional life-cycle permanent income hypothesis, which implies that risk has no effect on consumption.  相似文献   
Luxury marketing research has moved from functional product attributes to a ‘democratized’ view in emerging economies. This seems to be based on the development of interactive and digital communications. Luxury research studies have historically focused on the brand's and marketer's perspectives. Thus, little attention has been given to the consumer's view of what we consider to be the individual drivers, i.e., the ‘inner and outer self’ and how that impacts luxury consumption. This paper presents a framework of luxury and self, using concepts such as interdependent or outer, independent or inner, and a new concept of ‘digital self’. These appear as three levels of luxury consumption, i.e., conspicuous, individual, and interactive. The interdependent self is influenced by the external motives and leads to conspicuous luxury behavior. Individual self is affected by internal motives and thus influences individual luxury consumption. Digital self affects the networks of motive and relationships and thereby impacts interactive luxury consumption and behavior.  相似文献   
“互联网+”促进我国消费升级的效应与机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王茜 《财经论丛》2016,(12):94-102
“互联网+”时代的消费升级具有追求个性化、品质化、体验化、情感化的本质特征。“互联网+”不仅可以影响生产的数量和层次,即催生供给侧革命,而且可以影响消费的数量和层次,即催生需求侧革命。“互联网+”通过对传统产业消费主体、消费客体与消费载体的整合改造,使传统产业通过互联网实现产业间互联互通,重塑消费环境、重建消费逻辑与重整消费层次。“互联网+”通过打造多点支撑的消费增长格局,培育和发展消费新热点和新兴消费,从而实现从需求侧推动消费升级。“互联网+”通过驱动制造业转型升级,推进生产组织模式变革,推动个性化定制生产方式,从而实现从供给端发力促进消费升级。  相似文献   
Can Consumers Buy Responsibly? Analysis and Solutions for Market Failures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses one of the business case arguments for social responsibility: that corporate social responsibility plans are rewarded by consumers. This paper explores the ability of consumers to buy responsibly, identifies the main obstacles for responsible consumption, and suggests conditions for it to work. The review of previous studies leads us to conclude that consuming responsibly is seen as a time consuming activity, economically disadvantageous, and stressful. The main thesis of this paper is that unless market failures are corrected, consumers will not be able to buy responsibly, and therefore, market incentives for CSR are seriously threatened.
Carmen ValorEmail:
The present article discusses how an ethical and environmental labelling system can be implemented in fashion garment markets. Consumers act in markets that provide them with more information than their limited cognitive capacity allows them to handle. Ethical and environmental labelling in markets characterized by change, such as the fashion garment market, makes decision‐making even more complicated. The ethical and environmental labelling system proposed here is designed to alleviate firms' administrative burden and give consumers more choice. It proposes that information on ethical and environmentally friendly production should be combined to enable consumers to decide whether they want to contribute an extra sum for the item they purchase in the store, which would then be transferred to the workers or an environmental organization. The beneficiaries – garment workers in developing countries and environmental organizations – would decide what to do with the money. This is a simpler and more direct solution than those suggested by scholars and activists trying to solve the problems of ‘sweatshops’ and the environmental consequences of the production of fashion garments. It also reduces administration compared with existing systems. At the same time, it can be implemented alongside systems based on strict regulation of production.  相似文献   
This article examines the link between obesity and compensatory consumption in the context of jewelry shopping. Study 1 finds that participants with higher body mass indices are willing to pay more for a jewelry item. Study 2 generalizes this finding by documenting that jewelry store sales are higher in places with greater obesity rates. Using Google Trends data, Study 3 shows that the search interest for jewelry stores increases with the obesity rate and that this relationship is mediated by people's dissatisfaction with their current weight as revealed by their search activity. Finally, supporting the self-discrepancy account, Study 4 shows that the use of self-related and discrepancy words together in jewelry-related tweets is more pronounced in places with greater obesity rates. These findings collectively help enhance the field's understanding of the consumption behavior of people who are part of a large stigmatized group.  相似文献   
综述了近年来国内外苯胺的生产、消费状况及对2006年中国和世界主要国家在不同消费领域对苯胺的需求预测.针对目前中国苯胺的生产状况和面临的一些不利因素,提出了中国苯胺的生产和发展建议.  相似文献   
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