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新自由主义经济学重要代表人物哈耶克与弗里德曼等人都以其经济学认识论与方法论而著称。在哈耶克的自发秩序原理和弗里德曼的货币主义理论中,个体人的自由行动构成为最基本的概念范畴,进而在自由竞争的市场体制下促成了资本主义的繁荣发展。随着二十世纪七十年代新自由主义的兴起及其全球化资本主义的盛行,其反思与批判成为了现代政治经济学的核心议题,并对马克思主义的时代发展具有重要比较意义。  相似文献   
互联互通是一个世界性的监管难题,但又是电信业改革的基础。如果没有互联互通,新兴的运营商就难以进入市场,电信业的竞争发展就无从谈起。从我国实际情况出发,有效成分定价原则和整体价格上限法的综合运用不但能提高企业效率,降低成本,促进行业竞争,而且能避免掠夺性定价行为,价格战等行为的发生,它是我国现阶段可以考虑的一种较优的接入定价选择。  相似文献   
Sustainable Tourism: Ethical Alternative or Marketing Ploy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While tourism is often seen as a welcome source of economic development, conventional mass tourism is associated with numerous negative effects, such as the destruction of ecological systems and loss of cultural heritage. In response to these concerns, a term that has surfaced recently is, sustainable tourism. This article attempts to define sustainable tourism and asks the question of whether this new term is an acceptable criteria or is merely a marketing ploy to attract the morally conscious tourist. Paul Lansing is a professor of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received a J.D. Degree and a Graduate Degree in International Business. Paul De Vries received an M.Sc BA, in Strategic Management from the Rotterdam School of Management, RSM Erasmus University.  相似文献   
本文根据目前车用粉末涂料的发展态势,详细分析了我国粉末涂料发展缓慢的原因及其品种性能、介绍了粉末浆涂料涂装的优点及制备工艺、国外汽车粉末涂料制备技术取得进展、透视了粉末涂料市场概况;并指出了国外粉末涂料、涂装的发展趋势。  相似文献   
Global sourcing (GS) is a firmly established phenomenon in modern business practice that requires specific expertise from different organizational functions, such as purchasing, production, logistics, and research and development to analyze and select sourcing alternatives effectively. In this context, global sourcing decision‐making (GSDM) processes pose major challenges because two dimensions of functional politics, namely goal misalignment and power imbalance across functions, appear to influence procedural rationality in a manner not understood to date. Likewise, intuition also seems to play a role for the procedural rationality of GSDM processes. To elucidate the conditions under which procedural rationality is hampered or enhanced by politics and intuition, we studied five cross‐functional GSDM processes, in front of extant strategic decision‐making literature. We derive formal propositions on how functional politics and intuition influence the procedural rationality and present contingencies for the divergent role of intuition as well as functional politics in GDSM processes. Our research contributes to existing GS literature by providing a theoretical model of important microfoundations of how GSDM processes evolve. The findings also guide managers on how to structure GSDM processes such that GS projects can be conducted in a more rational fashion.  相似文献   
This paper sheds light on the international spillovers of China's reforms in upgrading industrial capabilities, liberalizing capital account, internationalizing the renminbi, and transition to flexible exchange rates. Drawing on two-country New Keynesian model of endogenous entry and portfolio adjustment, we find that China's industrial upgrading that peddles on yuan appreciation lifts all boats through global production network irrespective of capital account convertibility, degree of renminbi internationalization, and exchange rate reform. Feasibility of appreciation-driven upgrading is called into question, however, when renminbi reform and capital account liberalization go in parallel. We also show that international spillovers disappear once renminbi internationalization is associated with liberalized capital account and flexible renminbi exchange rates.  相似文献   
To advance theoretical understanding of consumer engagement on social media, this cross-cultural study evaluates how culture influences consumers’ engagement levels and activities on brand pages of social network sites. It further evaluates the underlying motivations and engagement mechanisms in two culturally distinct countries, China and the USA. Specifically, social media dependency, parasocial interaction, and community identification are examined as the key antecedents of consumer-brand engagement. The results confirm the effects of the proposed antecedents and reveal both cultural differences and similarities between Chinese and American consumers’ engagement with brand pages on social network sites.  相似文献   
在处理全球卫星导航系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)卫星信号时,针对模数转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter,ADC)量化位数不同导致输出的信号信噪比下降的问题,推导了阵列天线波束形成后输出信号的信噪比理论计算模型,分析了ADC量化位数对阵列天线抗干扰GNSS接收机的性能影响。在7阵元天线且ADC量化位数为10的条件下,理论模型分析和数据仿真结果表明最大抗干扰能力约为85 dB。通过确定ADC量化位数与抗干扰GNSS接收机抗干扰能力之间的关系,其结论为工程应用中抗干扰GNSS接收机的ADC选型和设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
本文从贸易和金融渠道对我国受到其他新兴经济体的外部冲击的可能性进行了评估,并借助GVAR(Global Vector Auto-Regressive)模型方法,考虑了世界各国的交互影响来分析新兴市场国家的宏观经济波动对中国进出口产生的影响。研究发现,区域内的新兴经济市场对我国影响更为显著,韩国、印度、中国香港发生宏观经济波动时对我国进出口贸易可能造成较大的影响。基本上,中国对外贸易对韩国遭受冲击后的反应快且大,但受影响时间较短,人民币汇率波动在应对外部冲击时发挥了一定作用。中国和印度贸易合作关系大于竞争关系。  相似文献   
李峰  张贵 《北方经贸》2011,(3):43-45
本土企业攀升全球价值链不仅是改变产业“低端道路”的路径依赖,也是发展中国家摆脱发达国家“俘获”的重要选择。以天津市电子信息产业为例,从跨国公司市场势力、产业链垂直预占及产业定位三个方面分析制约本土企业产业升级的因素。应明确产业定位、提升产业链创新能力、培育产业合作网络.  相似文献   
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