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传统植入式广告多以实体产品为对象,体验性产品的植入对受众记忆和行为意向的影响缺乏足够的关注。文章以旅游景点为例的实验研究表明,(1)受众对植入景点的记忆与其对精彩程度、喜爱程度评价存在“U”型关系;(2)受众对植入景点的旅游偏好和推荐意愿在影片播出后即时效应很高,一周后呈现显著下降趋势;(3)路线设计及报价的平面广告较好地启动了受众的比较和计算,从选择自己最大程度可实现的旅游决策方案;图片和口碑传播启动了受众对景区精彩和喜爱元素的记忆,从而表达出更高的旅游偏好和推荐意愿。(4)旅游偏好和推荐意愿具有类似的启动效应,受众自己向往的旅游景点也乐意推荐给他人。 相似文献
Po-Lin Pan 《食品市场学杂志》2014,20(2):132-145
This study was designed to examine antecedent factors that yielded a model of purchase intention of dietary supplements in sexually oriented advertising. Results suggested that sexual cognition, gender difference, individual attitude toward advertisements, and product involvement were yielded as key predictors toward people's purchase intention of dietary supplements. However, sexually oriented advertising did not considerably increase their purchase intention. A regression analysis also loaded sexual cognition and product involvement as two key determinants in the model of purchase intention of dietary supplements. Moreover, people with a more positive level of sexual cognition significantly resulted in their higher degree of purchase intention of dietary supplements. 相似文献
《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(3):477-491
In-store displays aim to boost sales of both utilitarian and hedonic products. Noting typical differences in the information processing and purchase behavior evoked by these product types, and building on congruency theory principles, the authors propose that different types of in-store displays (i.e., island, end-of-aisle, or shelf signage) are more appropriate for utilitarian versus hedonic products, and the use of price or product promotions might reinforce these effects. With a database that combines three data sources (scanner, observational, and survey), this article presents an analysis of a market share model at the SKU level. The results confirm that in-store displays have differential effects on sales, depending on their characteristics; congruency between the decision-making process of utilitarian versus hedonic products and the characteristics of in-store display types moderates their effectiveness in terms of SKU sales. Shelf signage strongly increases the sales of utilitarian products, whereas island and end-of-aisle displays increase sales of hedonic product categories more effectively. The use of congruent promotions creates synergistic influences that reinforce these effects. In particular, price promotions improve the impact of shelf signage on utilitarian products, and product promotions strengthen the impacts of island and end-of-aisle displays on hedonic products. These results extend prior research on in-store marketing actions and the nature of utilitarian versus hedonic products, as well as providing recommendations for retailers and manufacturers seeking to optimize their retail space and commercial budgets. 相似文献
欧美农产品最低价格和目标价格在农产品市场供求关系、进出口政策和政府财政能力等约束之下,长期密切配合,共同促进了欧美农产品产量和农民收入的稳定增长。保护性收购方式下的最低价格干扰了市场价格的形成,非保护性收购方式下的最低价格对市场价格的形成没有影响,目标价格有效维护了供求关系决定价格的市场机制。最低价格和目标价格的使用与农产品供求状况没有必然联系,而最低价格的执行方式由农业资源禀赋和农产品供求关系决定。我国农产品的最低收购价抬高了市场价格,但其“拖市”功能有利于稳定农产品生产,而目标价格的反周期功能可稳定农民收入。因此,为保障国家粮食安全,我国不能以农产品目标价格取代最低价格,而应分品种施策不同的农产品价格支持政策。 相似文献
M. Laura Donnet Dave D. Weatherspoon Charles B. Moss 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》2010,61(1):122-137
Food quality ratings can be used for product differentiation and strategic marketing. This article develops a differentiation measure based on the cross‐entropy of two distributions for speciality coffees. It examines whether quality ratings achieve their objectives for speciality coffee supply chains. The estimation, using e‐auctions data, indicates that the quality rating is more informative in the Cup of Excellence (CofE) relative to the Q auction. To determine significance, a statistical test for comparing the information measure across different e‐auctions and segments of the quality rating was developed. The significant difference between the two auctions is not a surprise as the auctions trade coffee lots of different volumes and the quality evaluation is more important in the case of the CofE, with its jury of renowned coffee experts. The total cross‐entropy measure of product differentiation shows that the 100‐point quality rating does not carry the same information content and meaning in the two different e‐auctions and their respective supply chains. The cross‐entropy measure of product differentiation is shown to be a good indicator of the information and the value created throughout the speciality food supply chain. 相似文献
Timothy R. Davis Fredoun Z. Ahmadi‐Esfahani Susana Iranzo 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2008,52(4):401-417
Oversupply has led to a number of perplexities for the Australian wine industry in recent times. When disaggregated from the industry level, however, the problem can be better described as a range of attribute‐specific disequilibria. To date, the solutions to this problem have predominantly revolved around supply‐side policies of reducing output through crop thinning or vine pulling. By contrast, this paper focuses on the demand side and argues that the disequilibria may be reduced by gaining a better understanding of the demand for Australian wine. A discrete choice model of product differentiation is used to estimate the demand for wine in Australia's second largest export market, the United States. Implications of the analysis are explored. 相似文献
[目的]基于1980—2015分5年1期的京津冀地区各县市播种总面积,以及14类农产品播种面积、产量等数据。研究京津冀地区各农产品的集聚程度、集聚结构稳定性以及集聚的空间分布与转移,为政府因地制宜地制定农业政策,农产品加工企业的选址提供数据支持与参考。[方法]综合运用区位商、基尼系数、产业集中率以及重心分析法,分析京津冀地区农业生产的地理集聚和时空演变特征。[结果](1)稻谷、大豆、薯类、棉花、果园、水产和禽蛋的集聚度在不断地增强; 小麦、玉米、油料、肉类和林业的集聚度保持相对稳定; 蔬菜和牛奶的集聚度在不断地降低。(2)SQ与Q>1两者总体呈反向变化,即Q>1的值减小,农作物SQ值增加,集聚程度增强;Q>1的值增加,农作物SQ值减小,集聚程度降低。(3)不同行业农产品的集聚度高低为:水产业>林业>畜牧业>经济作物(含蔬菜和果园)>粮食作物,且经济作物和粮食作物的集聚度在不断的增强。(4)各农产品的生产结构稳定性大小排列:玉米>水产>小麦>蔬菜>果园>稻谷>牛奶>大豆>肉类>薯类>油料>林产品>棉花>禽蛋。[结论]京津冀地区农产品集聚度总体在提高,少数农产品的集聚度在降低; 各农产品生产重心总体朝着京津冀外围转移。 相似文献
Traditionally, accounting has evolved as a technique. Practitioners and academics have striven to improve the technical features of accounting. Now, accounting is conceived increasingly as an organizational artefact which interacts with other organizational practices in shaping organizational reality. Taking a broad perspective of management control, this paper aims at contributing to our knowledge of accounting in this second sense and identifying some Swedish contributions to the tool-box of accounting. In reviewing the development of models of accounting information in Sweden mainly since World War II, different factors explaining the evolution of each model are identified. Analyses of these factors reveal that different groups of actors have been engaged in the development of different parts of the accounting information system (AIS). It is also noted that the introduction of models that are widely applied has delayed the emergence of new models better adapted to the current situation in business. Comparisons will be made with the development in some other countries. 相似文献
导航产品与商业银行产品创新的实践与思考 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
长期以来,产品易于被竞争对手模仿及保持市场优势时间短,成为制约商业银行产品创新的“瓶颈”。目前国内商业银行需要经历机制性的组织变化才能逾越产品创新的难关,因而要求在组织管理层中有能动的“导航者”。导航者的作用在于使组织的创新机制运作顺畅、培养有创新能力的团队及引入合适的创新技术,从而改善组织的产品创新效果、塑造组织的产品创新文化。有鉴于此,要求导航者要具备必要的知识、投入足够的精力及承担潜在的风险。本文通过案例银行的具体产品创新实例,分析了导航者如何导航产品创新的开展,使理论与实际结合,具有一定的应用价值。 相似文献
生态旅游市场营销内涵及其产品策略 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
本文认为生态旅游市场营销包括生态旅游理念营销和生态旅游产品营销,并从生态旅游产品的概念、生态旅游产品生命周期营销策略、生态旅游产品组合策略、生态旅游产品开发策略等方面论述了生态旅游市场营销的产品策略。 相似文献