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Claudia Amonini Geoffrey N. Soutar Jillian C. Sweeney 《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(1-2):28-55
Abstract This study investigates how professional service firms (PSFs) compete in the market. Drawing on strategic marketing literature, a managerial rather than customer perspective is adopted. The study investigates the competitive positions sought by professional service providers and the specific marketing activities actually undertaken to achieve these positions. Thirty-seven depth interviews with senior management from a range of PSFs indicate that firms seek to differentiate themselves by developing long-term relationships, providing better service quality and greater value, and developing brands with strong reputations. Organisations typically seek such interrelated competitive positions simultaneously. A list of marketing activities used by the PSFs to achieve these competitive positions offers practical insights into the specific activities needed to achieve the various competitive positions sought. 相似文献
由于行业代表性不强、结构性失衡、定位不明确、专业化水平低等原因,导致我国行业协会在化解外贸争端方面发挥失利。在应对外贸争端时,行业协会应通过积极参与外贸预警、开展对外公关、组织企业应诉等事前、事中、事后行动成为应对贸易摩擦的主要力量;通过搜集不公平贸易信息,代表行业利益积极开展贸易救济申诉,实行技术性贸易措施,成为对外贸易救济中的主要力量。最后提出健全相关法律法规,深化改革、去除行政色彩,全力打造专业化、职业化、年轻化的人才队伍等发展对策。 相似文献
新时期农民专业合作社发展面临的问题及对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
农民专业合作社作为一种互助性经济组织既是实现家庭分散经营与市场经济对接的有效途径,也是我国破解“三农”问题的较好选择,其自身的发展关系重大。在新时期,我国农民专业合作社的进一步发展面临法律法规单一、财税信贷政策扶持力度不够、农业风险防范滞后和分配机制不完善等问题,应通过完善立法,加强财税、信贷支持,加强风险防范和规范分配机制等措施促进农民专业合作社的可持续发展。 相似文献
This case describes the development process of Fu Yuan Guan, a Chinese time-honored brand. Through privatization, Fu Yuan Guan survived and rapidly captured its market. However, the family business management style proved to be a bottleneck during further expansion. There is a need to recruit qualified professional managers to improve the overall management of the firm but it seems there are challenges in doing so. This case describes the daily operationalization of this family firm together with the approach of top managers, with the purpose of exhibiting how its internal management is implemented. 相似文献
基于2012~2015年深沪两市A股上市公司样本数据,对经营绩效反馈和企业广告投入之间的关系进行了理论分析和实证检验,并进一步考察了环境不确定性的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)当企业未实现资本市场经营预期时,随着实际绩效低于经营预期程度的增大,企业广告投入将减少;(2)当企业实现资本市场经营预期时,随着实际绩效高于经营预期程度的增大,企业广告投入将增加;(3)当企业未实现资本市场经营预期时,与低不确定性环境相比,高不确定性环境中企业经营绩效负反馈对广告投入的负向影响将增强;(4)当企业实现资本市场经营预期时,与低不确定性环境相比,高不确定性环境中企经营绩效正反馈对企业广告投入的正向影响将增强。 相似文献
美国Autodesk公司开发的AutoCAD(Computer Aided Design)软件,具有可视化界面和交互式绘图功能的工程图绘制平台。同传统的手工绘图相比,用它绘图速度更快,精度更高,便于修改,是目前全球用户最多的数字化设计工具,怎样提高高职艺术设计专业学生的职业素质和动手能力,树立职教意识,以学生为中心,结合就业岗位,实施项目化教学,强化技能培养,在现有教学条件和模式的基础上寻找适合高职艺术设计类专业cad课程的教学方法,成为我们AutoCAD教学工作的关键。 相似文献
2006年2月15日,我国财政部发布了最新<企业会计准则>,宣告中国建立了完整的会计准则体系.新会计准则在很大程度上规范了财务信息的披露行为,压缩了投机性盈余管理的操作空间,削弱了企业管理层利用其进行投机性盈余管理的广度、深度与频度,会计准则对盈余管理起着关键的制约作用.针对会计准则制定的不尽完善及其尚未规范的空白地带,我国会计准则的制定机构,应细化准则中的公允价值概念,健全会计准则的解释与评价机制,优化准则制定程序,为堵塞恶意盈余管理行为构建一套科学高效的财务信息披露机制. 相似文献
In recent public administration literature, much attention is paid to changes in public service values, including ethical values, that guide public service. This paper reports on the results of an empirical survey conducted among a group of Turkish governors and district governors (including those in service and retired) who are from different generations. By focusing on the transformation of value preferences of Turkish governors and district governors, this study tries to identify variations in values, particularly about public service ethics, in accordance with the age and the length of tenure in public service. The findings of the research show a traditional and more or less consistent value pattern for Turkish governors and district governors. The most important public service values expressed by the respondents are consistent with often-mentioned crucial public service values in the literature. New or emerging values have not been present enough among the most important public service values. In brief, the results do not lend support to the often-assumed hypothesis that traditional public service values are devaluated or degraded by the emergence of businesslike values. In other words, new emerging values could not sneak into the public service culture in any convincing manner in spite of many years of NPM rhetoric and recipes. 相似文献
金秋蓉 《四川商业高等专科学校学报》2013,(1):6-12
职业语文将职业活动与语言应用有机融合在一起,这样语文教育将由传统的“知识传授、能力训练”两个维度延伸为“认识事物、与人共处、处理信息与展开思维”四个维度。强调突出了理解、解释在语言能力生成机制中的作用,强调在具体的语境中进行对话,建构思想,为学生的语言能力生成提供合理的、可靠的文化背景。 相似文献